This kind of stupid or incomprehensible behavior in the eyes of ordinary people is actually a common phenomenon in various countries.

The higher the position and weight, the more important face is.

The specific good and bad, gains and losses, I am afraid only they themselves know.

But to Ikki, none of these things mattered.

As long as Ikki is willing not to pursue the troubles that the Kurotetsu family gave him before, a demon who has not officially broken his face and is quite easy to talk to, then the Kurotetsu family will definitely treat him as a grandfather in the future.

There are only four demons in the Far East, and now that the "big hero" Kurotsutsu Ryoma has passed away, there are only three including Ikki.

As long as there is a choice, the current Kuitetsu family will definitely not choose to fall out with Ikki.

Even, as the executor of the strategy against Ikki, the fat man named 'Akaza' has been dealt with by the Kurotsu family.

As long as Ikki opens his mouth, this person will be handed over to him as a price.

Not only that, all members of the Kurotsutsu family who directly targeted Ikki, whether they were the main family or branch families, whether internal or external, were all dealt with.

Almost everyone was punished to varying degrees.

In fact, the reality is like this.

Some disgusting little people, you don't have to deal with them yourself.

As long as you become strong and no one can mess with them, someone will naturally clean them up for you.

As for Ikki's father, Kurogane Yan.

In the end Ikki forgave him, after all, that was his biological father anyway.

With Ikki's character, there is really no way to hate Kuo Teyan.

"For you, this may be the best result." Yun Tian looked at Yihui with some emotion.

Chapter 482 An 'Invitation' from King Vermilion

"Yes, yes... Speaking of relatives..."

When Yuntian and Ikki chatted about relatives, Stella next to him suddenly seemed to remember something, and called out to the two of them.

The girl was about to say something, but was unexpectedly a little awkward.

Stella's abnormal performance immediately attracted Yuntian and Ikki's attention.

You must know that the current Stella is different from the original book. She who has not fallen in love rarely shows that kind of little woman's state.

After being sized up by Yuntian and Ikki with amazed eyes, Stella calmed down while being embarrassed.

She took a deep breath and extended an invitation to the two.

"Isn't it summer vacation after that...?"

"Wait until the awards ceremony and the celebration banquet are over, and after dealing with the affairs here... can you come to my house?"

As soon as the words fell, Yuntian and Yihui were stunned.

The two looked at each other in dismay, and then Yun Tian asked:

"Your family... is the royal family of the Vermilion Kingdom, right?"

"Stella, this is, inviting us to play at your house?!"

It's not that Yuntian and Yihui made a fuss.

If it were an ordinary person, with the friendship that the three of them have been inseparable for a year, it would be perfectly normal to invite them to play at home.

But Stella is different, their family is a standard royal aristocrat.

A real princess like Stella invites herself and Yihui to play at home as if she were inviting friends... Although there is nothing wrong with it, Yuntian always feels a little subtle.

But Stella froze after hearing Yun Tian's question.

She hesitated for a few seconds, then sighed as if she had given up on something, and said to Yuntian and Yihui with some distress:

"It's actually my father who wants to meet you two..."

As she spoke, Stella cleared her throat slightly, recalled what her father said in her mind, and imitated it for Yuntian and Yihui.

"My daughter actually met two men abroad... Oh no, she met two friends of the opposite sex."

"As a father, I need to understand what kind of friends my daughter has."

"Dare to approach my daughter, see if I don't clean up... Ahem, I want to entertain them, thank you for taking care of my daughter."

"Well... that's probably what it means."

Stella was very helpless, in order to let Yuntian and Ikki understand the situation, she even imitated the turning points of King Vermilion's speech exactly.

After listening to Stella's words, Yuntian and Ikki immediately understood their situation, and also had a deep understanding of the king who had never masked his face.

Looking at each other again, Yuntian and Yihui replied in unison:

"I refuse!!!" x2

"Why?!" Hearing this reply, Stella became anxious immediately.

"How dare you refuse the girl's invitation! You're so ungentlemanly!"

"If you can't bear it, it's over. Your father obviously has a problem with us. If I promise you, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the Vermilion Kingdom alive!"

"Yeah, although I am very grateful to Stella for inviting us, but... being targeted by a king is still terrible. I finally reached a reconciliation with my family. At this stage, I have no plans to commit suicide."

"Where are you thinking! Even if it is my father, it is impossible to reach that level...probably...uh..."

Stella originally planned to refute the two, but after thinking about it while speaking, the girl herself was shaken first.

Thinking of her father's severe daughter-controlling personality, Stella didn't have the confidence to say the words to guarantee that Yuntian and Ikki's lives would not be in danger.

"But, if you don't agree, my father will call me every day to talk about it, and I will be annoyed to death."

Stella, who had nothing to do, used her trump card against Yuntian and Ikki for the first time.

Her expression became pitiful, and even her eyes were filled with tears.

Stella begged the two of them in a coquettish tone:

"Just help me~"

It has to be said that with Stella's appearance, such a coquettish gesture is really lethal.

Therefore, after this blow, Yuntian and Yihui each gave their own answers.

"Oh, it's useless to act like a baby, I refuse!"

"Uh...Since you've mentioned this, Stella, it's summer vacation anyway, so let's go."

"??????" Yun Tian was shocked by the sudden betrayal.

Yuntian looked at Yihui in disbelief, and then said:

"You traitor!"

"Forget it, I'm going to go to you. Don't think that I will save you when you are hunted down."

"Anyway, I'm not going to die..."

"Well! Since you have agreed, then I will prepare the air tickets for the three of us later, and we can decide the time later. Anyway, there is no rush."

"??? I didn't agree!"

"Ikki agreed! The three of us acted together, and when there are disagreements, of course the minority obeys the majority!"

“…I object to this way of deciding.”

"invalid objection!"

"I have other things to do on vacation, so I can't go!"

"It doesn't matter. I can book the ticket after you have finished handling your personal affairs. Anyway, the summer vacation is very long, not less than one week or two weeks."

"...I've been busy all vacation."

"Oh, you're lying!"

"Tsk... Ikki, you traitor!"

"Eh?! Yes, I'm sorry..."

During this fight, the three of them received a radio announcement.

"The three winners are invited to come on stage!"


Walking out of the lounge, the three of them followed the guidance and stood beside the old man Hai Jiangtian, the chairman of the operation committee.

Afterwards, Kai Jiangtian called out the names of the three in order.

"First year at Pojun Academy, Stella Vermilion!"

"You won the third place in the No.60 Second Seven-Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, and now this honor is awarded to you, congratulations!"

"Thank you." Stella took the certificate and medal, saluted the old man Kai Jiangtian and the audience, then turned around and walked to the No.3 position on the awarding platform to stand up.

"Bajun Academy first year, Kurogane Kakki!"

"You won the second place in the No.60 Second Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival, and now this honor is awarded to you, congratulations!"

"Thank you." He also received the certificate and medal, and after saluting, Ikki walked to the No.2 position on the podium and stood up.

When the two of them stood up, it was Yun Tian's turn.

Because he is the champion, Yuntian is slightly different from Stella and Ikki.

"The first year of Pojun Academy, Yuntian!"

"You stood out from the fierce battle and finally won the honor of champion!"

"Now, I present this trophy and medal and the title of 'Seven Star Sword King' to you, congratulations!"

Chapter 483 Banquet and Wine Competition

The champion is different from the runner-up and third runner-up. In addition to the medal hanging around the neck, the certificate of merit has been replaced with a trophy, and the title of "Seven Star Sword King" is added.

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