However, Ikki has control, so they didn't lose consciousness. They just need to rest a little and cooperate with Shizuku's treatment, and they will be able to continue the next round of battle soon.

They really try their best.

In the continuous siege of eight people, everyone tried their best.

Even so, there was nothing he could do about the current Ikki.

He didn't even use a single-sword Shura, but based on the principle of a single-sword Shura, condensing the magic power on the blade to break defenses and parry is enough to compete with many strong men.

Its strength can only be described as terror.

"Senior Zhuxing, Senior Sister Daohua, and everyone, I am really grateful to you for allowing me to improve before fighting Yuntian."

Ikki is not feeling well now.

In any case, 1V8 is too reluctant. For Ikki, the biggest problem is that the magic power is not enough.

Therefore, in battle, he has always used the least magic power to achieve the greatest effect.

Facing the attacks of eight people at the same time is also to simulate how to resist the attacks from all directions if they can't keep up with Yuntian's speed.

The suppression of magic power, speed, and physical strength puts oneself in an absolutely unfavorable state, and then thinks about how to fight back.

That's why Ikki has multiplayer battles.

However, it is still a little bit worse.

Among them, the most crucial link is missing.

Just as Ikki was contemplating, a gust of wind came from the gate of the training ground.


The icy cold wind blowing like winter swept over everyone present.

No, this is not a cold wind!

In the next moment, they immediately realized that something was wrong.

It wasn't any wind at all, but the sword intent of the icy cold wind!

"What are you guys doing, lying on the ground one by one to shame you."

The one who walked in was none other than the 'Gaiefeng Sword Emperor' Hei Tiewangma!

Ikki laughed happily the first time he saw him coming, but just when he was about to say hello, Ouma spoke first:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to help you."

While talking, Ouma called out his own spiritual outfit, and the sword intent like a storm swept all around unscrupulously.

After losing to Yuntian, because of the self-transcendence in that match, Ouma grew up again.

Compared with Yun Tian when he was fighting now, there is simply a gap between him and the earth.

Ouma pointed the tip of the 'Dragon Claw' at Ikki, and said:

"Your defeat is doomed, so I have no interest in your efforts."

"However... if you want to challenge that monster with half-strength power, let me break that blunt knife before you are killed!"

Chapter 467 Watching the battle of various forces and the presence of Edelweiss

A day passed quickly, and the final time of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival was also decided.

Seven o'clock sharp!

This is the final time that the operating committee finally released.


"Guha! This, this is... poison?! Is it an assassination! The hateful Twilight Crusaders actually used such a despicable method..."

"Miss means 'what is this, it's so bitter!!!'"

Because it was the final, the vicinity of today's venue was extraordinarily lively.

Sitting in the open-air seats of a coffee shop slightly away from the crowds were three young girls and a middle-aged man.

The ones who spoke just now were two of the girls, Rinna Kazeki of Akatsuki Academy and her maid Charlotte Corday.

As for why it's such a weird conversation...

That's because Kazaki Rina is actually a secondary illness. As her maid, Charlotte's main job is to translate the words of her eldest lady into a language that humans can understand and relay them to others.

After hearing the translation, the only middle-aged man present couldn't help but spit out:

"If you're afraid of suffering, don't order coffee at first..."

This man in a suit is the Minister of the Far Eastern Region and the chairman of Akatsuki Academy, Tsukikage Kazuya.

"Having said that, Sarah's 'color magic' is really convenient, so many people passed by without seeing us."

"No matter how convenient it is... I still lose." The last of the three girls was Sarah Bradley, who hadn't seen her in the past few days.

Obviously, from the girl's tone, it can be heard that she has not completely let go of her loss to Yuntian.

On the other hand, Rinna Kazeji couldn't help but stop her movements when she heard Sarah's words.

Holding the sugar jar in both hands, Rinna Kazeji lowered her head and said to Minister Tsukage in a very disappointed way:


"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because, because all of us lost..."

