

The poor chair was smashed against the wall, stuck firmly in it.

If Yuntian hadn't dodged in time and used the Star Immortal Technique to set up a silent enchantment, the chair would have been embedded in his body at this time, and it would have alarmed everyone in the hospital to come to watch.

Embarrassed and angry, he released a fatal blow, but Ning Yin also reacted immediately.

After all, it is in the hospital, so you can't mess around.

The range of her abilities and the effect of her power are extremely large, and she cannot be used indiscriminately no matter what.

So I stood where I was, called out my spiritual outfit 'Bright Red Phoenix', pointed at Yun Tian with the iron fan, and said in embarrassment:

"You did it on purpose, right!!!!!!"

"That's not true. It's obvious that I haven't finished speaking, so you shut yourself up early."

"Nonsense! How do you explain the camera? You said it wasn't prepared in advance!!!!"

"I carry the camera with me. You have suffered more than one loss. Of course it's clear, right?"

"Uh... Damn it, then you can't take sneak shots casually, we have an agreement, I don't pursue that, that photo before, but you can't take photos of my dark history again without a reason!!!!"

"Hmph, I have a valid reason this time."

"Impossible, this time I have no handle in your hands!!!"

"You still have the nerve to say, did you plan to bring the chairman to me to cause me trouble?"

"Eh?! Hmm... But, so what, students helping teachers is considered friendship!!"

"Well... you are right, then pay the information fee about the 'Super Awakening'. This is extremely secret information that few countries and organizations in the world know about, so it should be included in the love?"

"This... that... no, can't it be counted!"

"...Well, that's okay. If that's the case, I don't care about the chairman's follow-up questions."


"After all, the solution is given to you. It's up to the two of you. It's not my responsibility to decide what the chairman makes. I haven't received any compensation. As a student, I'm so worried. Oh, I really did my job.”

"Ugh... wait, wait a minute..."

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

Ning Yin stared at Yun Tian viciously, but she had already fallen into a disadvantage in terms of momentum, and could even be said to be completely suppressed.

In the end, after staring at Yun Tian for a while, Ning Yin had to choose to compromise with a sad face.

"You bully people..."

"Hmph, let you hit me!"

Chapter 459 Confession from Ning Yin?

"I always feel...a bit unwilling."

At this time, Yun Tian and Ning Yin returned to the bed together after the dispute was over.

Don't get me wrong, Ning Yin didn't lie down with Yun Tian.

It's just because the chair is scrapped, so she can only sit on the edge of the bed.

And Yun Tian leaned back on the pillow, and after hearing Ning Yin's mumbling, he glanced at her and said:

"If you're really that unwilling, why don't you just find one?"

That's right, the resentment in Ning Yin's words did not refer to the content of the quarrel between the two just now.

This kind of bickering-like interaction was already a common practice between the two of them, and after getting along for nearly a whole year, Ning Yin had already gotten used to it.

What she was feeling was the fact that Kurono got married and had children.

"How can it be so easy to find one! If it's really that simple, I don't need to feel sorry for it!"

It's really not that Ning Yin didn't want to, in fact, she also tried to find a boyfriend like Heono, and then try to see if it can change the status quo after getting married and having children.

But it's a pity that she didn't even succeed in the first step, and the plan didn't even start.

There are many reasons, but the main reason is Ning Yin herself.

Unlike orthodox swordsmen, Ning Yin is a 'wild' knight who became a monk halfway through.

No, she couldn't even be called a knight or a slasher in the past, Ning Yin was a criminal in the beginning!

Not the kind of crime of petty theft, but a real crime.

Students who seem to be orthodox in school rarely kill anyone.

In Pojun Academy, not including Yuntian and Yuqiin, there are only a very small number of students such as Daohua and Guide Yuanbifang who have had real blood in actual combat.

Others, such as Ikki and Stella, might be able to swing their weapons at the enemy without hesitation, and when necessary, they would not have the slightest timidity in the face of killing people.

But after all, they didn't kill anyone.

