"You are, sequelae?"

"That's right. I heard that it's like this after the 'Dragon God Possession' is completely removed, but Senior Sister Wuzi said it's only temporary, and it won't take long for it to recover."

Stella walked to Yun Tian's side and sat on the bench as well.

At this time, the girl didn't have any aura. Compared with the earth-shattering presence in yesterday's game, she was completely two people.

Not only that, Stella's aura was even worse than usual.

She didn't do anything to restrain her breath, observing this state from a close distance gave Yun Tian the feeling as if a giant dragon had fallen into a deep sleep.

Chapter 465 Stella's Anger

"By the way, I didn't expect you to come to me."

"I thought you were going to help Ikki with training."

Yun Tian looked at Stella who was in a strange state, and at the same time said in a puzzled manner.

"You have also seen my current state. Even if I go, it is meaningless. I can't exert too much strength at all, which will not help Ikki's training."

"Besides, the two of us are competitors for the time being. Next up is his challenge. It's not suitable for me to intervene in the past. I believe Ikki doesn't want me to do this either."

Stella who was sitting beside Yuntian said so, then looked at him with a mischievous smile and said:

"Besides, I'm not worried that a villain boss who has been excluded will feel lonely, so I come here to accompany you."

"I heard what you said just now, why don't you hurry up and thank me~!"

"Okay, okay, thank you, Your Royal Highness, for condescending to come and accompany me as a commoner." Yun Tian looked at the triumphant Stella with some amusement, and followed the girl's words.

"But the villain BOSS... Indeed, it seems that everyone else has basically gone to help Ikki. Could it be that my popularity is actually not very good? Sister Daohua has passed away."

Yun Tian was a little emotional, but he didn't think much about it. After all, the stronger Ikki was, the happier he was, which was actually a good thing for him.

However, it's just a little depressing.

"There's nothing we can do about it. No matter how good the relationship is, the two of us are just 'outsiders' in this country."

Maybe it was because it was rare to see Yun Tian depressed, Stella smiled happily, and explained while smiling.

"In the final analysis, this is still the extreme east. The Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival is also a large-scale event in the extreme east. Others will naturally subconsciously hope to see the players from their own country win the championship."

"So it's only natural for them to help Ikki. It's not that you're not popular. If it were the Familian Kingdom and the Celestial Dynasty, the situation would be completely different."

"And the closer it is to this last moment, the easier it is for people to sympathize with the weak."

"Ikki is not just a weakling. His F-level title represents the possibility of an unprecedented comeback. Well, as a spectator, Ikki's winning game will be more interesting, so naturally he is willing to help him."

Hearing Stella's comforting tone while laughing, Yun Tian rolled his eyes angrily.

"Of course I understand the truth, it's just a feeling, but is a certain princess trying to comfort me or add insult to injury."

"Hahaha, just take it as comfort, and accept it with gratitude."

"Tsk, really." Shaking his head helplessly, Yun Tian didn't intend to think about these depressing things anymore.

"But when it comes to the 'weak'... do you even think so?" Yun Tian's eyes flashed a gloomy color.

"No, of course I don't really think that Ikki is weak, it's better to say that I really understand his strength after experiencing it personally."

Stella stopped laughing, and asked Yun Tian seriously:

"When did he come into contact with this realm?"

"Yeah, when did you come into contact with it?" Yun Tian didn't answer Stella immediately, but first sighed with some emotion.

"The first time I was really sure that he saw the gate was when you joined forces with him to subdue you for the first time."

"But at that time, I didn't know much about this realm, so I didn't take it too seriously. Ikki knew even less than I did. Even now, he probably doesn't know what it means."

"But if we say when he first came into contact with this realm... Stella, don't you think Ikki's cutting sword special skill 'Ichidao Shura' is a bit extraordinarily powerful?"

"One-knife Shura?... Difficult, is it?!" Stella was shocked by Yuntian's words, because if this guess is true, wouldn't Ikki...

"He has probably seen that gate a long time ago, far earlier than anyone else. He should have seen it before the two of us came to Pojun Academy."

"Otherwise, a skill like 'One Sword Asura' is definitely not something that normal humans can develop, and it is undoubtedly an inhuman domain."

Yun Tian also couldn't decide whether his guess was true, but Ikki's cutting knife skills were too abnormal.

Considering the characteristics of this world, the Demon Realm seems to be a very suitable explanation.

It is very likely that Yihui, like Yuntian before him, had vaguely seen the disappearing demon gate under a certain opportunity, and developed the inhuman mystery of Yidao Shura through this.

But because it failed to touch the gate in a real sense, no further changes occurred.

It wasn't until Stella's dragon turned into a rampage that he woke up the gate for the second time in the face of an extremely dangerous situation, which gave him a surge in strength.

At the same time, Yuntian also thought of the last scene of the original animation, when Ikki confronted Daohua, he showed the amazing "One Sword Rakshasa".

