"One-knife Rakshasa!!!"

"Human ghosts, beheaded forever in the future!"


The light of the knife, the shadow of the sword, crossed each other.

Then, blood spattered!

After one blow, it was Ikki Kurogane who fell to the ground!

Chapter 477 The Last Moment!

Humans and ghosts will be cut forever in the future, this is one of the mysteries recorded in the two swords of life.

It was also a sword technique that Yuntian could not use until he touched the gate of the demon in the battle with Stella.

This move is quite strong, but the concept is extremely complicated, and it is not a move that can be used in the realm of mortals.

Yuntian also restored it with the help of the power of fate that can only be seen vaguely now, but it is far from the strength recorded.

This strike is a sword skill that transcends fate, causality, and time and space. The reason why two clouds appear at the same time is because at that moment, the sword strike has already reached the future.

Or rather, it was a sword strike from the future.

That is, the future forever!

People and ghosts, people are the living, and ghosts are the dead.

Both life and death will be cut!

This blow was originally supposed to be seven cuts, which meant to cut three souls and seven souls.

But today's Yuntian can only do five cuts.

Not only that, but there are many other characteristics contained in the mystery of the future eternal robbery.

For example, Yuntian can span the future, and the characteristic of eternal calamity can lengthen the opponent's moment.

There is also the mandatory preemption that he can't do for the time being, and the opponent can't fight back.

And most importantly, it ignores damage when attacking.

This kind of sword skill seems to have crossed the timeline, the opponent should not be able to catch Yun Tian's existence when attacking.

However, the huge scar engraved on his chest proved the fact that Yun Tian hadn't mastered this mystery yet.

Of course, although Yuntian is not yet proficient in the future eternal robbery, it is enough to defeat Yihui.

So it was Ikki who fell in the end.

And this scar is exactly the trace left by Ikki's last swiped sword Raksha.

Quite a huge wound, but not fatal.

This was the only damage Ikki did to Yuntian in the entire game.

Compared with the previous Stella, this result is pitiful, but don't forget that Ikki is the result of facing the future Eternal Calamity Slash head-on.

From this point of view, it is even better than Stella, who was defeated in the future forever.

The audience all watched this scene quietly, looking at Yihui who fell on the ground and the wound on Yuntian's body.

No one spoke because everyone was waiting for the last moment.

That's right, no matter who it is in the eyes, the outcome has already been determined.

Even the referee didn't count down.

If Yun Tian raised his arms high at this time, the referee might subconsciously judge him to have won.

However, Yuntian did not do that.

After a while, the referee reacted.

In any case, the countdown is part of the rules, and it can be regarded as the final end of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival finals.

Thus, the countdown of just ten seconds began.

But to be honest, no one thinks this countdown is meaningful.

Even if Ikki really got up again.

After running out the time of 'One Sword Asura' and even using the unique skill of 'One Sword Rakshasa', it is impossible for him to have the strength to compete with Yuntian.

The fight will not go on, the game has come to an end.

Even Shizuku, who trusted Ikki the most, thought so.

Even, no one will feel sad, but proud.

This is a matter of course, after all, one only needs to watch the match, the shocking blow at the end, and the huge scar on Yun Tian's chest.

No one will think that Ikki is weak anymore, no one will deny Ikki's talent anymore, no one will think that Ikki is an F-rank fallen knight anymore.

There is no doubt that he is a world-class powerhouse!

He is even qualified to pass on the words that the black iron dragon horse once bestowed to him to others, and no one will question it, because he has already proved his strength.

This kind of defeat of the strong does not require the pity of others.

No matter the audience, teachers, friends, or even other contestants who competed together, they didn't say 'don't give up' or 'come on'.

Because they all know that Ikki has really tried his best, and he has even developed his own possibilities to the end.

Therefore, the venue was very quiet.

Everyone was full of respect, silently listening to the countdown that symbolized the end.

However, in this silence, there is only one person who is dissatisfied!

"Is this how you intend to end it?"

At the end of the last blow, Yun Tian stared at Ikki who was lying on the ground and said so while the referee was still in a daze.

However, Ikki didn't respond.

As for Yuntian, as if he didn't know that Yihui fell to the ground, he just looked at him and continued:

"If you stop at this level, then you will disappoint me too much."

That's right, contrary to the recognition and respect of other people, Yun Tian's gaze at Ikki at this time only contained dissatisfaction and disappointment.

However, it is far from enough.

As the protagonist of Destiny, as a swordsman with powerful swordsmanship, as an existence with some kind of "abnormality" like him.

Ikki's performance at the moment is really not enough!

Yun Tian's expectations for Yihui were not to the extent that he could barely cause damage after he lost the Jingxin scabbard.

However, even so, Ikki remained silent.

Yun Tian frowned, and sighed silently in his heart.

In fact, he more or less guessed the result.

Although I haven't seen how the original story develops to this point, but through Stella's growth, Yun Tian has some guesses about the ending of the original book.

If Ikki is only at this level, it is obviously impossible to win the championship of the Seven Stars Sword Festival from Stella.

'In other words, is it really missing an opportunity? '

Ikki is the protagonist of Destiny, and Yuntian doesn't think that he will never be able to grow because he lost the fetters of Stella.

What is really missing should be an opportunity.

An opportunity that is enough to arouse the will.

Fortunately, Yuntian was prepared for this.

He looked at Ikki's figure lying on the ground, and his tone became a little careless.

"It seems that the champion of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival will be won by me."

"It can't be helped, Ikki, you did your best."

"However, there is no way to reach the agreement between you and the chairman."

"I heard that it is for you to be the champion of the Seven-Star Sword Fighting Festival. After you have won the title of Seven-Star Sword King, the director will force you to graduate under the pressure of the Kuitie family."

"Tsk, now, you not only let me down, you also let Chairman Kurono down."

"By the way, there are so many people accompanying you in the special pre-match training. Stella is also there. After losing to me, I'm afraid she will be quite unwilling."

"They should all pin their hopes on you."

Having said that, Yun Tian paused for a while, seeing that Ikki still had no reaction, he pouted and continued:

"Your younger sister Shizuku is probably crying out loud now, she trusts you so much... Tsk, how many people have you let down?"

"Listening to the silent atmosphere around you, I guess they all feel sad for you."

At this moment, Yun Tian suddenly noticed that Yihui's fingers moved slightly.

Before he had time to be surprised, he quickly threw out the preparations he had made in advance.

"By the way, your father... the head of the Heitie family, Heitieyan, has come to look for me."

The moment Yun Tian said those words...


The sound of the chain tightening suddenly sounded!

Chapter 478 Devil VS Devil!

The sound of the chain was not strong, and the surrounding audience was still immersed in the last blow of Yuntian and Ikki just now and couldn't recover.

Therefore, the only ones who noticed this slight change were Yun Tian and the few devils hidden in the auditorium.

Almost at the same time as the sound of the chains sounded, their expressions all changed.

Some were excited, some admired, some were surprised, some were dissatisfied, and some hid their thoughts well.

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