While thinking this way, Ning Yin suddenly stared at Yun Tian carefully, and looked him up and down seriously.

Then his eyes lit up, and he asked Yun Tian excitedly:

"Otherwise, Xiaoyun, how about you being my boyfriend!!!"

Chapter 460 I already have a girlfriend!

"Huh?" Yun Tian looked at Ning Yin a little dumbfounded.

He looked at the loli teacher and found that the other party didn't seem to be joking, so he looked over with a wise and caring look, and then said decisively:

"I reject!"


"Why!!!" Ning Yin looked at Yun Tian in disbelief.

"This is chasing backwards, chasing backwards?! Why did you refuse without hesitation!!!"

"I... oh no, the concubine is quite confident in her appearance."

"Although the body is a bit petite, it is also one of the mainstream!"

"And don't look at me like this, I can't compare with cows like Xiao Hei and Stella, but my figure barely reaches the qualifying line!"

"And... and... yes, right, I am still a teacher, you are a student now, don't you want to have a vigorous teacher-student ban*?"

Yun Tian looked at Ning Yin who was serious about promoting himself, and after thinking carefully, he said in her expectant gaze:

"It sounds interesting..."

"Hmm! Since that's the case!"

"But I refuse!"

"Why ahhh!!!!!!"

Ning Yin stared at Yun Tian indignantly, and shouted at him in an extremely unwilling tone:

"You've seen and seen all of me! If you're a man, you have to take responsibility!!!"

"I want to have a boyfriend too! I want to get married too!"

"Why can Xiao Hei but I can't! It's too cunning for her to leave the order alone!!!"

Seeing that Ning Yin didn't even want to save face, and wanted to continue this topic after revealing her scars, Yun Tian had no choice but to sigh helplessly, and then asked:

"Old Ning Yin..."

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Yun Tian stopped.

He originally wanted to call Ning Yin Teacher Ning Yin, because he had always been called that.

But when he thinks that the topic they are discussing now deserves this title, Yun Tian feels a little weird.

And to be honest, the relationship between him and Ning Yin was indeed a bit like a teacher and a student at first, but because of their unique personalities, it became a bit casual within a few days.

Up to now, they are not so much teachers and students, but more like friends, and they usually do a lot of fighting or bickering.

Calling Teacher Ning Yin is more of a habit.

Therefore, Yun Tian changed his title after thinking for a while, and said again: "Ning Yin."


Hearing Yun Tian's opening, Ning Yin immediately calmed down and replied in a cute voice almost instantly.

She also adjusted her sitting posture by the way, matching the long black hair reaching her waist, she really has the elegant temperament of a boudoir lady.

I have to say that Ning Yin is quite beautiful and has a very good temperament.

Now put on a dignified and expectant appearance, it really has a special flavor.

However, Yuntian was unmoved.

He just asked lightly:

"Are you serious about dating?"

"Of course! I am very serious about being a concubine!"

"So, if I promise you, can you put me in the most important position in your heart?"

"..." Seeing Yun Tian's serious expression, Ning Yin fell silent.

"Or, are you willing to try to put me in the most important position?"

"..." Still no answer.

Ning Yin looked at Yun Tian quietly, and after a long time, she sighed faintly.

"Concubine... can't do it..."

"I think so too." Yun Tian was not surprised at all.

He saw through Ning Yin's thoughts from the very beginning.

"No one can shake Chairman Kurono's position in your heart, even if it is equally important."

"You just don't work hard, you can't work hard to lift another person to that level."

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but at least for now, the most important thing in your heart must be Chairman Kurono."

Yun Tian sighed, it was not unreasonable for him to feel that Ning Yin was pitiful.

Because Ning Yin really is, she regards Hei Nao as everything to her.

In fact, in this point, Yuntian and Ning Yin are quite similar.

Yun Tian regards becoming stronger as everything to him now, while Ning Yin regards Hei Nai as everything to him.

Very similar, but with one decisive difference.

That is, Yuntian does not resist change.

Indeed, for him, becoming stronger now is above all else, but this does not mean that he rejects all changes.

Yun Tian is well aware of his abnormality, and even took the initiative to change himself, changing himself from a completely abnormal personality to the current core abnormality and normal personality.

For Yuntian, becoming stronger is everything, it is the driving force for him to move forward and the reason for living.

But this does not mean that he cannot continue to find more motivation to move forward, more reasons to live.

In Yuntian's view, this may not be the only one, it's just that he has never encountered another thing that is enough for him to cherish to the same extent as becoming stronger.

Ken Ningyin was different, she was resisting.

She instinctively refused anything to replace Kurono, and even refused to compare anything with Kurono.

She consciously regards Heono as her only one, not the only precious thing in the world.

Of course, Ning Yin didn't lie, she really planned to fall in love.

But the reason why she plans to fall in love is not that she desires love, nor is there anyone who is enough to make her heart.

Instead, he hopes to use this to put himself under the same conditions as Kurono again.

There are even comparisons and competitions about who is better in the other half, whether one's own charm is stronger than Kurono's, and so on.

To put it bluntly, all actions started from Kurono.

Yuntian and Edelweiss have become lovers now, but to be honest, Edelweiss can't be compared with becoming stronger in his mind now.

For Yuntian, becoming stronger is more important.

But he is willing to try to improve Edelweiss' status in his heart, no matter what the future holds, Yuntian is trying to accept Edelweiss.

But Ning Yin didn't mean that, if she and Yun Tian became lovers, she wouldn't let Yun Tian shake Hei Nai's position in his heart.

Maybe there is no difference on the surface, even in this life, but the essence is different after all.

If there is no huge change that can shake the soul, in Ning Yin's heart, Hei Nai will always be the most important thing.

so now…

"Are you serious about dating? Ning Yin."

Yun Tian asked this question again.

Then, got a different answer.

The atmosphere fell silent again.

Yun Tian leaned on the bed, watching Ning Yin's reaction.

But Ning Yin felt a little depressed, sitting on the edge of the bed and kicking her calves.

After a while, it seemed that she was dissatisfied that she was the only one who was unhappy, Ning Yin cursed Yun Tian extremely viciously with a low mood.

"Hmph, Xiaoyun, you and I are the same kind, it's impossible for people like us to find a partner!"

"Be prepared to be single for the rest of your life!"

Facing such a 'vicious' Ning Yin, Yun Tian returned her a warm smile and said:

"I already have a girlfriend."

As soon as the voice fell, the air quickly dropped to freezing point!

Chapter 461 Discharge



"Impossible! You are lying!!!"

"Not really."


Ning Yin looked at Yun Tian and smacked her lips in dissatisfaction.

The low air pressure surrounded him, his eyebrows twitched and looked extremely irritable, as if he would go berserk in the next second.

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