If this continues, as the power contained in Ikki's slash becomes stronger and stronger, as long as he doesn't make mistakes, he will soon surpass Yuntian.

If no solution can be found, Yuntian is likely to lose here!

Of course, that's in the case of 'can't find a way'.

This world is different from the previous world, the physical fitness of the knife cutter is only at the mortal level after all, so Yun Tian, ​​who has the physical fitness of an adventurer monster, has always been regarded as an advantage in physical fitness.

But don't forget, physical fitness was his shortcoming.

Yun Tian does not have a superhuman talent in body training, if it is not for the grace of God, his physical fitness is probably still the worst so far.

He couldn't learn the skill of manipulating the body, and he didn't intend to learn it at all.

What Yuntian relied on was only swordsmanship from the beginning to the end!

The moment he felt Ikki's evolution, Yuntian laughed.

Why did he give Ikki a high look from the beginning to the end, why is Stella stronger now, but he still looks forward to the battle with Ikki even more.

There is only one reason, because only Ikki, only this destiny protagonist who can show his unique talents through swordsmanship, can promote his evolution!

As the power in the sword became stronger and stronger, relying on the suppression-level magic power brought by One Sword Shura, Ikki slowly regained the advantage from Yuntian.

The balance of victory began to tilt.

However, Yun Tian didn't mean to worry at all, instead the smile on his face became more and more intense.

He calmed down and realized the trajectory of the power in Ikki's blade in this fierce battle.

Three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds.

Suddenly, Yuntian's swordsmanship style changed!

It is no longer a storm-like onslaught, but begins to operate with a unique law.


Ikki, who flicked away the Xingjian Sword again, was the first to notice the change.

However, he doesn't fully understand what's going on.

It's just a faint feeling that something is not right.

But before he could think about it, the Black Furnace Demon Sword struck him in a semi-elliptical trajectory.

Subconsciously, Ikki raised his hand intending to swing it away, and then add the power contained in it to the slash.

But it turns out...



As a huge force poured into his body, Ikki spurted out a mouthful of blood.

There was no time to be shocked, he desperately controlled the wanton power in his body, and finally incorporated it into his own slash at the nick of time.

Before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Yuntian's Star Perishing Sword attacked again.

This time, Ikki's expression was extremely dignified, and the mistake of the blow just now made him extremely shocked, so he concentrated all his attention this time, and no matter what, he couldn't make a second mistake.


The moment the blade touched the Starfall Sword, Ikki's expression changed.

A force far exceeding that of the blow just now blasted directly into his body. Fortunately, he had prepared in advance, otherwise I am afraid that just this blow would completely make Ikki lose his fighting power.

At the same time, Yun Tian rarely reported the name of his sword skill in the competition.

"Star Swordsmanship, Profound Truth, Galaxy Movement!"

Chapter 475 Desperate Growth and the Chains of Destiny

The clash of swords and swords continued, and Ikki's face became more and more serious.

The audience didn't pay attention at first, but after only a few seconds, almost everyone realized that something was wrong.

The confrontation between Yuntian and Yihui was very fierce. In the course of a few seconds, the two had swung countless swords at each other.

And the terrifying power contained in the confrontation, which was constantly circulating between Yuntian and Yihui as the swords collided, gradually emitted light.

It wasn't obvious at first, but after a few seconds it had grown into a dazzling star that seemed to be real.

That was not the power of Yuntian or Yihui alone, but the sum of the power they both exerted in less than 30 seconds.

That's right, Yuntian did the same, keeping the opponent's power intact and turning it into the power of his next blow.

But his method is different from Ikki's.

Ikki's third secret sword, Madoka, after his ultimate sublimation, can no longer be called swordsmanship.

It is more appropriate to call this magical skill by physical technique or technique, which is a profound meaning that even Yun Tian cannot imitate.

However, that means that the same technology cannot be imitated.

However, Yun Tian chose to use another method to restore it after feeling the trajectory of the power running in Ikki's blade.

That is, swordsmanship!

