Just like what she said just now, the importance of the identity of a human being should not be so high in her heart.

So although Yun Tian could see that Ning Yin was resisting, he didn't know why she was resisting.

"... Tsk." Ning Yin didn't answer right away.

She changed her previous hippie smile, and looked up and down Yuntian with a serious expression, and finally she seemed to give up, and answered him in a low voice.

"So, didn't I just say that...it's all Xiao Hei's fault."

"I... I'm just a little afraid of being hated by Xiao Hei."

"Because you think, she values ​​being a human so much, if I really become a 'ghost', I will be hated... As long as I think of this, I will subconsciously reject that power."

If it was the time when she and Heinai fell in love and killed each other, Ning Yin would not have such troubles at all.

Because of her innate nature and acquired environmental influences, Ning Yin's violent desire in the bottom of her heart is extraordinarily strong.

In the extreme east, the image of the "Ghost Clan" matches Ning Yin's personality quite well. Just like Stella can transform into a dragon, Ning Yin's reaction to "Super Awakening" is "Ghost Transformation".

But in fact, she herself does not dislike this change at all, it can bring her an incarnation of incomparably powerful power and perfectly conforms to the tyrannical will in her heart.

Ning Yin was a little happy about becoming a ghost.

But the question is, does Hei Nai think so?

No, there's no need to think about it, she, who regards human identity as very important, will definitely not accept the fact that her friend has become a ghost.

Especially now that Heinao is not even willing to open the door of the devil, if Ning Yin chooses to "super-awaken", it means that the two of them have completely embarked on the opposite path.

This is something Ning Yin cannot accept anyway.

After listening to Ning Yin's explanation, it was Yun Tian who was silent this time.

And after Ning Yin said what she had been hiding all along, she was also a little shy and didn't know what to say.

The two just looked at me and I looked at you, maintaining a silent atmosphere with big eyes and small eyes.



As the silence continued, the atmosphere gradually became a little awkward.

After a while, it was Ning Yin who couldn't stand it first.

After all, what I said just now was about her, Yun Tian's reaction made Ning Yin a little restless.

"Hey! You, you at least say something!"

"Hmm..." Yun Tian looked at Ning Yin who was blushing because of embarrassment, and after thinking for a while, he sang:

"If~if~ this is not considered love~~~!"


A petite fist hit Yun Tian hard on the head!

Ning Yin's face was flushed red, and she shouted at him angrily:

"Stinky boy! If you want to die, just say it!!!"


After some beatings, Yun Tian once again held his head and calmed down.

Forced to be nice (Yuntian limited edition second volume).JPG

"Really, I'm still injured anyway, why are you two so rude?"

"What if I break it and my period of weakness is prolonged and I cannot participate in the finals?"

"Hmph, then you can rest assured." Sitting on the chair, Ning Yin still said angrily.

"My title of 'Yasha Ji' still has some influence in the league, let alone the final of the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival, even the KOK league of the league has to wait when I'm in a bad mood!"

"I'm going to say hello and ask the operation committee to delay the game time, so let me hammer it a few more times!"

Although she said so, Ning Yin still put down her small fists that kept waving.

After being interrupted like this, the atmosphere was no longer awkward.

After Ning Yin also took a sip of water, she brought the topic back.

Chapter 458 Ning Yin: Damn Camera!

"So why on earth did Xiao Hei not choose to become a devil!"

Because Yun Tian interrupted her just now, Ning Yin didn't get an answer to this question.

Now that he finally calmed down, Ning Yin immediately asked back, after all, this was what she cared about the most.

While rubbing his head, Yun Tian was forced by Miss Moren's majesty to explain:

"If it was at the very beginning, before the chairman made a decision, she would have told her the nature of the power of the demon, it would be very likely to change the result now."

"But it's not possible now."

"In the current state of the chairman, it is impossible to push the door of the devil, or even if she becomes a devil, it is impossible for her to come back and become a professional magic knight to fight with you again."

"After all, the fetters are different."

Speaking of this, Yun Tian was a little emotional, and at the same time felt that Ning Yin was a little pitiful.

In Ning Yin's world, Hei Nai is undoubtedly the first, no one can be more important than her.

Even Toujiro Nango, who is the mentor of the teacher, is the same.

But in Heono's world, the most important person is not Ning Yin, but her husband Xingongji Zhuohai.

If that's the case, the gap isn't too big.

Just as Hei Nai is extremely important to Ning Yin, Ning Yin is actually very important to Hei Nai.

Even if her husband Xingongji Zhuohai has a higher status in her heart than Ning Yin, it is still limited.

It can even be barely regarded as the same level of importance.

If at this time, Kurono can know that the devil will not necessarily become a monster, she probably won't shrink back, and won't choose to retire and give up the road of magic knight.

"But now, there is an existence more important than you and even Mr. Xingongji."

"The chairman...has a child."

It is precisely because of this that Yun Tian feels that Ning Yin is a bit pitiful.

Because no matter what, it is impossible for her to become the most important person in Kurono's heart again.

Mother's love is great.

If it is said that the former Hei Nai didn't want to leave his lover behind.

So the current Kurono just can't, leave the child behind.

Whether it's turning into a monster or fighting with people, Kurono can't dedicate everything wholeheartedly like before.

"Just like the confrontation between me and Stella this time, the battle between Teacher Ning Yin and the chairman is also quite tragic and will kill you if you are not careful, right?"

"Do you think that now that you have the chairman of the child, even if you become a devil, you will still enjoy the fun of fighting with you as before, regardless of life and death?"

The result was obvious, so Ning Yin fell silent.

This time she was silent for a long time and thought for a long time.

But as time went by, Ning Yin's face became more and more lonely.

She couldn't find anything to refute Yuntian's conclusion, she knew Heinuo better than anyone else, so she knew very well that Yuntian was right.

The former 'World Clock' Takizawa Kuro, it is impossible to come back.

The corners of his eyes were gradually wet with tears, and his voice became a little choked up.

Ning Yin raised her head, and said in a tone that had begun to be stained with despair:

"Really... there is no other way..."

This is not a question, because she already knows the answer.

Asking this question to Yuntian is to get a result.

Ning Yin can't give up by herself, even if she already knows it's impossible, she can't choose to give up by herself.

That's why she handed over this question to Yun Tian, ​​and borrowed someone else's hand to draw the next stop.

Like a puppet that lost its soul, Ning Yin stared blankly at Yun Tian.

But at the moment before he opened his mouth to speak, tears couldn't stop streaming down his face.

Then, Ning Yin heard Yun Tian's answer.

"Actually, there is still a way."


"Although it is impossible for the chairman to come back in his current state, it is not impossible. It depends on whether she can change her mind."


"After all, before this, the two of you walked the same path. The way of becoming stronger without fear of life and death is not suitable to be the chairman of the mother's board now."

"Wait! So...that's...just now...."

"My former regiment leader once taught me that there are many ways to become stronger in order to protect, fight for others, and fight for survival. There are also paths that absolutely cannot ignore life and death."

Ning Yin looked at Yun Tian with a confused face.

Looking at the smile on his face and the camera he held in his hand at some point, he stretched out his hand stiffly to touch the tears he shed, and felt the complex expression frozen on his face.

Ning Yin understood the situation bit by bit.

Then, gradually, a blush began to appear on her delicate pretty face.

She slowly clenched her fists, instead of wiping the tears streaming down her cheeks, she stared fixedly at the man lying on the hospital bed in front of her.

"Cloud!!! Heaven!!!"

"Hand over that damn camera to me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

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