It's a family member, and it's an older brother who is one year older, and Ikki still came to ask the other party, but his tone seemed quite rude.

However, there is no way for this to happen. After all, Ikki's elder brother not only assisted the criminal, but even took the lead in attacking his school.

"If you ask someone else, you can go to anyone's room as you like, and don't bother me. Or do you have no friends at all?"

"Heh, I don't want to be told by Brother Wang Ma that I have no friends."

"... You should respect seniors a little bit."

"Haha, big brother can also make jokes. The biological big brother who reunited after a long time turned into the criminal's little brother. Can a villain like you be called a senior? I have despised you to the extreme, or do you want me to Using a magnifying glass to 'look' at you?"

"I'm really totally hated..."

I don't know if it's Shizuku's influence or Yuntian's infection, but Ikki's words are rarely crushed.

A series of venomous tongues made Ouma frowned uncontrollably.

However, he is more or less self-aware, knowing that he has indeed done a lot of disgusting evil things.

Therefore, Ouma sighed helplessly, and then said:

"Forget it... tell me, what do you want from me?"

"I hope you can help me train, big brother. Tomorrow...before the finals, you will be my opponent in the mock battle."

"So that's why you found me." Ouma suddenly understood why Ikki would find him.

Among all the contestants who are still staying in the hotel, among the candidates that Ikki can find, the strongest candidate who has time to accompany him in training is the 'Galewind Sword Emperor' Black Iron King Horse.

Except for Yun Tian who is the opponent and Stella who is still undergoing treatment, there are almost no players who can compare with Wang Ma.

The only one who has any hope of defeating him is Sarah Bradley, who can summon 'Wings of Wings'.

But in actual combat, now that she knows Sarah's methods, Ouma will definitely not give her extra time to paint, so the odds of winning are still greater on Ouma's side.

On top of that, Ikki doesn't know Sarah and is too embarrassed to bother a stranger who is a member of the Resistance.

So Ouma became the only choice.

In this year's Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival, apart from Stella and Yihui, none of the other contestants were sure to hurt Yuntian at all.

Even monsters at the level of Tianyin and Sarah couldn't do it.

But only Wang Ma met Yun Tian at the end.

As a training object for Yuntian, Wang Ma can be said to be more useful than anyone else.

Chapter 464 Give up, you can't win

"If you want to defeat Yuntian, then let me tell you."

"Give up, you can't win."

Ouma explained this cruel fact to Ikki with a cold tone.

He watched the match this morning with his own eyes.

Few people knew the door that Yuntian called out at the end, and most of the audience took it as Yuntian's cutting knife stunt.

However, Ouma knew it.

Ouma knew how huge the difference was between a demon and an ordinary swordsman. Even if Yun Tian barely touched the gate, it was not something ordinary people could defeat.

At least let Wang Ma challenge again, he is not sure that he can meet Yuntian again, and he is not even sure that he can persist for such a long time again.

Therefore, Ouma immediately persuaded Ikki to choose to give up.

However, it is obviously unlikely.

Ikki didn't answer the words, but looked at Ouma firmly without any wavering in his eyes.

Ouma doesn't have the habit of sleeping on the bed. He has been exercising extremely harshly, and he will only sleep on the floor when he sleeps.

He sat against the wall, didn't look at Ikki's eyes, but changed the subject and asked:

"You came to me, not just for this matter, did you?"

Ouma's question stunned Ikki for a moment.

But he was right.

Ikki did have other things he wanted to ask, but they were all insignificant things, information he wanted to know by the way.

The most important thing is to get Wang Ma to agree to help him train.

"That's why I said you can't win."

"I am at an absolute disadvantage, and my opponent is almost invincible. You still have the time to think about other messy things."

"Is it arrogance or arrogance, or is it that you just don't think you can win?"

"If you are holding the mentality of 'try your best, even if you lose, you will have no regrets', then I suggest you apply for waiver now."

"Don't embarrass those weak people who pin their hopes on you, a piece of trash."

