That is not dullness in the true sense, but a strong sense of gap caused by the inability to continue to evolve and the stagnation of growth.

Seeing Yuntian's unscathed state, and seeing the two beams of light coming from the Star Perishing Sword and the Black Furnace Demon Sword, one black and one white, Ikki waved the Yin Iron in his hand again to meet him extremely unwillingly.


Click -!

The sound of chains tightening echoed in my ears.

The heaviness of despair, as if dragging a mountain, prevented his growth.

The duration of the one-knife Shura has not yet ended, and at least 1 seconds are left according to the time of 20 minute.

But if you can't continue to grow, these 20 seconds will be fleeting!

Chapter 476 One-knife Rakshasa VS Human and Ghost? The future will be cut forever!

The reason for this result is very simple.

This trait of rapid growth is indeed very rare, but this trait has nothing to do with one's own talent.

Ikki, who grew up at an astonishing speed, completed his journey of the next few decades in just a few tens of seconds.

As a result, he has reached the end of his possibilities.

It's not that he can no longer improve in the future, but that the only thing he can improve is technology.

Speed, strength, physical strength, these attributes that can be grown through exercise have limits.

Everyone will encounter that no matter how much you exercise your strength, there is no moment of growth.

The body named Kurotetsu Ikki could no longer move forward.

There is no way to grow in body or magic power. It is not impossible to only rely on swordsmanship or skills to become stronger.

But in that case, how could it be possible to surpass Yuntian?

Unlike Stella, the girl's natural upper limit seems to be endless.

So she can grow wantonly, can go forward very far, and even the magic power that cannot grow can be climbed again.

But Ikki, no!

This is the cruelty of reality!

This is no longer a question of whether to work hard or not, it is the essential gap that God has decided from the beginning.

Under the same conditions, Stella can easily surpass Yuntian, but Ikki can at most grow to the level of being evenly matched.

Victory seems impossible...

But he is not reconciled!

"Drink ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

With a roar, Ikki changed his stance.

The blade of the spiritual outfit 'Yin Iron' in his hand made a mistake, and he didn't use the power that Yun Tian had cut for himself, but directly blasted all of it out horizontally.


The earth-shattering roar and the earth-shattering explosion suddenly rose!

Starting with Ikki, a huge sword mark that seemed to split the earth in half came into everyone's eyes.

The sword marks cut off the stage, the venue, and the distant ports and cities.

Looking at the bottomless traces like an abyss, the audience really realized what kind of terrifying power is contained in the seemingly small destructive confrontation between Yuntian and Yihui.

Of course, there must be a price to be paid for forcibly interrupting this level of competition.

As I said before, the comparison between Yuntian and Yihui is who makes mistakes first.

But now, although it is an active interruption, the result is similar to a mistake.

While the violent impact was released, it also caused huge damage to Ikki.

However, he also used it to achieve his goal.

Ikki, who opened the distance a little, didn't care about his injury, and he couldn't delay for a second in the state of one sword Shura.

To be honest, Ikki's body has already reached its limit.

This limit does not refer to growth, but to burden.

"One-knife Shura" is originally the mystery of forcibly squeezing the limits of the human body.

And before Ikki used this cutting knife stunt, he also suffered a certain degree of injury from the duel of the wing-to-wing sword, and after using it, he grew recklessly and rapidly.

Although Ikto Shura still has more than 20 seconds left, but if it is really counted, I am afraid that Ikki will not last for more than 20 seconds before it is over.

So, it's time to decide the winner!

There is no need for fake moves, no trajectory changes, no need to care about the surrounding situation, no need to think about whether you will be avoided, no need to think about the result.

One knife!Just one knife is enough!

Being dodged... No, with Yuntian's strength, as long as he intends to dodge, this kind of straightforward attack will inevitably fail.

Also possessing the Sword of Wings, Ikki couldn't surpass Yuntian in speed.

But he knew that Yuntian would never choose to dodge in the face of his challenge!

So, just concentrate all of yourself on the next knife.

Swing the knife and beat him!

When Ikki condensed his magic power, energy, and even his will and fighting spirit, Yun Tian knew his purpose.

Just as Yihui thought, facing such an upright challenge, especially when the opponent is a respectable swordsman.

Yuntian will definitely not dodge!

Putting the Star Perishing Sword and the Black Furnace Demon Sword back into their sheaths, Yun Tian once again made a crooked cross with the two swords of life.

This posture has been known by many people by now.

Through some commentary during the previous competitions, many people knew that it was the basic posture of the two-sword swordsmanship that Yun Tian had learned.

But at this moment, even though he was in the same posture, Yun Tian felt completely different.

And there are very few people who notice this tiny difference.

Except for the demons who were watching the battle, only Ikki, who was the opponent, and Stella, who had faced this move before, noticed it.

Almost subconsciously, the girl stood up from her seat.

Stella stared at Yuntian firmly.

She will never admit it wrong!

That move, the one that defeated her, anyone might admit it was wrong, but Stella definitely wouldn't!

Whether it was during the game or after the game, Stella couldn't understand what happened at that time.

Even if she knew about the devil and the existence of the power of destiny, she still couldn't see through the last sword that Yuntian swung.

No, she didn't know whether it was a sword or not.

Did Yun Tian use one sword or two swords?

Five wounds means five sword strikes?

What happened to the vision at that time?

Why did Yuntian appear in front of and behind him at the same time?

There were more problems than that, but she couldn't understand any of them.

Stella didn't even know how she failed, so how could Her Royal Highness the Princess, who was extremely competitive, be reconciled.

So now, she is more focused than anyone else, concentrating on trying to see through the mystery of Yuntian's move.

And the same is true for Ikki who felt the same way as Stella to a certain extent.

Only when you really face this move, will you feel the terrifying pressure brewing in it.

no!This is not enough!

Ikki immediately understood the situation!

He can't defeat Yuntian!

However, this level is not enough to make Ikki give up!

Worse than others?

Does he have little experience with this kind of thing?

Concentrate your strength if you are worse than others, and squeeze it from your body if it is not enough!

No need for 1 minute, nor the remaining 20 seconds!

Just one second, no, just one knife is enough!

In this last moment, even breathing is unnecessary.

Refining your soul, extracting what you have, and...

Swing a blow beyond the limit!

That was no longer just a fighting spirit, what was reflected in Yuntian's eyes was Ikki's cry from the depths of his soul.

To be honest, even Yuntian couldn't help feeling hopeful that Ikki would win at this moment.

So far, there is only one person who can make Yuntian, especially Yuntian who is still in battle as an opponent, have such an idea.

It's a pity that Yuntian can't let him go.

Whether it's respect or admiration, no matter what the reason is, Yuntian can't give up the victory in this game.

So, at the same time that Ikki swung this knife beyond the limit, Yuntian also moved.

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen.

The eyes of countless people gathered on the stage, between the two, and at the moment when the swords collided!

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