Kongguan Sword·Six clean cuts!

This type of sword skill is enough to be called lore for others, but Ikki is different, he has seen this move more than once.

Not only has he seen it, but when he was in Pojun Academy, Yuntian used this trick the most when he first used it to bully him and Stella.

The clones went from two to four to six, and as they grew, Yuntian also gradually increased the number of clones.

Ikki and Stella went from bewildered at the beginning to barely avoiding it, and then they were able to parry or even launch a counterattack.

Even with an inhuman swordsmanship like the Two Swords of Life, after nearly a year of personal experience, it is difficult to have an effect on a swordsmanship genius like Ikki.

Although he is limited by magic power and star fairy art and cannot imitate and restore the profound meaning of this move, it can be seen from the similar fourth secret sword that Ikki has a considerable understanding of this move.

It can't be imitated, but it is enough for him to break the trick!

Regardless of Yuntian attacking from six directions around him, Ikki had already started accumulating energy the moment the attack was completed.

Relying on superhuman body control, Ikki concentrated all his strength on the tip of the knife.

The legs were bent, the body was lowered to the limit, and then the elastic force of the lower body was released in one go as the attack approached!

This move is the one with the most destructive power among his seven secret swords!

"First Secret Sword Rhino Strike!"


The ground was trampled out of a deep hole by a huge force, and Ikki's whole body directly rose into the air.

While avoiding attacks from six directions on the ground, he also launched a counterattack with all his strength towards the top of his head, where Yuntian's body was located!

It was supposed to be the silent final move, but Ikki saw it through ahead of time.

However, Yun Tian did not waver, but showed a smile instead.

Ikki took the lead again and again, if he didn't know what happened, it would be too stupid.

'Complete mastery', this is a technique that only Ikki, who has 'abnormal' observation power, can use.

By tracing the concept of a person's roots, he can infer and understand all elements of his world outlook, outlook on life, values, and even actions, interests, reactions, and hearts.

Then, after completing this step, Ikki can easily grasp all of a person's behaviors.

What he is thinking, what action he will make, and the judgment when facing an attack, whether it is behavior or heart, will be fully controlled by him.

That is not a pure mind-reading skill or the like, but to see through a person's most essential underlying thinking mode, which is the so-called 'absolute value'.

There is almost no way to counteract this ability, because even if you set countless lies, they are all set based on your own thoughts. As long as you do this, you will be seen through.

Unless one can change one's core thinking mode in an instant, that is, to achieve a change similar to personality switching, otherwise there is no way to crack Ikki's ability.

The ability of 'total mastery' is the ultimate embodiment of Ikki's 'abnormality', and it can be called an unsolvable horror technique.

Having been with Yuntian for nearly a year, and Yuntian didn't hide anything, it was too easy for Ikki to get to know him.

The fact that Ikki has not been able to 'completely grasp' is because Ikki has no way to see through the real bottom line of Yuntian's strength.

But after the last game, this only problem has been solved.

Now, Ikki can predict Yuntian's thoughts and feelings in advance.

It is no longer a question of speed and initiative, but a closer situation, every move and every style, he will be one step faster than Yuntian, even more than one step, two or three steps are possible.

Absolute disadvantage!

This is a terrifying secret enough to erase Yuntian's advantage in speed!

As long as Ikki's speed can barely keep up with Yuntian's movements, as long as he can't achieve instant movement in the true sense, then the opportunity will always be in Ikki's hands.

However, facing such an unfavorable situation, Yun Tian smiled.

Chapter 471 Star power beyond prediction!

Yun Tian smiled, very happy.

Of course he knew Ikki's 'complete mastery', and he also knew that this move was difficult to crack.

His behavior of never hiding anything in front of Ikki finally led to this result.

However, seeing through is just seeing through after all.

That did give Ikki a huge advantage, and even leveled the gap between the two to a certain extent.

Especially the speed!

But this level will only make Yuntian more excited.

It can even be said that if Ikki can't even do this to this extent, it will be too disappointing for him.

And, most importantly, making up the gap does not mean that the gap does not exist, especially some irreparable places!

Yun Tian firmly grasped the Xingxian Sword with both hands, and the magic power all over his body began to boil.

Although without the support of the Jingxin scabbard, he couldn't exert a blessing beyond the ordinary A-level magic power.

But even with only C-rank magic power, compared to Ikki, there is a gap between heaven and earth.

What's more, in terms of physical fitness, Yuntian has an unshakable absolute advantage!