'He actually restored this move with pure sword skills? ! '

This is the first time for Yihui to have the most intuitive understanding of Yuntian's talent in swordsmanship.

Can't learn?

It's ok!

What the body can't do, I can do with the sword!

As long as there is something that the sword can do, there is nothing I can't do!

Just as Ikki is very aware of his inferior talent as a swordsman, Ikki is also aware of how excellent his talent is in swordsmanship.

He is very self-aware, and at the same time, he will never underestimate himself. Ikki sees his own strengths and weaknesses very clearly.

It is precisely because of this, and precisely because Yihui also has a strong talent for swordsmanship, that he understands Yuntian's horror more deeply than anyone else.

That is an area that ordinary people can never touch, a veritable 'abnormality'!


After Yuntian and Yihui completed the evolution at the same time, the form of fighting became more demanding.

It is no longer the interleaving and switching between attack and defense, but pure attack and attack collision.

No one went to defend, and the power circulating on the two swords became more and more terrifying.

Every time the swords collide, the light of this power will become more intense. At the same time, because of the sharp increase in power, the roar of the collision will become more and more harsh.

Sound waves swept around like cannonballs!

There is no one who defeats who first, whoever Yuntian and Yihui compare will make a mistake first!

But in the end it was Ikki who was at a disadvantage.

After all, the one-knife Shura can only last for 1 minute. If you can't find a way to break the game within this 1 minute, then the outcome is self-evident.

The unparalleled pressure brought about the ultimate evolution!

At this moment, Yun Tian clearly felt the change in Ikki.

That was a change he had seen once not long ago.

Not backing down even a single step, faster and stronger, in order to defeat the opponent, all the achievements that can only be achieved by years, ten years, or even decades of training bloomed at this moment.

That is a completely unreasonable growth that directly develops one's own possibilities in the battle!

That's right, just like Stella before, Ikki's strength, speed, skill, combat experience, etc., all abilities are rising at a terrifying speed.

From being suppressed, to being able to resist, to occasionally being able to fight back, and then turning into an evenly matched confrontation!

Ikki was just like Stella in the last match, in this fierce battle he had abruptly grown himself to be strong enough to compare with Yuntian!

However, no matter how good Ikki is, he is not Stella after all.

For him, growth...has a limit!

While almost all the audience watched the fierce battle with bated breath, only one person saw the result in advance.

'A very good boy, who can grow himself to such an extent in the game, can't be described as a genius. '

Edelweiss looked at Ikki with a little pity in his eyes.

Indeed, judging from the situation of the game, if Ikki can continue to grow, then he really has a chance to defeat Yuntian.

Without the energy support of Jingxin's scabbard, Yuntian lost his absolute suppression when faced with Yihui and Stella's out-of-spec growth speed.

Perhaps at the beginning, Yuntian has a huge advantage in strength, but as the game progresses, beings like Ikki and Stella will rapidly evolve themselves.

Use the shortest time to shorten the distance between yourself and Yuntian.

God is never fair. Ikki and Stella's traits are rare in the whole world. It is extremely rare for one person to appear in one generation or even two or three generations.

If he really wanted to grow up in this world in a normal way, Yun Tian would probably be left far behind by this kind of heaven's favored one.

Yes, God is so unfair.

This is the same for Ikki!

Edelweiss can easily see the direction of fate, as long as he doesn't really step into the realm of the devil, he can't get rid of the shackles of fate.

Therefore, she saw the extremely sad and cruel fate for Ikki.

The collision of swords continues, but Ikki's growth has come to a standstill.

In less than ten seconds, the two fought countless sword strikes, and Ikki also grew himself to a level comparable to Yuntian.

However, that's it.

As long as one more step, one step is fine, it is obviously the last step!

As long as he grows a little bit more, Ikki can officially surpass Yuntian, turn his disadvantages into advantages, and even win directly.

But it was this last step that he couldn't take no matter what.

At a certain moment, the black iron ring that suddenly appeared was clasped tightly around his body, and his limbs were entangled by the pitch-black chain like a snake, and his whole body became dull as if it was locked.

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