Not to mention ordinary people who have no resistance, they haven't even killed enemies like enemy swordsmen.

But Ning Yin is different, she has killed people since she was very young, and she is still an ordinary person who is not a knife cutter.

That was her father, or stepfather should I say.

Ning Yin's mother's remarriage partner was a hopeless scum.

He doesn't work, and doesn't know how to help with housework. He is a standard useless person who can only drink and have fun.

Without a serious job, he still regards himself as the head of the family at home, and is even more rude to Ning Yin's mother and son.

If there is any inconvenience, he will yell and curse, reeking of alcohol, and violently attack Ning Yin's mother and son.

That's right, not only as an adult mother, this man even beat Ning Yin.

Every time he would yell 'a crap that floats things and doesn't make a dime'.

However, waste is waste, he dare not kill people.

I don't have the guts, let alone the capacity.

For Ning Yin, who was born with awakened magical powers and became a knife cutter, no matter whether it was slaps, punches or kicks, it didn't hurt or itch.

My mother chose to suffer in silence, so she followed suit.

Being beaten has become a common occurrence, almost every day, and even because she was young, Ning Yin didn't realize that she was enduring it.

Ning Yin still can't understand why her mother chose such a person as her remarriage partner.

Maybe it was the money, maybe it was something else, but it didn't matter because the man ended up dead.

It was one night.

Ning Yin didn't eat breakfast because her mother had to take care of her drunken stepfather, but when it was noon, she still didn't have lunch.

The reason is that the wine is not sober, or it is pretending not to be sober, and the stepfather does not allow the mother to cook for Ning Yin.

So, at night, Ning Yin was extremely hungry.

For children, hunger is unbearable, but this is not the first time, so Ning Yin reluctantly endured until dinner time.

The meal that night was very rich, probably out of guilt, my mother cooked a lot of Ning Yin's favorite dishes.

However, she still couldn't eat it.

The stepfather got mad for some reason and turned the whole table over.

There may be no reason at all, and the man may just want to blow off steam.

Then, the same picture as before appeared in front of Ning Yin's eyes.

The mother kept apologizing, and then fell to the ground with his slap.

During this process, the dishes on the ground were trampled bit by bit.

This caused the hungry Ning Yin to feel an uncontrollable anger in her heart.

That was the first time in her life that she swung her fist with all her might.

With just one blow, the man is gone from this world.

The smashed head and the screaming mother made Ning Yin realize what she had done.

But at that time, there was only one emotion lingering in her heart.

That is the unparalleled pleasure after venting violence!

It was at that moment that Ning Yin realized how powerful she was, and also realized how joyful it is to unscrupulously express her emotions and strength.

But perhaps it was also from this moment that Ning Yin was doomed not to experience ordinary love.

Having said that, Ning Yin was still young at the time, even if she didn't know how serious this behavior was, she still knew it would cause trouble for her mother.

So Ning Yin decided to suppress this impulse.

And then...her mother disappeared.

That ordinary woman couldn't accept her child killing someone with a smile on her face.

The cruel smile on Ning Yin's face at that time deeply engraved fear in her heart.

After that, the title of Ning Yin who was freed from restraint was 'Yasha Ji'!

Don't think that she will restrain herself, if you want to be Ning Yin's lover, the first step is to accept the 'ghost' in her heart.

It's a pity that the men she has come into contact with so far don't seem to have the guts.

But this is also a matter of course. It is already a miracle that there is a Hei Nai and then a Ning Yin in the extreme east. It is already a miracle that these two geniuses lived in the same era.

It is not easy to find a man of the right age and strength who can accept and suppress the demon Xijing Ningyin.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Ning Yin to find a boyfriend like Hei Nao.

The so-called rumors of indiscreet private life are also related to the fact that Ning Yin met one opposite sex after another when she was planning to fall in love.

Although in fact, it is only a few words at most, but in the eyes of outsiders, it seems to be no different from changing a man every day.

But... If it is now, it seems that there are no candidates at all?

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