In fact, it is not too difficult to understand, just take Stella as an example.

She hopes to become more powerful, and at the same time, the power of the devil also responded to her.

But there are countless ways to become stronger, how to choose?

This involves my own thoughts, or will.

Stella's power is a dragon, and most of its manifestations are light and heat.

Deep in her heart, surpassing Yuntian to become stronger, becoming stronger than anyone else and then defending her homeland, these things are more important than anything else.

If this can be achieved, it doesn't matter to Stella whether she is human or not.

Obviously, in the girl's cognition, the dragon is stronger than the human.

Therefore, she will evolve in the direction of a giant dragon, and the power she can use will also be an infinite improvement of light and heat in the form of expression.

In the final analysis, this is Stella's own wish, because she doesn't regard the identity of human being as important, and the power of the devil will make you evolve in the direction that you think is important.

'Become stronger!Beyond the sky!Defend the motherland! '

'No matter what the price! '

It was this thought that turned Stella into a dragon.

If she is unswerving and wants to become stronger as a human being, it will not change.

Just like Edwards.

When Edelweiss pushed open the door of the devil, he was thinking about... losing weight. she went from being a fat-prone physique to a non-fat-fat physique.

To be honest, when Yuntian heard this for the first time, he was completely dumbfounded.

The effect of 'Super Awakening' is to lose weight... He almost couldn't look directly at the devil in this world.

Of course, there is something to give, perhaps because it is too extreme in evolution, so Edelweiss is also quite extreme in terms of strength improvement.

Perhaps part of the reason why she can become the pinnacle of this world is because of this.

It is precisely because there is such a wonderful example that Yuntian can be sure that the changes brought about by the power of the devil are related to consciousness.

Yuntian didn't intend to tell Hei Nai the detailed information to this level, after all, it was his lover's little secret, and he didn't intend to share it with others.

However, the conclusion is unmistakable.

He can tell Kurono with certainty that demonization does not absolutely turn people into monsters.

As for whether Heinao will believe it, and how much he believes, that is not within the scope of Yuntian's responsibility.


Kurono left.

When she left, the tangled expression on her face was more serious than when she came.

There was nothing I could do about it.

After all, after receiving so much information at once, she needs to think about how to go in the future.

With Kurono's departure, the room became quiet again.

But this time Yun Tian didn't read the student handbook, but kept staring at the door without taking his eyes off it.

Ten seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes...

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, at four and a half minutes, a small head poked in from outside the door, and greeted Yun Tian with some embarrassment.

"That, that... yo! Concubine, concubine came to see you!"

"Oh, you are the one who brought the chairman here."

Yun Tian's icy eyes made Ning Yin shrink her neck unconsciously, and then walked in a bit embarrassed,

"The concubine just paid a little attention and suggested that Xiao Hei come over and have a chat with you."

"By the way, it was hidden very well, Xiao Hei didn't even find me, Xiao Yun, how did you find out!"

"You really think the chairman didn't find out..." Yun Tian sighed helplessly.

These two people, who were worried about each other's knots, quietly used words to lure each other to themselves, and wanted him to enlighten them.

The other one obviously saw it, but didn't expose it, but honestly followed the other party's wishes and came to find himself.

It was the same just now, Mingming had noticed that Ning Yin was outside the door, but Hei Nao pretended not to notice at all, allowing the other party to eavesdrop outside the door.

This tacit understanding is really...

"So why are you two not together..."

"I don't even know about myself! Xiao Hei didn't choose me in the end, what can I do!"

"...You don't even deny it."

"Xiao Zhuo, that bastard! He snatched Xiao Hei away before I knew it!"

"..." Looking at Ning Yin who became furious, Yun Tian didn't know how to continue the conversation.

Originally, he just wanted to make a joke, to retaliate against Ning Yin for the trouble he caused him in a teasing way.

But judging from Ning Yin's reaction...

Is it really poaching? ? ?

At this moment, Yuntian felt endless admiration for the man Xingongsi Zhuohai.


After complaining for a while, Ning Yin calmed down.

She looked at Yun Tian with a look of anticipation, and asked as if little stars were about to fly out of her eyes:

"How is the result?"

"What was Xiao Hei's last reaction?"

"Did you just decide to abandon your husband and son, and then announce your comeback as a demon and come back to fight me!"

Chapter 457 If this is not love~

I have to say, with Ning Yin's petite figure and her expectant eyes, she really looks like a cute little lolita.

So Yun Tian showed her a gentle smile, and then said:

"wishful thinking!"


One hit kill!

Ningyin sinks...

"Why!" After only a few seconds of depression, Ning Yin recovered.

Immediately afterwards, he asked perplexedly and unwillingly:

"I think the explanation you gave is sufficient. Without the worry of becoming a monster, Xiao Hei will have no reason to refuse to become a demon."

"...I didn't just say that to the chairman." Yun Tian looked at Ning Yin with a heartless expression, and sighed helplessly.

"You should be clear, you are not far from becoming a monster now."

Yun Tian's words made Ning Yin pause, but only for a moment.

She covered up her abnormality almost instantly, and then said in a relaxed tone:

"Hmph, I haven't fallen to the point where students worry about me."

"And it's not all Xiao Hei's fault. After she retired, there was no place to vent her concubine's desires."

"Besides, I'm different from Xiao Hei."

"Being human is not that important to me."

"Heh." Yun Tian glanced at Ning Yin with disdain, and then squeezed out a sneer from the corner of his mouth.

This expression directly caused Ning Yin's veins to twitch, and she stared at him fiercely with low pressure.

"Stinky boy... If you have anything to say, just say it, and see if I don't beat you all over the place!"

"Well, I was just thinking... the self-deceiving teacher Ning Yin is quite cute."

"Eh?! But, cute... No, no, no! What is self-deception! How am I deceiving myself!"

Compared to Heinuo, Ning Yin is much more noisy.

Although the voice wasn't too loud, she seemed to have been complaining since entering the door.

However, although he is obviously more lively, he is even more unwilling to face his own heart than Kurono.

"So who is the teacher, really..." Stretching out his hand and rubbing his forehead, Yun Tian finally sighed helplessly.

"If you hadn't resisted yourself, you would have been able to carry out the 'Super Awakening' long ago."

To be honest, the talents of Hei Nao and Ning Yin are quite terrifying.

One felt the existence of 'Super Awakening' outside the door, and the other touched the boundary of 'Super Awakening' not long after awakening.


"You resisted that force yourself, just like when the chairman refused to push open the door of the devil."

"Shouldn't it be said that they are close friends and old enemies? The two are really exactly the same in their choices."

Looking at the silent Ning Yin, Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

Then he asked a little curiously:

"Why do you resist? It's not because you're really afraid of becoming a monster, right?"

When he was in Pojun Academy, Yun Tian often acted with Ning Yin because of his practice.

Therefore, I still know this loli teacher very well.

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