Just as he thought.

Although Yuntian had expectations for Yihui, he didn't intend to let it go on the final stage of the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival.

The magic power boiled in the body, and the blue starlight fragments surrounded Yuntian with the mobilization of the star power.

With the blessing of two kinds of power, Yuntian suppressed him to the ground with a strange force beyond Ikki's imagination.

Then, the magic light flashed away.

A considerable part of the magic power instantly flowed into the Starfall Sword, activating the special ability of the inherent spiritual equipment.

Yun Tian used 'cut off' to cut down on Ikki's Yin Tie without any hesitation!

If this attack is successful, the battle will end here without any suspense!

Chapter 472 Sword of Love VS Sword of Love!


Blood splattered!

Within a short time of the opening, Yuntian's sword broke through Ikki's defense!

However, the game is not over!

At the critical moment, Ikki resolutely canceled the summoning of the spiritual outfit 'Yin Iron', and retreated violently as Yuntian's blade fell.

However, as a matter of course, he couldn't completely avoid the blow, a sword mark was engraved on Ikki's chest, and with his extremely low magic power, he would never use magic power to form armor in battle, so the sword wound was not shallow.

However, this is the best result.

When he made a serious mistake and ended up in a dead end, he resolutely chose to save his spiritual outfit at the cost of being injured. Not only that, avoiding this blow to "cut off" also meant that Yuntian's magic power was greatly consumed.

With only C-level magic power, the number of times Yuntian can use "cutting" is quite limited. Once the magic power is exhausted, the gap between him and Ikki will be further narrowed.

Although he suffered a serious injury, Ikki's strong physique would not affect his actions, but instead expanded his chances of victory to a certain extent.

The protagonist of destiny, the protagonist of destiny in every world should not be underestimated!

If you think that Yihui just took a step back and exchanged Yuntian's mana consumption at the cost of injury is the result of the two people's confrontation this time, then you are very wrong!

The battle is still going on!

Ikki took a step back and didn't care about the injury on his chest at all.

One mistake doesn't mean anything, it can't shake the burning fighting spirit in his heart at all.

With a fierce step on the ground with his right foot, the body that was sliding backwards suddenly stopped.

Yihui looked at Yuntian who had not had time to stop the move while swinging down the Star Perishing Sword, his whole body instantly increased his speed to the extreme, and fiercely launched a counterattack at Yuntian!

"The Seventh Secret Sword Thunder Light!"

This is the most commonly used move among Ikki's seven secret swords, and it is a super speed sword skill that enhances speed to the extreme!

Moreover, this blow was silent!

There is no waste of any power, no unnecessary movements at all, this technique is exactly the sword of winging!

In fact, this is not a knowing blow caused by some miracle.

That was deeply imprinted on the body by tens of thousands of exercises in a few days, and it was Ikki's hard work in order to meet Yuntian!

F rank, known as a low talent beyond the standard, Ikki wants to use this level of power to attack his idol Kurotsutsu Ryoma and his goal Yuntian!

No matter how slim the hope is, no matter how low the winning rate is, he will turn it into a reality of success.

The blade turned into a flash of light and struck towards Yuntian with lightning speed.



The ear-piercing sound of swords clashing with violent shock waves instantly swept the entire stage!

Blocking Yihui's counterattack with the Black Furnace Demon Sword, Yun Tian swung the Star Death Sword in his right hand again without stopping.

In an instant, it switched to the two-sword style, and the smooth and rapid movements even made many viewers think they were wrong.

It was as if the sword in Yuntian's hand had been split into two and turned into two.


Yun Tian's counterattack was also blocked!

Ikki didn't cancel the use of the seventh secret sword, Thunder Light, no, it shouldn't be described as 'disabled'.

It should be said that Ikki integrated the seventh secret sword into every move and every style, and used it continuously!

And this time, he not only used the sword skill of the seventh secret sword, but also added the concept of the third secret sword Yuan.

Every sword Yihui resists Yuntian is not a direct contact.

With one touch, he retreated, and then directly circulated the power he could bear in his body, and finally turned it into his own power to take the next sword.


Clang, clang, clang, clang——!

For a while, the sound of swords and swords can be heard endlessly!

With the wing-to-wing sword and the third and seventh styles of secret swords, Yihui finally has the qualification to compete with Yuntian on the same stage!

