Feeling that she was in a bad mood, although she was a little upset, Ning Yin had to admit that she was a little jealous.

Of course, she didn't fall in love with Yuntian or even liked Yuntian, but it is undeniable that during the year of getting along with her, she developed a somewhat favorable impression.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have suggested Yun Tian to be her boyfriend. Even if she valued Heinao more, Ning Yin wouldn't just find a man to make do with.

Among the opposite sexes of the right age she knew, Yun Tian had the highest affection.

The strangeness that arises in my heart now is more like the feeling that the toy has been snatched away or that I have lost.

There is indeed a little bit of jealousy and jealousy, but more emotions such as unhappiness, unwillingness, and dissatisfaction.

However, because it happened right after the topic of the rejection of the confession, the little bit of jealousy in her heart was magnified.

This made her even more unhappy, because it reminded Ning Yin of the pain she felt when she was 'abandoned' by Heinao.

"Forget it... Anyway, I don't have any qualifications to interfere with you. Who told me that my confession just now was cruelly rejected."

Ning Yin's tone was a bit sour, which made Yun Tian a little helpless and at the same time caused a second injury to himself.

After realizing this, Ning Yin kicked her calf very unhappy, and then changed the subject helplessly.

"So? Who could be attracted by a little monster like you?"

"Stella? Or the girl Dao Hua?"

"Tsk, although I can see that there is a trend, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. See if I won't mess with you... Ah no, I mean..."

"As a teacher and senior sister, I have an obligation to understand the relationship between students and juniors. This is what good adults should do. Well, that's right!"

Seemingly admiring herself for finding such a perfect excuse, Ning Yin nodded triumphantly, then looked at Yun Tian to signal him to be honest.

Looking at the smug fake loli in front of him, Yun Tian immediately realized the other party's ulterior motives.

Frowning, he made up his mind.

In order to avoid trouble for himself and Edelweiss, Yuntian decided not to tell her.

"Unfortunately, it's neither Stella nor senior Dao Hua, tsk tsk tsk, now some people have no excuse to intervene."

"What?! Are they both..." Ning Yin was a little surprised.

Excluding some miscellaneous subjective impressions, Ning Yin also knows that Yuntian is excellent.

If it wasn't for him not having that kind of intention and taking the initiative to attack, it would be a piece of cake to defeat Stella or Daohua.

Even if they don't take the initiative to attack and give them more opportunities to get along, maybe Stella and Daohua will fall in love with him naturally.

During this year, Ning Yin has often acted with Yun Tian, ​​and she also investigated Yun Tian's background with Hei Nai.

After all, no one could feel at ease with Yun Tian, ​​who had such a strong and earth-shattering evil spirit.

So she is very clear about Yuntian's interpersonal relationship, and knows that he didn't have a girlfriend before he came to Pojun Academy.

In the circle of friends after breaking the army, when it comes to outstanding women, there are only Stella and Daohua besides himself.

After thinking about it, Ning Yin didn't think that other people would make Yun Tian tempted.

Just as Yun Tian knew Ning Yin quite well, Ning Yin also had a good grasp of his character.

A woman who can be truly recognized by Yun Tian as a lover must not be too weak, otherwise she would not have attracted his attention at all.

In the end, it must have good growth potential.

But people who meet this condition, except for Stella and Dao Hua... Is it difficult? !

Ning Yin suddenly thought of something, shock was written all over her face.

She blurted out and asked:

"Difficult, difficult, is it Hei, Hei Tie's family..."

"You think too much!!!!!!"

Yun Tian immediately interrupted Ning Yin's delusional thoughts, and Yun Tian sighed with a headache.

In fact, he didn't know what Ning Yin was going to say next, but when he heard the word Hei Tie, he knew it was definitely not a serious guess.

If she plans to say Kurotsuzuku Shizuku, that's okay, if Ikki or even Ouma's name pops up, Yun Tian suspects that he will be pissed to death.

However, even if it was Shizuku, it was obviously impossible. That brother who accused the girl was more seriously ill than Ning Yin, and it was impossible for her to fall in love with other people.

"What, this is not right and that is not right, if it is not right, tell me who it is!"

"I don't want it! Anyway, you must have no good intentions, and you will be harassed by various means after telling you, right!"

"Tsk, have you been seen through..."

"Oh, it's just your tricks, it's too tender."