"Ah, this matter."

Moon Shadow smiled suddenly.

Xiao Xueyuan is his plan, and it is also a very core layout.

For this reason, he managed to form such a team through various relationships. If it is placed on the previous Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, Xiao Xueyuan can definitely win easily.

But this year's situation is really special, there is a 'Falling Star Sword Emperor' Yun Tian and a 'Red Lotus Empress' Stella Vermilion.

The two monsters directly kicked Xiao Xueyuan out of the round, and they didn't even make it to the semi-finals.

Not to mention whether the plan is successful or not, Xiao Xueyuan is about to become a laughing stock now, and Yueying, the minister and chairman of the board, has been impeached by many people.

However, he didn't mean to blame Kazeji Rinna.

Not to mention that with Edelweiss' relationship now, Yuntian is likely to help him, and the original plan is no longer particularly necessary.

It is impossible for Yueying to blame Kazeji Rinna for the relationship between Yueying and Kazeji's family.

The Fengji Family is considered a well-known family in the Far East. Although the current Patriarch is one of the high-level "Twelve Apostles" of the Rebel Army, due to some special reasons, the current Rebel Army has not been taken seriously.

As the Minister of the Far East, Yueying is an old acquaintance with the owner of Fengji, and this time Fengji Rinna will come to help his uncle.

Even if it messed up, Yueying couldn't bear to blame her.

So he reached out and touched Rinna Kazatsuri who was bowing his head, and comforted him with a smile:

"Don't worry about it, you have tried your best, I understand that."

Just when Rinna Kazeji raised her head gratefully, and was about to say something, Sarah next to her suddenly spoke to remind a few people.


The moment they heard this reminder, everyone at this table followed her gaze to a distant direction.

What appeared before them was a strange sight.

Walking in the crowded flow of people, there is no movement of pushing aside or dodging passers-by.

A woman passed through the crowd leisurely, as if walking on a deserted plain.

Everyone unconsciously and consciously avoided this woman. It was clearly a crowded crowd, but no one noticed that there was an open space in the middle.

The pure white long hair fluttered in the wind, and Edelweiss just walked to the table and said softly:

"I'm going to trouble you again this time, Teacher Yueying."


"I've been waiting, here's your coffee."

"To that one."

"Thank you."

After taking the cup handed over by the waiter, Edelweiss picked up the sugar jar and filled a large spoonful of sugar into the coffee.

Minister Moon Shadow looked at her movements with some confusion, opened his mouth as if hesitant to speak, but finally shook his head helplessly, and started talking about other things.

"I saw that you weren't there, Ed, in the semi-finals, so I thought you had no interest in the finals."

"Well... After all, it's his final, so I'm still looking forward to it."

Edelweiss smiled, and put a large spoonful of sugar into the coffee again.

"Also, the semi-finals were surprisingly exciting, right? I don't think the finals should be too bad."

Seeing that Edelweiss cared so much about this kind of student competition, Kazaki Rinna was a little interested and asked:

"Hoohoo, is that the sword emperor who we fought against Brunhilde when we broke the army to carry out the crusade against the Yanlong?"

"Could it be true that the Valkyrie's downfall is true? Could there be any secrets after that?"

"Yan, Yanlong...Bren?" Edelweiss looked at the maid Charlotte next to him with a confused expression.

Charlotte also translated in time.

"Miss means 'Is the person you are concerned about the Falling Star Sword Emperor that we fought against you when we attacked Pojun Academy.'"

"And then 'Intel says you're defeated, is that true? Is that why you're so concerned about him?'"

"Ah, that's it...well, that's about it."

When mentioning her experience with Yuntian, Edelweiss subconsciously felt a little shy, but she concealed it well so that no one would notice.

After adding a large spoonful of sugar to the coffee again, she continued:

"But I have another reason to trouble Teacher Yueying this time."

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