Next, the audience was amazed by the two people's continuous sword fighting, but what shocked them even more was the fact that Ikki could also use the wing sword.


"Bi, the Sword of Biyi...is it the Sword of Biyi again?!"

The commentator Iida felt that his worldview was about to collapse.

'Bizwing' Edelweiss is recognized by the whole world as the pinnacle of the world, the strongest in the world.

And the signature stunt she is proud of is the Sword of Wings, or it should be said that they know nothing about Edelweiss except for the Sword of Love.

This is not because Edelweiss has no other means, nor is she deliberately hiding something, but because as long as she uses the Sword of Wings, Edelweiss is enough to defeat all threats in the world.

It is this kind of terrifying swordsmanship, which can be called a peerless mystery, that was actually restored by three people at this Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival.

Although one person has the ability to cut a knife, it can't be regarded as having learned this sword technique, but it is amazing enough.

Is it because Biyi's swordsmanship is worthless, or is it that he has not kept up with the times?

The professional commentator of the League KOK League began to doubt himself for a while.

He subconsciously looked at the old man beside him, and confirmed with a trembling tone:

"One by one, is that really the Sword of Wings used by Ikki?!?!"

At this moment, how he wished that his poor eyesight was wrong, how he wished that the authoritative swordsman beside him could reprimand or despise him.

However, let him down.

Hai Jiangtian also watched the fierce fighting on the field in shock.

After hearing Iida's question, the old man who came back to his senses replied with an expression full of emotion and being shot to death on the beach by the waves:

"That's right, that's indeed the Sword of Wings!"

Hearing the old man's affirmation, Iida almost lost his breath.

However, the old man Hai Jiangtian didn't pay attention to the state of the partner beside him, his attention was all attracted by the game on the field.

Maybe it was because he opened up the conversation box, the old man Haijiangtian began to explain consciously while being shocked.

"It's not just about the Sword of Love, those two... completely used the Sword of Love for their own use!"

"It's not just about learning and using it to that level, Kurogane Kakki even combined it with his own swordsmanship. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't be able to fight Yuntian to this level."

"I've heard rumors about Kakki Kurogane's swordsmanship 'imitating swordsmanship', but I didn't expect to be able to do this to such an extent that even the Sword of Love can imitate..."

"No... that is no longer imitation, it should be called learning."

"And what shocked me even more was Yuntian... Heh, even I should be honored as the Sword Emperor now."

The old man Hai Jiangtian smiled self-deprecatingly.

As the former No.1 of the alliance, even if he is old now, his combat power is extremely terrifying.

But it has to be said that in terms of swordsmanship or skill alone, he couldn't help but feel ashamed when he saw the figure who had been suppressing Ikki in the field.

Chapter 473 One Sword Shura!

"Ikki Kurogane has already performed quite well. Not only has he integrated the Sword of Wings into the attack, but he has also further integrated his own secret sword on this basis."

"But even so, he can barely keep up with Yuntian's movements. There is a huge gap between the two in proficiency of the Sword of Wings."

Listening to the old man Hai Jiangtian's words, the commentator Iida also gradually calmed down.

After all, he is a professional commentator. Iida's quality is still very good. He immediately grasped the meaning that Kaieda wanted to express.

"In other words, did Ikki also use other sword skills while using the Sword of Wings?"

"As for Yuntian, he simply used the Sword of Wings. Wouldn't it be..."

"That's right, Ikki Kurotetsu's physical strength will undoubtedly be exhausted first."

Kai Jiangtian nodded, and then continued:

"It's not just one or two styles of sword skills. During the battle, the two of them kept changing the core concepts of sword skills, which will consume even more mental and physical strength."

"Dozens, hundreds, thousands...the sword skills the two of them have mastered, and the sword skills concepts that have been changed in this short period of time, even I can't count them."

Whether it is in magic power, physical strength or even swordsmanship, Yuntian has an overwhelming advantage.

There is no need to use expensive moves and skills, as long as the battle continues like this, then he must be the one who wins.

However, some subtle changes in the situation on the field were gradually noticed by many people.

"It seems..." Looking at the two people fighting fiercely on the stage, the old man Hai Jiangtian murmured with emotion.

At this moment, Ikki's figure seemed to overlap Stella's from the previous match.

It is so similar, the way of continuous and rapid growth in battle!

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