Ouma glanced at Ikki, the coldness in his tone seemed to be mocking his incomprehensible firmness.

"The so-called magic power is the miraculous power beyond common sense."

"That is the power to transform one's will into ability to reflect in the world."

"Now you are indeed very strong, but that's all. Once you fight to the last moment, when you need to show your best with all your heart, your little fear of Yuntian will make you lose in an instant."

"Your ending... will be like the end of 'Red Lotus Empress', an unquestionable defeat."

"Speaking of this, you should understand. If you have nothing else to do, just get out and don't cause me any more trouble."

Ouma's words entered Ikki's heart without a doubt.

But Ikki himself knew about this kind of thing.

During this year, he and Stella kept chasing after Yuntian. While growing rapidly, they also inevitably developed awe towards Yuntian.

If he can't get rid of this heart, Ikki will never be able to defeat Yuntian.

But it was precisely because of this that he and Stella needed to challenge Yun Tian on the stage of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival.

Not just to win, but to transcend the shackles that have always bound the two of them.

Stella has already succeeded, and it will be his turn next.

And Ouma saw through this point and told him that you can't win.

Because no matter how much effort you put in before the game, it's useless in a chained state of mind.

Only by surpassing himself in the competition will Ikki have such a glimmer of hope of winning.

"Brother Wang Ma, I am a little bit impressed by you."

"Oh? To what extent?"

"At least I can look straight into your eyes without a magnifying glass."

"... Tsk, you can play tricks."

Ouma pouted, and then unceremoniously issued the order to evict the guest.

"That's the end of the nonsense. I'm going to sleep. You should go back to sleep quickly. If you can't stand upright, don't come out to hang out."

This time Ikki didn't say anything more, but nodded and turned around towards the door.

Just like what Ouma said, after today's training, he is exhausted to the limit now, and he came to Ouma reluctantly with consciousness.

Presumably, Ouma told him to leave again and again because he saw this and told him to go back and rest quickly.

At the end of Ikki's departure, he left such a sentence for Ouma.

"Tomorrow morning I will be training at the training ground behind the hotel."

After speaking, Ikki left.

On the other hand, Ouma closed his eyes and did not respond.


the next day.

The repair work of the venue for the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival is proceeding smoothly, but if the competition is to be held normally, it needs to be postponed until night at the earliest.

Considering the rush of work and the level of strength, as well as the fact that Yuntian may need to recover from his injury, the resumption date of the game was set on the third day, that is, one day later.

At this time, Yun Tian was sitting in the park, enjoying a quiet sunbath.

There are no residents around the venue of the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival and around the hotel. This place was originally a group of buildings similar to an empty city.

There is a distance from the urban area, and only transportation such as trams will pass here.

This is a place in the wilderness, it is only full of people during the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival, but most of them are shops or vendors, and the residences are basically hotels.

Therefore, almost no one would come to a facility like a park.

Especially the place closest to the contestants. Although there is no clear regulation, everyone subconsciously defaults to it as a place for contestants.

Now the players should leave and they all left, and those who stayed to watch the finals are basically all taken away by Ikki as sparring partners.

So Yuntian has been here for two hours without being disturbed by anyone.

Well... he was kicked out by Edelweiss.

After all, the two have just had a relationship, and it is inevitable that they will be a little bit unbearable if they get tired of being together all day long.

Lovely De Weiss has not fully recovered from exhaustion, so she drove Yun Tian out, otherwise she was afraid that she would not be able to go to the scene to watch the final.

Yun Tian was not too depressed, he could understand Edelweiss, and there was a match tomorrow, so it was really inappropriate to do this kind of thing.

"However, I'm used to always being accompanied by someone, and I feel a little lonely after I calm down..."

"Oh? Then it seems that I came at the right time?"

Just when Yun Tian stretched his waist and expressed emotion to Lan Tian, ​​a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Stella?" Yun Tian was quite surprised.

Impossible not to be surprised, because this time the girl actually managed to hide from his perception?

However, without being surprised, Yuntian realized why within a few seconds.

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