
The Black Furnace Demon Sword turned into a white flash and slashed fiercely on the Yin Iron in Yihui's hand!

Feeling the increasing strength coming from his hands, Yun Tian couldn't help but admire.

It is indeed very similar, but not with Stella.

The similarity between Ikki and Stella is the quality that can also grow at a high speed in battle.

But the two grew up in completely different directions and in completely different ways.

Stella's all-round improvement is unreasonable, especially the most improved attributes are strength and magic power, which are almost impossible to increase in a short period of time.

And Ikki's improvement is in line with reality to a certain extent.

It is the continuous improvement of one's own swordsmanship, the continuous improvement and evolution of the Biyi Sword, and the ultimate sublimation of the seven secret swords, especially the third secret sword 'Yuan'.

That was not Stella's unreasonable all-round improvement, and Ikki's physical fitness and magic power did not grow at all.

The only thing that makes him stronger in battle is skill!

That's right, it's exactly the same as Yuntian!

Yun Tian waved the two swords in his hands, constantly exerting pressure on Yihui.

One after another scars were engraved on Ikki's body.

This scene seemed to be the battle when he first met Edelweiss.

Very similar, but there is a difference after all.

Yihui at this moment is far more disadvantaged than Yuntian back then.

At that time, Yuntian had an advantage in physical fitness, he had the two-sword swordsmanship of life that was no less than that of Biyijian, and he had the trump card of 'cutting off', which was enough to turn the tide of the battle.

Under the combined effect of these three, Yuntian finally seized the opportunity to win.

But for Ikki, he doesn't have so many hole cards to use.

Yihui is constantly growing, and in the process of fighting Yuntian, he has absorbed a lot of his experience, just like Yuntian once faced Edelweiss.

But this is also true, the more he grows up, the more pressure Ikki feels.

With the rapid increase in the proficiency of the Sword of Wings, the power of this sword technique has become more and more terrifying.

The Sword of Wings is not just as simple as accelerating people from 0 to 100, it is the most basic application of this sword technique.

With the increase of proficiency, the Sword of Wings can even allow the user to exert an instant acceleration of 2 times, 3 times, or even a higher rate.

And the basis of all this is something that can only be done if the user's body can afford it.

Gradually, Ikki was a little powerless.

His physical fitness has gradually been unable to keep up with the growth of his swordsmanship.

The inferior magic power made Ikki only get a small part of the blessing, and the gradually increasing wounds accelerated the loss of physical strength.

On the other hand, Yuntian, every time Ikki grows, he will show his strength and swordsmanship to a higher level, and once again suppress the equalizing situation.

It seems to be the same direction as the semi-finals, but there is a fatal difference.

That is, Ikki couldn't exchange injuries for injuries like Stella did.

Relying on the vitality of the dragon, Stella abruptly dragged Yun Tian to a state of exhaustion by exchanging injuries for injuries.

And if it was Yihui, Yuntian's suppression on him was absolute.

Up to this point in the battle, he didn't even leave a single wound on Yun Tian's body.

'If this goes on...'

Ikki gritted his teeth, used the third secret sword to bounce off the Black Furnace Demon Sword, and then used the force from the blade to bounce off the Starfall Sword attacking from the other side.

But right after that, the Black Furnace Demon Sword that was originally bounced drew a strange arc in the air.

Yuntian didn't mean to be polite at all, and directly left a sword mark on Yihui's waist.


Blood splattered!

With the flow of blood, physical strength was reduced again.

Ikki felt the condition of his body and knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

His body no longer allowed him to continue to grow through consumption.

After eating a few more swords, Ikki would fall down one step before counterattacking. In that case, all the growth he had gained after holding on for so long would be meaningless.

As a result, the light of magic power began to emerge from him.

It was the boiling of terrifying magic power far exceeding the total amount of magic power of Ikki himself.

Forcibly concentrate all my strength, magic power, physical strength, physical strength enhancement ability, everything is condensed and exhausted within 1 minute.

The huge magic power that suddenly appeared was not an increase in magic power, but Ikki forcibly squeezed out the power that the creature should not have used from his own soul.