"Stinky boy... wait? You bastard, you are not lying to me!"

"Huh??? What did I lie to you?"

"Hmph, you must not have a girlfriend, and then you would tell me that you have one because you feel embarrassed! Let me just say, why are Stella and the others not? It turns out that you are afraid of being exposed!"

"You can really guess..."

"Then you have the ability to name it! If you can't, you must be lying to me!"


"Look! Not only did you ruthlessly reject the concubine's confession, but you also lied to others that you have a girlfriend. Do you hate concubines and concubines? Sobbing~ sobbing~"

"Hey, do you need to work so hard, the eye drops are showing..."

"I want you to control me! I want you to lie to me! I'm going to make you feel guilty today!"

"Heh, even if you cry so hard today, even if you cry so loudly, I won't feel any guilt. Instead, I feel like laughing."

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about...Put the camera away for me——!"


In the end, the poor room did not escape the fate of being destroyed.

But fortunately, this room was covered by Yun Tian's enchantment of star immortality, and his 'fighting' with Ning Yin did not affect other people.

After that, Ning Yin left angrily.

And Yun Tian also left the hospital ahead of schedule.

As for whether the people who came to visit him later would have any misunderstandings after seeing the appalling room...

This Guo Yuntian said that he would not recite it, it was Ning Yin who made the first move!


When Yun Tian was discharged from the hospital, it was actually getting late.

After the match in the morning, Yun Tian and Stella were immediately sent for treatment, and he didn't wake up until near dinner time in the afternoon.

Then chatted with Wuzi, Hei Nai, and Ning Yin for a while, and it was already past dinner time.

Without much hesitation, Yun Tian directly chose to return to the hotel.

Chapter 462 Ikki's Preparation

When Yun Tian was receiving treatment in the hospital.

On the other hand, as his opponent in the next match, Kazuki Kurogate appeared in a special training ground some distance from the hotel.

During the Qixing Sword and Martial Arts Festival, this training ground was only open to contestants. Now that the competition has come to the end, only Yuntian and Yihui are left who are eligible to use this place.

And now Ikki came here for nothing else, just to conduct a simulated battle.

Ikki's opponent is a tall purple-haired man, 'Black Rose' Nagi Arisuin.

With his spiritual outfit 'Dark Hermit', Arisuin created countless shadows like pools of water. He kept shuttling around the venue and launched a continuous onslaught on Ikki!

The battle was fierce, but it ended extremely quickly.

Soon Ikki seized an opportunity and kicked Yusuin hard with his right foot.

The huge impact through the abdomen caused Arisuin to be sent flying, and he fell to the ground and gasped in pain.

"Cough, cough cough! It's too, too much, kicking a girl's abdomen or something, it's unbelievable, moral depravity!"

While gasping for breath, Arisuin tried his best to express his dissatisfaction.

Ikki scratched his head in embarrassment when he heard what he said, and replied with a little hesitation:

"Yes, sorry?"

"Why is it a question!"

"Um... sorry, I can't convince myself to answer in an affirmative tone."

"Ahem... Forget it, let's stop joking." Although Yusuin was still coughing, he also stood up from the ground.

"In other words, he is no longer your opponent at all. He has clearly tried his best, but he can't even touch a corner of his clothes."

"Even if you don't even have the use of 'One Sword Shura', your growth this year is really terrifying."

Seeing that the battle between the two was over, Shizuku, who was standing in the distance watching the battle, also ran over with small steps.

A faint light glowed in the silver-haired girl's hand, and a stream of water gushed out from her hand, covering the injured area of ​​Arisuin.

Shizuku continued to speak with a smile while treating Yusuin.

"My brother's strength is obvious to all. With his current strength, the finals will definitely be..."

In the middle of speaking, the girl's voice became quieter.

Because she found that following her own words, the smiles on the faces of both Ikki and Yusuin became a little strange.

Unlike Shizuku who wholeheartedly believes that her brother is the strongest, Ikki and Arisuin understand the horror of Yuntian.

And the attitude of the two of them also made Shizuku face up to the reality that she didn't want to face.

The girl's mood became a little depressed, but she still handed over the towel she had prepared long ago, and asked Ikki and Arisuin to wipe off their sweat.

It was at this time that Arisuin noticed Ikki's abnormality.

"Ikki, you are..."

"Ah...it seems to be exposed." Ikki sighed.

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