After all, because of Yuntian, Stella failed to develop a relationship with Ikki, and the three of them were more like competitors.

Whether this bond can replace Stella's position in Ikki's heart in the original book, Yun Tian is not sure.

But looking at his state at the moment, the highly concentrated spirit, the turbulent fighting will, the fully mobilized body, and the suppressed sword intent that seems to burst out at any time.

They are all telling Yuntian, Yihui's belief at this time.

"This is really, even more powerful than I imagined."

There is no doubt that Ikki is at his best at this moment!

"But you're not in your prime, are you?"

Yihui didn't pay attention to Yuntian's praise, but instead asked a shocking question.

Yun Tian was stunned for a moment, but then realized something, smiled amusedly, and admitted Ikki's statement.

"It's true that I'm not in my heyday, but thank you for being able to see it."

That's right, Yuntian wasn't in its heyday, but that didn't mean that the injury caused to him by Stella wasn't healed yet.

Rather, the energy reserve in the Jingxin scabbard has not recovered.

The body has completely recovered, and the magic power and star power are similar, but the quiet sword scabbard that was consumed during the battle with Stella did not recover so quickly.

In the final analysis, it is not one's own power after all, and something like backup energy has some shortcomings.

Without the support of Jingxin's scabbard, Yuntian's own magic power and star power are not so sufficient.

Although the magic power has increased due to touching the devil's domain, this process is gradual, and only one day will not bring about very obvious changes.

Although the star power has been refined for such a long time, the foundation is not too high, so the growth is limited.

The most important thing is that without the huge energy reserves, no matter whether it is the black flame of the Black Furnace Demon Sword or the cutting ability of the Star Death Sword, they cannot be used at will.

These two abilities consume a lot of energy. Without the support of Jingxin's scabbard, Yuntian's own energy may be drained in a short time.

Of course Ikki didn't know about the Jingxin scabbard, but having seen Yuntian and Stella fighting with his own eyes, he analyzed the existence of backup energy.

Moreover, he also guessed that the backup energy was exhausted, otherwise Yun Tian would not have suffered such serious injuries when facing Stella.

With such a weakness, Ikki's chances of winning have increased again.


"You don't think you can beat me like this, do you?"

Yun Tian smiled, without showing any wavering on his face.

Originally, he didn't use Black Flame and Cut off very often, or he didn't like to use it that much.

Compared with defeating opponents with ability, Yun Tian prefers to use swordsmanship and sword skills to win.

Of course, he won't reject the use of abilities, but because of this mentality or hobby, even if he really loses these two abilities, it won't hurt him much.

The impact on strength is even more limited.

After all, not being able to use it indiscriminately does not mean that it cannot be used at all. As long as the timing is grasped, consumption once or twice is enough to become the key to victory or defeat.

Yuntian knew it, and Yihui knew it too.

After a year of getting along, plus observing Yuntian's true full strength in the last battle, Ikki's understanding of Yuntian can be said to be no less than his own.

Waving to call out the spiritual outfit 'Yin Tie', Ikki looked at Yun Tian and shook his head silently.

"I never thought that the amount of magic power would be the key to winning or losing."

"I know better than anyone the inferiority of my own magic."

"No matter what kind of battle it is, I will be the first to exhaust my magic power."

"However, the reduction in magic power...Although it is a bit embarrassing to say so, it has increased my chances of winning after all."

"Is there a chance of winning..." Yun Tian similarly stretched out his hand and called out the Star Death Sword.

While posing against Ikki, he asked:

"What do you think your chances of winning are?"

"...To be honest, it's less than a hundred."

"I see. Even so, do you still have to fight?"

"You can't just surrender without a fight, and the battle between us is a little different, isn't it?"

Hearing Yihui's rhetorical question, Yuntian was really surprised this time.

He didn't expect to be seen through by Ikki to such an extent just in a fight with all his strength.

"I've wanted to say it for a long time... Your observation skills are simply monsters."

"...You have no right to say that about me!" Ikki rolled his eyes.

He never thought that one day he would be called a monster by monsters.