Use willpower to break through the mysteries of human survival instinct!

Knife stunt!

"Sword Shura!!!!!!"

With Ikki's roar, blue fireworks suddenly surrounded him.

That's not a real flame, but a magical flame so dense that it can be seen with the naked eye!

The huge magical power that shoots up into the sky is like a beam of light. It is a trump card that can only be used once a day. The appearance of this stunt means that the victory or defeat is about to be decided!

Chapter 474: The New Mysteries of Star Swordsmanship!

The chances of winning are very slim.

But for Ikki, there is only one thing he can do now.

That is, in the next 1 minute, everything named Kurogane Ikki will be burned up!

Go forward until it runs out!


It was a howling roar that ignited together with the blue flame.

What resides in that voice is an unreserved fighting spirit!

Seeing Ikki who was trying his best to challenge him, Yuntian also responded to him with endless fighting spirit.

Next, it will be the last minute!



Clang, clang, clang, clang——!

Countless sword strikes struck Ikki like meteors, accompanied by fragments of blue starlight.

This time, Yun Tian didn't hold back anymore.

Because Ikki who had activated Ichidao Shura, even though it was only for 1 minute, had surpassed Yuntian at this time in terms of magic power.

So, from the beginning of this match to now, Yun Tian really swung his double swords with all his strength for the first time.

Sword Qi, Sword Intent, Sword Domain, an unnamed sword hangs over Yun Tian's head who showed his sword skills without reservation.

That is the core of his sword domain.

Compared with the time when he fought with Edelweiss, Yuntian's sword domain is now more solid.

Relying on the suppression of the realm of swordsmanship, Yun Tian forcibly smoothed out the huge gap in magic power between the two.

Supported by two insufficient energies, magic power and star power, Yun Tian stunned to suppress the erupting Ikki again!

The sword struck like light, and the sword fell like thunder. At this moment, Yuntian used practical actions to tell Yihui, who is the sword emperor!

However, although he was suppressed, Yihui was not defeated by Yuntian's sword.

He who had turned on Shura with one knife, seemed to turn on some switch when he was suppressed by Yuntian, and started to evolve again.

If you can't stop the sword strike, increase your speed, if you can't catch the sword strike, increase your strength, if you can't match the sword skill, let yourself fade!

Little by little, Ikki's slash changed.

Strength no longer circulates in the body, because it is too late.

If it is cycled, it will not be able to keep up with the attack speed of the Yuntian twin swords.

In the process of this swift sword collision, Ikki understood this almost instantly.

Then, there is the reorganization of skills.

Instead of receiving the opponent's strength, let the opponent's strength enter the body, and let the body be in a completely relaxed state at that moment to accept all strength without reservation.

Afterwards, through the muscles and even all the tissues of the whole body to move together, instantly transform this power into the power of the whole body, and then join in the slash and strike back.

This is a skill that only Ikki can do, a magical skill that can only be achieved by a terrifying body control ability like him who can change his survival instinct at will!

In the fierce high-speed battle, without a single mistake, let your body switch between going all out and absolutely relaxing.

A chilling mystery.

As long as Ikki doesn't make mistakes, it means that he will never be unable to withstand the sword strike, and at the same time, the force of the sword's counterattack will become stronger and stronger, and the superposition will never end!

Even Yun Tian couldn't do this kind of skill.

If his physical fitness is similar to that of Yihui, then Yuntian can do the same thing, and he will even do better with the blessing of the skill of 'precision operation'.

However, Yuntian's physical fitness is too high, and the higher the physical fitness, the more difficult it is to control.

It's not that Yuntian's control ability is poor, on the contrary, being able to control the monster-like body of a first-level adventurer almost perfectly shows that Yuntian is excellent in control ability.

If the same physical quality were given to Yihui, I am afraid he would not be able to function as freely as Yuntian.

Here, the skill of 'precision operation' is indispensable.

But in the current battle, Yuntian can't manipulate his body like a machine like Ikki, so he can't use the same method to absorb and transform the opponent's power.

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