He sweated a lot, obviously defeated Yusuin very easily, but he shed an abnormal amount of sweat.

"To be honest, I'm a little scared..."

Ikki's voice was very soft, it seemed that he was explaining to Arisuin and Shizuku, but it was more like speaking to himself with emotion.

That's right, that's not sweat from exercise.

Nervous, restless, timid, even...fear!

It was the cold sweat that oozes from those feelings.

Ikki was scared.

But this is also something that can't be helped, no one can remain indifferent after watching the previous match between Yuntian and Stella.

'Red Lotus Princess' Stella Vermilion.

This girl who has always been in a competitive relationship with him has become extremely terrifying now.

Ikki had expected Stella's growth. After all, he had seen the girl's dragon transformation with his own eyes, but the power that the girl displayed in the semifinals was far beyond his imagination.

Whether it's technology, strength, or battle strategy, today's Stella has achieved a qualitative leap, and now she is a veritable embodiment of violence, a real world-class monster.

But even so, she was defeated.

This fact made Ikki shudder.

Facing Stella in that state, Ikki didn't dare to say how much chance he had of winning, and even if he was not careful, he might be killed instantly.

But now, he has to face an existence that even this monster can't surpass.

It is impossible to say that I am not afraid.

But at the same time, the fighting spirit was also burning in his heart!

Odds, not nothing!

Yun Tian did show amazing strength in the battle with Stella, that is undoubtedly his full strength at this stage.

And all of this was recorded by Ikki's insight like a demon mirror, so he can be sure, no matter how weak it is.

He has the possibility to defeat Yuntian!

What he has to do now is to hone himself to the greatest extent, even if it is a little bit, he must become stronger before the battle.

Just then.

"Oh, it's already started."

A familiar hearty voice came over.

The three of Ikki followed the voice and looked towards the door, and there were several familiar figures in their eyes.

"Senior Zhuxing, Senior Sister Daohua, and everyone, you are all here!"

The first to come in from the entrance were the previous 'Seven Star Sword King' Zhuxing Xiongda and 'Rayche' Todo Daohua.

"After all, it was Heitie's request, so everyone came." Dao Hua smiled and walked in first.

Zhu Xingxiong, who was beside her, also pointed behind her, and said:

"Anyway, we are all idlers now, living in hotels with nothing to do."

"If there's anything our collection of losers can do for you, that's great."

Standing behind Zhu Xing and Dao Hua are the contestants of this session.

Like the stars, they are the representatives of Wuqu Academy, the runner-up of the last year's "Eye of the Sky" Shiroya Shirozaki and the third runner-up of the "wisp fire" Asaki Kai.

The representative of Lucun Academy, "Iron Kuma" Kaga Renji, and the representative of Tanlang Academy, "Swordsman Killer", Kurashiki Kurashiki.

Each one is a strong man with good strength.

The reason they gathered here was to help Ikki with his training.

Although everyone's reasons are more or less different, but more likely they want to leave a trace of their own mark on the final battle on this big stage.

"I originally wanted to call the doctor, but she seemed to be treating Yun Tian and Her Royal Highness, so she couldn't come here."

"However, with this number of people, it's more or less the same."

As he said that, Zhu Xing's body surged with a violent fighting spirit.

"Sister Heitie over there, I will leave the assistance and treatment during the battle to you."

"Don't feel sorry for Ikki so you dare not do anything."

"What does this mean..."

Shizuku was a little overwhelmed by Zhu Xing's words, but she was frightened by other people's actions before she had time to ask.

A total of six people took out their spiritual outfits at the same time and surrounded Ikki from all directions.

Looking at this scene, a smile flashed across Arisuin's eyes.

With a wave of his hand, he also took out his spiritual outfit and joined the battle group.

At this time, Shizuku also understood what Zhu Xing said.

Ikki's next training method turned out to be a large-scale 1V8 simulation battle!

Chapter 463 Go back

"I am back."

Pushing the door open and entering the room, the first thing Yun Tian saw was the pure white figure.

"Oh~ I can already get out of bed. It's been a whole day faster than I expected. Is it worthy of being said to be the pinnacle of this world?"

Hearing Yun Tian's teasing, Edelweiss gave him an angry look.

"Don't use my name in such a shameless place, really..."

She didn't lie on the bed, but sat next to the table in the room, which was filled with all kinds of dishes.

It can be seen from the container that these should all be delivered from takeaways.

Yun Tian was a little surprised, and asked while taking off his coat:

"How do you know I'll be back? Normally, I might stay in the hospital due to my injuries."

"You're not the type to just lie on a hospital bed."

Edelweiss is quite familiar with Yuntian.

And she wasn't too worried about Yun Tian's injury, because he had already told Edelweiss what he was going to do in the semi-finals.

Since Yuntian is confident, Edelweiss will not worry too much, she is not the kind of indecisive woman, and in terms of trust in Yuntian, no one in this world can match her.

"However, it's really ruthless that my boyfriend didn't even come to visit when he was hospitalized~"

"Oh, so sad~"

"As a girlfriend, someone didn't even come to watch such a thrilling match as the semi-finals, tsk tsk tsk..."

Yun Tian hung up his clothes, and joked to Edelweiss with a smile.

"...If you are so dissatisfied, then you don't want to eat that meal. I'm just an incompetent woman anyway."

"In the end, it's not someone's fault that I can't go." Edelweiss glanced at Yun Tian.

She wanted to go out, but she had to have that physical strength.

It's good enough to get out of bed today, and now her legs are still weak.

Edelweiss sighed, glared at Yun Tian, ​​and said:

"I watched the live broadcast of the semi-finals, and I will also be there to watch the finals. Now wash your hands immediately. I'm starving to death. I'm waiting for you to eat!"

Seeing Edelweiss's appearance, Yun Tian stopped joking, went to wash his hands honestly, came to the table and sat down.

There are quite a lot of dishes, but to be honest, the taste can only be regarded as qualified.

The takeaway industry here in the extreme east is not so developed, not only the price is high but also the taste is mediocre. Usually, Yuntian and Edelweiss don't like to order takeaway here.

But today is a special case, and both of them have experienced hard times.

Yun Tian has the experience of an adventurer, not to mention the normal food with mediocre taste, you have to eat the dark food in order to restore your strength in the dungeon.

Edelweiss spent a period of time in exile when he was first wanted by the whole world.

At that time, it was not easy to guarantee a stable life, and there was no way to pay too much attention to food, clothing and so on.

Later, thanks to the assistance of the rebels, Edelweiss' quality of life improved slightly.

It wasn't until the heat of the arrest subsided and there were not so many people disturbing that Edweis, who had officially settled in Jianfeng'Edberg', lived a good life again.

Therefore, both of them are not very picky eaters.

An ordinary meal is eaten with relish.


Just when Yun Tian was eating with Edelweiss.

On the other hand, Ikki also finished today's training and returned to the hotel.

To be honest, 1V8 is more difficult than he imagined, but it is precisely because of this that he can further grow in a short period of time and seize the weak chance of victory.

Therefore, Ikki who returned to the hotel did not choose to return to his room, but walked in another direction.

"...What are you doing here with me?"

"I want to ask Brother Ouma for a little something, and the only ones I can rely on at a time like this are my relatives."

That's right, Ikki came to the room of Kurotetsu Ouma.

"Get back."

However, Ouma didn't want to listen to his request at all, and ruthlessly rejected him before Ikki could speak.

Of course, Ikki had no intention of giving up.

"If there were any other way, I wouldn't have come to this place in the first place."

"...Break into other people's rooms without authorization, and have the face to dislike 'this kind of place'."

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