"Finally... congratulations on winning the championship."

Looking at the back of Wuzi leaving, listening to the congratulations, Yun Tian smiled.

Lying on the bed with his eyes closed, Yun Tian decided to sleep for a while.

To be honest, the injury he suffered this time was not as serious as when he fought Stella last time, but his fatigue was even better.

Especially when formally stepping into the realm of the devil, it is still a way of breaking through forcibly.

It puts a lot of burden on the body.

Of course, this level is nothing more than a few days of rest. Even if there are any sequelae, returning to the main god's space can also be completely cured.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be messing around like this.

"Anyway, it's a complete end now."

main mission

Participate in the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, and get the top three rankings.

Task Difficulty: Grade B

Task Status: Completed

Countdown to return: 30 days (additional privileges)

Note: Please apply to return to the main god space before the countdown ends.

Even if you close your eyes, the panels and information of the main god's space can still appear in your mind according to your own consciousness.

Just like when I was in Xuezhan City, there is still a 30-day countdown to return.

The summer vacation here in the Far East is shorter than that of Tianchao. Most schools in Tianchao have summer vacation from late June to early September.

The extreme east is from mid-July to early September, one is a little more than two months, and the other is about one and a half months.

However, the extreme east has one more spring break than the Celestial Dynasty, so it is up to the beholder to see which one is better.

The summer vacation lasts for one and a half months, and Yuntian can still stay in this world for 30 days.

If you plan to use your time as much as possible, then returning after 30 days is obviously a good choice.

The remaining half a month is just left to spare, so as to prevent any troubles caused by disappearance when I come back next time.

That's what I said, but Yuntian didn't intend to use up all these 30 days before returning.

Take care of the funeral affairs, and then go to Wuzi to learn the skills of water control. It will probably take less than half a month.

During this period, Yun Tian needed to think about how to explain the Lord God's space to Edelweiss, and whether to invite her to leave together.

Thinking of this, Yun Tian unexpectedly felt a little nervous.

'I don't know...Will Edelweiss be willing to leave with me? '


In this way, the seven-star sword martial arts festival, which lasted for a long time, finally ushered in the closing moment.

In fact, it stands to reason that there should be a No.3 battle between Daohua VS Stella.

However, the game ended with Dao Hua applying for abstention.

There was nothing to do, after watching the semi-final match between Yuntian VS Stella, no matter how confident Dao Hua was, he couldn't find any hope of winning.

If you want to discuss or challenge, you can also do it in private, so Daohua gave up the opportunity to appear on the stage.

The quality of the last two games was too high, and she thought it was impossible to bring the audience a similarly exciting game.

So it is best to end like this, otherwise it will disappoint many people.

Therefore, the closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival was announced after Ikki woke up the next day.

This is also the last heat of this grand event.

Chapter 481 Regret and unwillingness

"Thirty-two elites selected from a total of eight knight schools in the Far East."

"They've fought around just one summit so far."

"The whole game came to an end just yesterday."

"Intense 26 games, every game in my memory is so exciting..."

The speech of the old man Kaieda Yuzo, the chairman of the operation committee of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, resounded in the venue.

However, everyone's eyes were not focused on him, but on the podium standing in the center of the stage.

He didn't have the heart to listen to the speech of the old man Haijiangtian at all. Everyone was looking forward to the appearance of the contestants who were about to be on the podium, that is, the three protagonists.

And these three people, Yun Tian, ​​Kurogane Kakki, and Stella Vermilion had already entered the waiting room at this time, and they were waiting for the stage to receive the award after the speeches.

However, the three people who have always had a pretty good relationship, the atmosphere at this moment is a bit delicate.




"Today, today's weather is good... ah ha ha ha... uh..."

It was Ikki who spoke first, as if he was planning to speak out to break the awkward atmosphere.


Yun Tian looked up at the roof of the fully enclosed lounge, and returned him a wise look.

Stella on the side couldn't help but touch her forehead, and was speechless at Ikki's behavior.

However, the purpose of breaking the awkward atmosphere was somewhat achieved.

Looking at the appearance of Yihui and Stella, Yun Tian also breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no special change between them.

Ikki and Stella next to him noticed this little action that was not concealed.

Ikki was embarrassed to speak because he was despised just now.

But Stella took the opportunity to start the topic, and said to Yuntian with a slightly teasing tone:

"You don't think we care about winning or losing and ranking?"

Listening to Stella's ridicule, Yun Tian curled his lips in disdain, and then... silently looked away.

Originally, Stella was just joking, and wanted to take the opportunity to completely resolve the awkward atmosphere between the three just now.

So Yun Tian's reaction made her stunned.

It took a full three seconds of sluggishness before he came back to his senses, and then he said to Yun Tian angrily:

"No, you, what kind of image do we have in your heart?!"

"I won't be so narrow-minded, really!"

However, after saying this, Stella paused for a moment, and then her aura became inexplicably lower.

At this moment, Yuntian opened his mouth and responded:

"Are you a bit remorseful and unwilling?"

That's right, this is also the main reason for the delicate atmosphere among the three of them just now.

It's okay to be angry, but it's still somewhat unnatural.

How can I say that both Yihui and Stella were defeated by Yuntian, and now that they are about to go on stage to accept the award, it is inevitable that they will think of some scenes when they were defeated.

Of course, that's all.

This kind of little embarrassment will not be taken by the three of Yuntian, they will not do such meaningless things.

Regret and unwillingness do exist, but they are nutrients for further growth.

For Yihui and Stella, the two will redouble their efforts in the next year, and return all the regret and unwillingness of today to Yuntian next year.

And Yuntian also wouldn't slack off, the superhuman growth of Ikki and Stella put a lot of pressure on him.

He doesn't want to be overtaken by the two of them not long after he comes back next time, the feeling of defeat is not good.

He didn't intend to dwell on this topic for too long, and he didn't want to cool down the atmosphere that had just turned around, so Yun Tian directly changed the subject.

Turning his gaze from Stella to Ikki, Yuntian asked directly:

"Has your father looked for you?"

"Well... I saw him when I woke up last night."

For a long time, as long as he talked about Kurotetsu's family, relatives, and his father, Ikki's expression would not be too good.

Either sad, or sad, and at the best, extraordinarily complex expressions.

But this time it was different, there was a smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Ikki stood up.

Facing Yun Tian, ​​he bowed deeply very seriously.

"thank you very much!"

Hei Tieyan approached him, and of course explained the cause and effect to him.

Yihui understood that without Yuntian's intervention, what he got from his father would not be the approval from Heitie, but a notice to sever the relationship.

Before the game, no one would think that Ikki's waste-like swordsman qualifications would be able to enter the realm of the devil.

If there is not enough important people to speak to him, if there is no guarantee from Yuntian, then Ikki will receive a notice to sever the relationship before the game.

At that time, even if Ikki becomes a demon, it will no longer be possible for him to be accepted by the Kuroite family in the true sense.

At best, it is a reconciliation between the two parties.

Because for a long-standing famous family like the Heitie family, face is more important than anything else.

Once the notice is really given, and then withdrawn because Ikki has become a demon, it is tantamount to slapping himself in the face.

These so-called famous families would rather lose their interests than choose actions that would embarrass themselves.

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