Yuntian didn't care what other people thought, he just continued to say to Yihui with a little surprise in his tone:

"Just a few nights ago, your father found me."

"Well... Based on your understanding of the Kuroitie family, you should know why they are looking for me."


"The two of us didn't talk for too long, because there was really no way to reach an agreement, so I finally made a proposal."

"A proposal for the Kurotetsu family to formally agree to accept Kurotetsu Ikki unconditionally."

"And Patriarch Heitie, that is, your father...agreed."


The sound of the chains became louder and louder, and gradually began to be noticed by the audience.

Even the referee stopped counting down and looked at the field in disbelief.

"Well, but it has nothing to do with you now, and you can't hear it anyway."

"Hey, it's a bit of a pity. If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid you will receive a notice to formally sever ties with the Kuroitie family next time."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Ikki, your luck is really bad..."



Before Yun Tian finished speaking, there was a loud crashing sound!

Then, under everyone's shocked eyes, Ikki stood up unsteadily.

Along with the fragments of the Lock of Fate flying all over the sky, Ikki's voice reached Yuntian's ears.

"The method...what is it."

Burning in those jet-black eyes is unparalleled hope and longing.

Ikki originally thought he had let go.

But at this moment, after being brought up again by Yuntian and even given a miraculous possibility, Yihui realized that he was wrong.

If you can't let go, how can you let go? That's nothing but self-deception.

A child's longing for home, relatives, and parents, especially those that can be easily let go?

Saying let go is nothing more than a helpless compromise.

Looking at Ikki who was on the verge of falling but was extremely determined to look at him, Yun Tian smiled.

He smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, he laughed that he saw the right person, he laughed that someone responded to his expectations.

Put the Star Perishing Sword and Black Furnace Demon Sword back into their sheaths in their hands, this time, Yun Tian's posture is no longer a crooked cross behind his back.

He took off the Star Death Sword and the Black Furnace Demon Sword from behind, and hung them on the waist again, one on the left and the other on the right.

Putting on a good posture, Yun Tian began to charge up before using his sword skills after a long absence.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and said to Ikki:

"Beat me, and I'll tell you!

These words made Ikki, who was a bit shaky, stand firm.

He didn't respond to Yun Tian's words, but told his answer with actions.

With his left hand empty-handed as the scabbard, Ikki put Yin Iron into the scabbard, and also assumed a posture of drawing the knife and slashing.

After that, a jet-black gate appeared in an instant, standing in front of Ikki.

To be honest, Ikki was already satisfied.

When he fell to the ground just now, he had already gained a sense of satisfaction that could fill his entire life.

Yun Tian's provocative words are useless to him, because he knows that no one will be disappointed in him.

After fighting as an F rank, no one will look down on him anymore.

But now, he is not satisfied again.

Yun Tian successfully aroused the longing in his heart.

There was only one last step left before the dream ending, and even if he deceived himself, he couldn't convince himself to continue lying on the ground.

So, he wants to win!

Using Yidao Rakshasa as the base, and the Sword of Love as the fuel, he swung his fastest blow!

The monstrous flames of magical power rose again, and Ikki, who was supposed to be exhausted, once again released magical power beyond imagination.

At the same time, the door standing in front of him suddenly opened!

A strange and terrifying force instantly swept the audience!

Ikki's movements were not fast, but that was actually just an illusion. At this moment, the flow of time seemed to slow down.

When the sword was swung out, the shadow under Ikki's feet did not move.

No, it should be said that it did move, but it was chasing after him like a poor imitator.

The shadow couldn't catch up with Ikki's movements.

That was a blow that surpassed the limits of mortals, and it was proof that Ikki had officially stepped into the realm of demons!

"The Secret Sword of the End·Shadow Chaser!!!"

Unparalleled pressure!

Will lose, will die!

Stress, nervousness, panic, all kinds of emotions rushed into Yuntian's heart at this moment.

There is no doubt that this blow cannot be taken.

But that's right, that's all right, that's all it takes!

"I've been waiting for this moment!!!"

Different from Ikki's gate that suddenly appeared quietly, Yuntian's gate descended from the sky, and appeared in front of him dignifiedly.

Last time, when facing Stella, the door had already been pushed open a bit, but after all, it was closed immediately because the distance was not enough.

But this time, it's different!

Fate could no longer stop Yuntian from moving forward, and deliberately pushed himself into a desperate situation twice, Yuntian successfully completed the transcendence!


With a loud noise, Yun Tian forcibly opened the gate of the Demon Realm!

Devil VS Devil!

Force of Destiny VS Force of Destiny!

Holding the Star Death Sword and the Black Furnace Demon Sword tightly with both hands, Yun Tian did not move.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he can't.

This trick is still half-finished.

Needs to be charged, and cannot move.

Before the last moment, let alone moving, Yun Tian couldn't even swing this blow, at most he could only do the step of accumulating energy.

Now that he has officially stepped into the realm of demons, Yun Tiancai can really use this trick.

In order to express his gratitude to Yihui for his help, Yuntian decided to draw an end to the competition with his current mastery of swordsmanship.

Sword drawing skills VS knife drawing skills!

"My Flow · Star Extreme · Sky!"

The jet-black flame covered the Black Furnace Demon Sword and dyed the pure white blade black.

Stars lit up on the black sword of the Star Perishing Sword, and it was also the appearance of the 'cutting' ability being mobilized to the limit.

With this blow, Yuntian directly exhausted all of his remaining star power and magic power.

The blue starlight fragments and the blue magic flames are intertwined, against the background of the night, it is like a real galaxy descending.

Then two jet-black sword lights rose suddenly, and launched a counterattack towards Ikki's 'Chasing Shadow'!


The sword light flickered, and the knife light streaked across.

After this really final blow staggered, the game ushered in the end.

Winner, Sky!

Chapter 479 Proud Edelweiss


From Ikki falling to the ground to standing up, and then to the second collision between Yuntian and Ikki, the period of time was not long.

While the audience is still immersed in the last collision, the real final blow has already begun.

After the silence, there is gradually restless enthusiasm.

After a few seconds, almost everyone realized that this time the game was really over.

Boiling, cheering, a warm atmosphere gradually filled the entire venue.

To be honest, few people really understood what was going on in that final blow.

Really very few, only a few people understand what that moment means.

It was a confrontation between the forces of fate that only the few demons present and Kurono, who had been in contact with the domain of demons, could understand!

That's right, the sword skills used by Yuntian and Yihui in the end can't be regarded as pure sword skills.

What is contained in it is the two people's understanding of the realm of the devil in just a moment, and the application of the power of fate.

As a result, Yun Tian, ​​who was taught by Edelweiss and knew the situation in the Demon Man's Domain and how to use the power of destiny in advance, won the victory.

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