"'Red Lotus Queen' needless to say, she and Yuntian have already shown it in the battle, and today's 'Uncrowned Sword King' is probably the same if there are no accidents."

"They're creeping up our field."

"...I'm afraid I'm not the only one who has this idea."

As she said that, Edelweiss added a big spoonful of sugar again, and at the same time, she turned her eyes to the crowd in the distance.

That dangerous gaze, like a sharp sword, contained part of the sword intent.

"It's hard to guarantee that the other demons present will not have the idea of ​​prioritizing the elimination of future threats, and thus do something that shouldn't be done."

Edelweiss' actions surprised the others, and they quickly followed her line of sight.

Then, Yueying noticed the man wearing goggles who was also looking at him with a dangerous gaze.

"That's... from the White Eagle Empire!"

"It's not just him, almost all the forces have sent people over."

Edelweiss' words made Yueying's body tremble, and then he sighed helplessly.

"I'll get you ready, please, Ed."

"Don't worry, Teacher Yueying, as long as I am present, no one will dare to act rashly."

There is no strong confidence in Edelweiss' words, but only unshakable facts.

Withdrawing her gaze, Edelweiss picked up the coffee she had added four tablespoons of sugar to her mouth, and sipped it slightly...

Then quickly put it down, and added a large spoonful of sugar into it again.

"...So if you are afraid of suffering, don't order coffee at the beginning."

Chapter 468 The final begins!

The long summer twilight is intertwined with the deep darkness of the night. At this time of magic, countless spectators gathered inside and outside the Wangan Dome venue.

With so many people gathered together, there was an unbelievably silent atmosphere.

No one spoke, they were all silently waiting for that moment to come.

In the midst of this silence, lights suddenly illuminated the stage.

Then, the familiar voice of the commentator Iida sounded.

"Everyone, do you know that there is a saying."

"It's just plain stupid that growing kids are being used and forced to take up arms and fight to the death."

"True strength refers to the strength of the mind without relying on the body. Cultivating a strong and kind young generation is what adults should do."

"Recently, whether it is in the Far East or within the alliance, there are people who are constantly discussing this issue."

"I believe that many of you here have heard the rumors, and there should be quite a few who agree with this."

Iida's words aroused the audience's thoughts and memories.

Because of the sudden appearance of Xiao Xueyuan, some issues that have been neglected have been paid attention to again.

Whether the existence of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival and even the KOK league is really necessary has caused considerable controversy.

It's not just the Far East, because of the existence of the KOK League, under the leadership of the league, almost all countries that join the league have some similar events.

This kind of competition, fighting, and fighting among young people is an important means for these small countries to increase the number of local young swordsmen.

But as Iida said, it seems that children are really being used by adults and have to do things that do not match their age group.

The Seven Star Sword Martial Arts Festival is dangerous.

In its long history, not only one or two student knights died in the competition.

Especially after watching the match between Yuntian and Stella, the audience had a deep understanding of 'fighting'.

Through this kind of death struggle where you will die if you are not careful, can things obtained by relying on strength be truly powerful?

Iida didn't know, and neither did the audience.

At least judging from the feeling, inner strength seems to be more important.


Iida's voice became agitated again.

"In this world, there are dreams that cannot be realized without exerting power! There are also prides that cannot be displayed without fighting!"

"It is precisely because of this that a total of 32 outstanding student knights will gather here. They bet their dreams and pride and presented 25 wonderful games for everyone!"

"And tonight! The two knights who stood out in a series of competitions and finally stood on this supreme stage will have a final confrontation!"

"Everyone, I kept you waiting!"

"I hereby announce that the No.60 [-]nd Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival has officially started!!!"


Just as Iida was giving a speech to heighten the atmosphere, Yun Tian came to the door of the contestants' preparation room.

Just when he was planning to go in and wait for the start of the game as before, he accidentally saw the figure standing at the door of the preparation room.

"Senior Dao Hua?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Sister, are you waiting for me here specially? I thought you would support Ikki more."

Dao Hua didn't care about Yun Tian's teasing, but after taking a deep breath, he looked at Yun Tian very seriously and said:

"I really wish I was the one standing across from the stage at this moment."

"Ever since I lost to you in the selection battle last time, I have been looking forward to fighting you again."

"Unfortunately, after all, I'm still too far behind, so now I can only sit in the audience and watch you fight with classmate Heitie."

"To be honest, I'm quite unwilling..."

"Although I am not reconciled, I also know that I am not qualified to challenge you for the second time."

Speaking of this, Dao Hua's expression was a little sad.

But in the next moment, she cheered up again, and said to Yun Tian with a smile on her face:

"I really failed to keep up with you this time, but I will not give up. One day I will challenge you again."

After finishing speaking, Daohua didn't wait for Yuntian's answer, left a last sentence of blessing, then turned and left.

"Competition, please come on."

Looking at the back of the girl leaving, Yun Tian felt a little emotional.

Although it is true that Dao Hua's strength can no longer arouse his interest now, Yun Tian still admires his perseverance.

After watching the match between him and Stella, there are probably not many people who still have no hesitation in the challenge.

Shaking his head, he didn't make a sound to leave Daohua behind.

Listening to the voice from the radio, Yun Tian stepped into the preparation room.


"Next, let's invite the first contestant to come on stage!"

Shocking cheers resounded through the sky, and both inside and outside the venue were boiling.

The atmosphere of silence that pervaded just now has disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the blue lights also lit up and gathered at one of the blue gates, setting off the figure walking out of it.

"To be honest, I don't know what adjectives to use to describe this player."

Iida's deliberate expression of distress drives the audience's emotions.

"Strong and invincible, I think everyone who watched the last game will have the same thought as me at this time."

"Incomparably powerful! It seems that he has climbed to the top of the current seven stars as if it is a matter of course!"

"Let us please, Pojun first grade 'Falling Star Sword Emperor' Yuntian!!!"

""Sword Emperor! Sword Emperor! Sword Emperor!"""

Amidst the cheers pouring down, Yun Tian stepped onto the stage.

Surrounding him are still dots of blue starlight. Unlike the semi-finals, it is night now, and the starlight special effects are extraordinarily dazzling under the night sky.

However, this made Yun Tian somewhat unable to complain.

The operation committee finally completed the rebuilding of the stage and venue in a hurry, and they still have the mind to install this kind of special effects equipment.

"Unexpected persistence in such a strange place..."

Taking a brief glance at the special effects equipment around the venue, Yun Tian felt that this equipment should not be cheap.

He and Stella have already ruined one set. If they ruin another set, the committee will be heartbroken and unable to breathe.

Just as Yun Tian walked to the center of the stage while thinking wildly, another protagonist also appeared on the stage.

The red gate opened, and Ikki also walked out of it accompanied by countless lights.

But the color of the lights gathered on him was not red, but a touch of white.

The special effect channel rising from the feet is also a cloud-like scene formed by white smoke.

Chapter 469 The Third Secret Sword? Round!

Under the pitch-black night sky, blue starlight and white clouds meet on the stage, revealing a hazy and psychedelic beauty.

And Yihui's cheers when he appeared on the stage were not inferior to Yuntian's, and they also spread throughout the audience.

As the only F-class knight in history who has reached the finals, Ikki's attention is terribly high.

Yun Tian looked at Ikki on the opposite side, quite surprised.

So that he couldn't help blurting out and asked:

"I thought you wouldn't be so motivated."

To be honest, Yuntian was somewhat worried about Ikki's state before this.

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