However, immediately afterwards, Ikki sighed and said:

"Whether I can meet your requirements, to be honest, I really have no idea."

Listening to Yihui's emotion, Yun Tian smiled.

Then, the moment the referee ordered the game to start, he disappeared in place.


The silent sword strike was exactly the blow that used the winged sword!

Appearing behind Ikki instantly like a ghost, the Star Death Sword in Yuntian's hand turned into a jet-black sword light, striking towards Ikki's neck without hesitation!

"If you can't reach it, then go to hell!"


All the violent sword intent was released by Yun Tian at this moment, the sword intent wrapped in the sword energy, swept towards Yihui with the sword strike like a storm!



The sound of swords and swords intersecting exploded and echoed throughout the venue.

"The Third Secret Sword, Circle!"

While Yihui was speaking, the spiritual outfit 'Yin Iron' in his hand seemed to know in advance from which direction Yuntian would attack, he waited there first and successfully stopped the Sword of Wings!

Not only that, Yun Tian used nearly all of his body strength, and in this extremely fast blow, there was also that monster-like terrifying power.

But Ikki even took over this kind of power.

No, it wasn't picked up, but was introduced into the ground!

The power contained in the enemy's attack is circulated inside the body like a circle, and then directed to other places or even returned to the opponent's reverse blow intact.

This is the principle of Ikki's third secret sword 'Maru'.

At the same time, Yihui also used the power introduced into the ground to instantly leave the attack range of Yuntian Sword Qi Storm through the reaction.

Chapter 470: The Seven Secret Swords VS Two Swords of Life!

Among Ikki's seven-style secret swords, the third secret sword 'Yuan' is also a very difficult and complicated one.

As long as there is a slight misprediction of the power and timing of the enemy's sword strike, a huge opening will be created due to the failure of the launch.

Even because of this, you will be directly traumatized inside your body. It is a move that requires skill, experience, and vision.

However, Yuntian never thought that Ikki would be defeated by this first strike from the beginning to the end.

That was the opponent he and Stella both recognized, how could it be possible to end the match so quickly.

Therefore, when Yihui received the sword attack with the third secret sword and used his strength to retreat, Yuntian followed without any pause!


Accelerated by the silent wing-to-wing sword, even Ikki couldn't match Yuntian's speed.

As soon as he withdrew from the attack range of the sword qi storm, the blade of the star perishing sword approached his body, and it was about to slash on his body.

However, Ikki did not panic.

He was just like at the beginning, as if he had predicted Yun Tian's movements in advance, and reacted first.

He calmed down, and the pace of his feet changed in a strange pattern, and then at the moment when the Yuntian sword was about to arrive.


Yihui, who was originally in front of Yuntian, suddenly disappeared in place!

Immediately afterwards, at the next moment, Ikki's figure appeared in the four directions of up, down, left, and right at the same time!

"The Fourth Secret Sword Mirage Wolf!"

This is a move that uses changes in footsteps to create an afterimage, a technique comparable to the ability of a slasher!

Offense and defense swap!

Facing Yihui's attack from four directions, this time it was Yuntian who made the breakthrough.

Ikki's correspondence was quite perfect. Facing all-round overwhelming disadvantages such as speed, strength, and magic power, not only was he not injured, but he was able to switch from defense to offense in just two hits. He could do this to Yuntian. There are only a handful of people.

However, if you want to use this to win, it is a bit wishful thinking.


Unlike Ikki's instant disappearance, Yun Tian's body seemed to have turned into a phantom the moment he was attacked, slowly dissipating into the air.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!

A whole six Yuntians appeared around Yihui who had just finished attacking at the same time, directly surrounding him.

Just like what Ikki did just now, the six Yuntians accelerated at the same time with the sword of wing-to-wing, and attacked Ikki from six directions at the same time with incredible speed!

Unlike Ikki's fourth secret sword 'Mirage Wolf', these six figures are not mere afterimages.

That is a physical avatar composed of star fairy technique and magic power plus sword energy and sword intent. If you ignore them, the end will be very miserable!

Two Swords of Life!

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