A landslide victory in absolute dominance.

This may not be fair to Ikki, but as I said before, the world has never been fair.

"What an amazing young man."

Edelweiss let out a heartfelt admiration.

This praise was given to Ikki.

Ordinary people don't know what happened at the last moment, and even a few demons from various countries at most understand the level of the collision of fate.

But Edelweiss is different. Only she can truly understand the reasons for this result.

Looking at the questioning eyes cast by Teacher Yueying beside him, Edelweiss explained softly:

"That boy is called... Ikki Kurogane, right?"

"His last move 'The Secret Sword of the End - Chasing Shadow', strictly speaking, cannot be regarded as a pure sword skill,"

"That's not the simple concept of a quick and powerful blow."

"That's him. It's the mystery mastered by the demon named Ikki Kurogane."

Edelweiss' tone contained undisguised admiration, but at the same time there was obvious pity and a little pride.

The secret sword of the end, chasing shadow, theoretically, as long as it is used, there is no possibility of failure in beheading.

That is through the connection with the power of the devil who has a strong independence of fate, and the result of victory is forcibly imprinted on the cause and effect and fate of the world.

The moment the blade ran, the history of victory that did not exist was engraved on the world.

An almost irresistible blow.

At the same time of launching, the cause and effect of "beheading" is closed, which is the embodiment of the devil's absolute right to determine fate.

There is no doubt that it is a high-ranking mystery belonging to the domain of the devil.

A blow that could cut even fate.

"Even if a demon like me who has already reached the 'Super Awakening' wants to take this blow, there is no other way but to hedge with the power of fate and concepts far beyond its strength."

"If it were an ordinary demon, the countermeasure for this attack would probably be to not let him use it."

"...This is really, beyond imagination horror." Moon Shadow was amazed, but also pleasantly surprised.

Because Yihui is a native of the Far East, a demon who is so terrifying just after awakening has a huge effect on improving the strength of the entire Far East.

Most importantly, Moon Shadow has a little more confidence in reversing that hopeless future.

However, he reacted quickly.

Suppressing the surprise and surprise, Moon Shadow asked Edelweiss again:

"But according to your explanation, Ed, it's impossible for a newly awakened demon like Yuntian to take this blow. Why did it end up..."

Hearing Moon Shadow's question, Edelweiss smiled smugly.

There was unparalleled pride and love in that soft laugh.

"Because Yuntian is special."

Unexpectedly, she was fed a mouthful of dog food, and Yueying was immediately stunned.

But in fact, Edelweiss didn't mean that, what she said was the truth.

"Although I don't know the reason, the karma and fate of this world can hardly affect him."

"Even if I want to have a certain degree of influence on Yuntian simply through concepts, it will consume a lot of power."

"And that was before he became a devil."

As he said that, Edelweiss shook his head happily, as if he was getting more and more proud.

"After becoming a demon, he gained a considerable degree of resistance independent of the fate of the world. Now he is not something that ordinary demons can interfere with."

"That young man, if he were any demon, as long as he didn't reach the 'Super Awakening', he would probably be defeated by him, even the 'Red Lotus Queen' is no exception."

"But unfortunately, Yuntian is special~"

For Edelweiss, Yuntian's achievements are equal to his own achievements.

Although I am not interested in children's things like the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, there are at least three demons this year, as well as Wang Ma, Tian Yin, and Sarah, who are ranked among the top powerhouses in the world.

So the gold content is actually not low.

So Edelweiss was quite happy.

"So that's how it is." After listening to Edelweiss' explanation, Yueying finally understood why there was such an ending.

"Even if victory is engraved on the fate of the world, it is still impossible to interfere with him."

"So the result became a collision of pure fate. In Ikki's state, defeat is inevitable..."

"I thought Ikki was already extraordinary enough, but I didn't expect that there would be monsters that were even better."

"Hmm... Should I say that he is the one who can make you fall in love with Ed?"

Moon Shadow's last tease made Edelweiss blush a little, but she didn't say anything to refute.

It's just embarrassing to change the topic.

"Those two people, if you count the 'Red Lotus Queen', there should be three people."