Strength, that is the gap that cannot be bridged even if 'completely mastered'!

Seeing Yihui stabbing with all his strength from bottom to top, Yun Tian blasted back with his sword without hesitation!



Two loud bangs sounded almost simultaneously!

At the moment when the swords and swords intersected and made the sound of steel rubbing against each other, Ikki was smashed back to the ground by Yuntian.


Not long after the opening, Yuntian and Yihui's wonderful offense and defense shocked all the audience.

In fact, compared with the previous match between Yuntian and Stella, the current battle is far from intense.

But what is shown in it is another kind of splendor.

If we say that the battle between Yuntian and Stella was a violent collision, a brutal fight of blood and blood.

So the battle between Yuntian and Yihui at this moment is a competition of skills, a fierce battle with hidden mysteries.

One shocking, one thrilling.

Before the game started, although there were many people who supported Ikki, not many people really thought he could win.

Many people don't even think that he is qualified to fight against Yuntian.

After all, anyone who has watched the two semi-finals knows that the standards of the two games are much different.

The match between Ikki and Daohua was a rare sword king battle in the past, but compared with the match between Yuntian and Stella...comparing it together is already a bit inappropriate.

One is the peak level of students, or a competition that can reach a professional level, and the other is a fight at the world's top level.

It's not a class at all.

But now, they found that they were wrong.

A swordsman who can compete with Yuntian in swordsmanship back and forth is absolutely impossible to be comparable to ordinary professional players.

Ikki, the worst F-rank swordsman, really shocked everyone at this moment.


However, compared to the shock and admiration of the people around him, Ikki's heart at this time was bitter beyond words.

He stepped on the stage with both feet, and used Yin Tie to parry Yuntian's Star Death Sword.

If you observe carefully, you can also find that Ikki's body is sinking bit by bit.

That's right, it's sinking.

Under the suppression of Yuntian's terrifying power, the venue that had just been repaired and reinforced couldn't hold on anymore.

Together with Yihui's whole body and the surrounding ground, they were all blasted below the horizon by Yuntian, and even continued to sink due to the continuous exertion of force.

Don't look at Yuntian and Stella fighting back and forth, if it were another person, facing the huge power of the two, I'm afraid they would collapse at the touch of a finger.

Ikki desperately urged the third secret sword 'Yuan' to barely block it, and the price was that the ground he regarded as the object of relief couldn't bear it and began to sink.

It stands to reason that Ikki, who has seen through Yuntian, shouldn't fall into such a passive situation. As long as he thinks about it, he can't dodge the Kongguan Sword Six-rooted Cleansing Slash just now.

Therefore, the current situation was caused by Ikki on his own initiative.

'But this is too exaggerated, can C-level magic power bless the body to this extent? ! '

To defeat Yuntian, the intersection of swords and swords is absolutely unavoidable, even if Ikki has 'full control'.

'Complete mastery' can only allow him to rely on his reaction to counter Yuntian's speed, but it cannot really surpass Yuntian in speed.

It was impossible for Ikki to avoid all of Yuntian's attacks.

Therefore, at the beginning of the game, before Yun Tian tried his best and planned to use that inexplicable ability to cut off other people's weapons, he had to try to confront him first.

Only in this way can he thoroughly understand the limit of the power that Yuntian can exert at this time, and find out a way to counter it.

Ikki's idea is not wrong. It stands to reason that if Yuntian can only use C-level magical blessing, then even if his physical fitness is terrible, Ikki can still rely on the third secret sword's unloading method to deal with it.

The magic power of F-rank is indeed inferior, but it is not without it. Ikki, who has always been used to using the smallest force to achieve the greatest results, will not find it difficult to face C-rank or even B-rank magic power.

He even saw Yuntian's trump card of 'cutting off' from the last game.

Without Stella's ability to reshape a broken sword, Ikki even formulated more than one set of tactics to deal with it.

But he never expected that the power that Yuntian displayed far exceeded his greatest prediction.

When he predicted the trajectory of Yuntian's sword attack and transformed from the first secret sword 'Rhinoceros' to the third secret sword 'Yuan' to counter it, he was surprised to find out.

He couldn't unload all his strength!

The moment the Star Perishing Sword came into contact with Yin Tie, an incomparably huge strange force was transmitted through the blade, directly blasting Ikki back to the ground, and then firmly suppressing him to the ground.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, Ikki no longer had the heart to think about 'why' at this time.

Because he must try his best to think about how to get out of this dead situation.

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