That blow has undoubtedly surpassed the level of mortals and reached the realm of inhumanity, which means that Ikki at that time may have stood in front of the gate of the devil.

Although in this world, Ikki did not surpass the limit in the selection battle like in the original book, but instead, he and Yuntian teamed up to suppress the runaway Stella.

Compared with the original work, the degree of danger is even worse.

Because Ikki had no knowledge in this area, he didn't realize what he had done at all. Only Yuntian and Stella, who had just stepped into the realm of demons, could be more or less aware of it.

Now that I think about it, Kurono and Ning Yin also expressed their approval of Ikki, the F-rank fallen knight, from the very beginning, and there may be factors in the qualifications of the demon field.

Thinking of this, Yuntian suddenly remembered, it seems that Stella is still a little different from himself and Yihui?

"Speaking of which, Stella, you probably haven't seen the door before, right?"

"If you're talking about the gate you called out during the game, I've never seen anything like it."

Many emotions flashed in Stella's eyes, including doubts and complexities, but most of them were dissatisfaction and anger.

Although Stella has now stepped into the realm of the devil with one foot, she actually doesn't have any understanding of this level.

She only knew that it was a kind of power to improve to a higher level, but she didn't even know the name, and she didn't know why she was different from Yuntian.

However, this is not what the girl was angry about.

What really made Stella angry was that the alliance actually concealed such important information from the Kingdom of Vermilion, which was a member country.

Chapter 466 The upcoming final

Stella is the second princess of the Vermilion Kingdom and the strongest swordsman in the Vermilion Kingdom.

Her power in the country is quite huge, and no information will be kept from her.

However, Stella has never heard of this kind of power, and she doesn't even know its name.

The growth of her own magic power and the growth of Yuntian's magic power are all facts that she personally experienced and felt in the battle.

Stella didn't believe that the Alliance would be ignorant of such important information that overturned the common sense of the world, but the Vermilion Kingdom had been kept in the dark.

This is not something that can be fooled by a sentence or two of explanations. In the worst case, it may even cause many concealed alliance countries to leave the alliance, which is a major event that affects the entire world structure.

The reason why Stella hasn't sent the news back to the country is because the alliance may have difficulties, and it is difficult for a small country like Vermilion Kingdom to survive after officially breaking with the alliance.

So she plans to make a personal representation to the alliance after the Seven Stars Sword Festival, and make further decisions based on the follow-up situation.

However, being calm is calm, this does not prevent Stella from being angry about this.

"What is the name of this power?"

Stella asked Yun Tian.

In fact, at the beginning, the girl thought that Yun Tian didn't know much about it.

After all, although he was born in a big country like the Celestial Dynasty, Yuntian was not from a leadership like Stella, so he might not be very well-versed in intelligence.

But through the communication just now, Stella could see that Yun Tian obviously knew much more than herself.

Hearing the girl's question, Yun Tian didn't intend to hide anything.

Anyway, it won't be long before the Alliance will tell Stella.

But before that, Yuntian still needs to confirm one thing.

"Stella, can you still mobilize the power of the devil now? In other words, how much power can you exert at that level during the competition?"

"The devil..." Stella frowned, and felt her physical condition while meditating.

"This power... the power of the devil, I can't use it as I like in the game now."

"No... No, it should be said that I don't seem to have stepped into that realm in the true sense."

"The strength at the end of the game is more likely to be the temporary extraordinary performance that was drawn out by you. The qualification can be regarded as obtained, but if you want to really master it, I am afraid it will take time to settle."

After listening to Stella's explanation, Yun Tian also nodded in understanding.

Now he understood why he was able to defeat Stella. In fact, Yuntian himself was a little puzzled about the result of the match.

Because the gap between demons and non-devils is huge, this does not refer to the pure strength relationship, but the more core things such as realm and essence.

At the end of the match between Yuntian and Stella, there is no doubt that Yuntian was at a disadvantage. If Stella really broke through to the realm of the devil, then there is no reason for Stella, who has more advantages in terms of strength and realm, to do so. defeat.

But if Stella didn't really step into the realm of the devil, it would make sense.

And after confirming this point, Yuntian decided how much information about the devil could be told to Stella.

In fact, for Stella personally, the information of the devil is not of much value, on the contrary, it will hinder her growth.

Because her path of a demon is different from that of a regular demon like Yun Tian, ​​if she knows too much about ordinary demons, it is very likely that her talent will be restricted.

Therefore, for Stella who has not yet become a demon, Yun Tian only told her some basic information.


While Yun Tian was chatting with Stella.

On the other hand, Ikki's training is also proceeding smoothly.

"Ah! Lost again!"

Zhu Xing, whose heart had been pierced, fell to the ground and let out an unwilling cry.

"Damn it, I thought I could win this time..."

It wasn't just him, there were a total of seven people lying scattered around. Except for Shizuku who was in charge of supporting and recovering, the other players training with Ikki all fell to the ground, cut off by the phantom-type spiritual outfit physical strength.

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