"With the existence of Yuntian and the three of them, the 'desperate future' you have seen will definitely be shattered."

"I am not the only one who can understand how terrifying the performance of these three newborn demons is."

As he said that, Edelweiss glanced around the venue.

What she saw in her eyes were those demons from all over the world.

Even if these people couldn't understand Yuntian's characteristics, they could still see that the three of them possessed terrifying strength no less than that of the veteran demons.

Maybe they are inferior in magic power and realm, but the abilities, talents, and especially the terrifying growth rate they have shown are enough to attract the attention of these existences standing on the peak of the world.

Although because of the existence of Edelweiss, these people dare not act rashly.

But among them, there must be opponents who keep the three of them in mind, and will inevitably collide with each other in the future.

"Everyone is already convinced. In this world, because of the birth of these three people, a brand new future will surely emerge."

Regarding Edelweiss' words, Moon Shadow silently closed her eyes.

After a long time, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and said:

"...if that's the case, that's very comforting."

The future created by the new generation must be countless times better than the one I 'saw' at the beginning.

Hope... no, it must be a wonderful world full of tenderness and light.

Chapter 480: The End of the Seven-Star Sword Martial Arts Festival

"The game is over ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The commentator Iida roared loudly into the microphone, and his excited words spread throughout the venue through the radio.

"The winner! The one standing on the stage at last! The contestant who stands at the top of the Seven Stars this year!"

"A first-year A-level knight of Pojun Academy, 'Falling Star Sword Emperor' Yuntian!!!!!!"

The excitement of the narrator, the enthusiasm of the audience, and the few demons who retreated quietly.

The competition of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival is really over here.

However, Yun Tian did not see this scene.

Because he has been sent to the hospital at this time.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling, Yun Tian sighed faintly.

"I didn't expect that I would have the experience of being admitted to the hospital twice in a short period of time."

"Oh? So should I say 'Congratulations' instead of 'Meet you again'?"

When a familiar voice came, Yun Tian turned his head, and as expected, he saw a certain green-haired doctor girl.

After making a little sarcasm about Yuntian, Pharmacist Wuzi looked up and down interestedly before waiting for his answer, and then continued in amazement:

"No matter how many times I watch it, I will be shocked by your abnormal resilience."

"The two wounds are nearly identically carved in the same position. Although it is not fatal, it can be regarded as a serious injury."

"It would take at least two or three days to fully recover on the body of an ordinary knife cutter, but you woke up on the same day, and it seems that you are recovering well..."

"I feel more and more that you don't look like a human being. I'm afraid the black iron student next door will have to lie down until tomorrow before regaining consciousness."

"Tsk tsk tsk, compared with you, Junior Heitie's excellent physical quality seems a bit ordinary."

While complaining, Wuzi looked at Yuntian with the eyes of rare creatures.

"... In terms of resilience, Stella's recovery speed is faster than mine." Yun Tian sighed helplessly.

But what he said made Wuzi stunned for a moment, and then said with emotion as if remembering something:

"That Her Royal Highness Princess... Indeed, if you are still barely within the scope of human beings, that Her Royal Highness Princess is already a real non-human being."

"The current juniors are so scary. I'm afraid we seniors will be thrown away by you in less than a year. I don't know how far away."

Feelings are emotions, but Wuzi didn't have too many other thoughts.

After all, she has no intention of becoming a magic knight at all. As a doctor, Wuzi cares about her medical skills.

She doesn't care much about the level of strength and whether she will be surpassed by others.

I don't know if he calculated the time specifically to wait for Yuntian to wake up. After Yuntian opened his eyes, Wuzi still checked his physical condition with his ability while chatting with him.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Wuzi was about to leave.

Before leaving, she used the student handbook to send an email to Yuntian, which contained an address and contact information.

"This is the address of Yakushi General Hospital and my phone number. After the awards ceremony is over, come to Hiroshima to find me whenever you have time."

"Anyway, there will be a long summer vacation after that, so the discussion on water control should be carried out during the summer vacation."

"Then I'll go first. You can leave the hospital after you feel that you've almost recovered."

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