Gui Deyuan's words cut Rinna's heart like a knife.

Looking at the girl's cheeks that had lost all blood, Bi Fang felt somewhat apologetic for using this method.

However, in order to bring his friend back from going astray, the other party has no other way.

The clothes and lines of Rinna's second disease are obviously from this work.

"You, you are so unreasonable! Isn't Teacher Yingliu too pitiful like this!"

"Don't worry about this, the termination of the serialization was proposed by Mr. Yingliu himself."

"Anyone who commits a crime because of his own work must stop writing. These are his exact words, um, what an excellent cartoonist."

"Then that's it... Hey, Teacher Yingliu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but the termination of the serialization is..."

"I got it! I got it, can't it be okay! Rinna is a new person! No more contact with the rebels! So please don't terminate the serialization!!!"

Chapter 487

Guide Hara Kakata and Kazaki Rinna did not participate in the discussion about the photos from the very beginning, and besides them, there were also people who withdrew from the discussion.

That's Shizuku and Arisuin.

One of them is a water magician, and the other is a killer, and Yuntian and others are somewhat unable to get their mouths out on the topic of the God of God Alliance and fighting.

Especially Shizuku, who almost let the atmosphere cool down just now.

At this time, she was sitting on the side, sighing silently.

"Are you tired? Shizuku probably doesn't like this lively atmosphere very much."

Arisuin knew his roommate quite well, knowing that Shizuku likes to be quiet, he walked over worried when he found the girl sighing.

"Thank you, I'm fine."

Shizuku took the juice that Arisuin handed over, rubbed her forehead that still felt a little dizzy, and then explained:

"I'm just a little disappointed that the goal wasn't achieved."

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

"Although today I want to celebrate my brother, Yuntian, Stella and the others getting the rankings, I also want to ask senior sister Wuzi to accept me as a disciple."

Arisuin was not surprised by Shizuku's words, he had already guessed it.

"Sure enough, you lost to senior sister Dao Hua twice in a row, you are not as calm as you appear."

"Compared to you...I'm too weak." Shizuku bit her lip unwillingly.

In this small group of Pojun first-year freshmen, among the group of five headed by Yuntian, except for Shizuku, everyone is a strong person who can stand alone.

Needless to say, Yuntian and the others, even Arisuin has strength far surpassing Shizuku.

Don't look at Yusuin as if he can't beat anyone, that's because after he betrayed the rebel army and officially joined the Po army, all the battles he experienced were head-on confrontations.

Now the title of Arisuin is 'Black Rose', but before that, the title of 'Dark Shadow Murderer' was not an exaggeration to say that it was famous all over the world.

The assassination record with a [-]% success rate, although there is no Majin level in it, but more than one world-class powerhouse has been lost in the hands of Yusuin.

Even for the current Ikki and Stella, despite the terrifying appearance of the two of them stepping into the demon realm, if Arisuin really made a serious move, there is at least a [-]% chance of assassinating them.

It is really difficult for people who have not received this training or have experienced assassination to resist the attack of a killer who can appear and disappear through the shadow.

Everyone is so strong, Yuntian, Ikki, Stella, Yusuin, any one of the four of them has the ability to shake a country and even cause waves in the world.

But as their companion, Shizuku's strength is only at the level of a professional magic knight.

At her current age, it is good enough to do this.

If it were Dao Hua, he couldn't do better than her in the first grade.

However, everything depends on who you compare it with.

Compared with other people, Shizuku deserves to be called a genius, but if compared with the other four members of this small group, it can only be described as a world of difference.

"Senior be valued by Yuntian, she must not be a weak person."

"She is also a water magician, also good at controlling magic power, and has enough achievements in healing and combat. She can be said to be the most suitable teacher I can find so far."

"So I want to worship her as my teacher, but..."

As she said that, Shizuku looked a little irritably in one direction.

Arisuin also followed her gaze.

There, what caught the eyes of the two of them was...

Holding Sarah Brad Lily in her arms, she was a drunken doctor girl who took her freedom with her hands and feet like an octopus, and continued to beat her up.

"Ah, ah, you are very plump, but you lack muscles~"

"Woo... I, I, I am physically weak, and I have been sitting and drawing. There is nothing I can do about it."

"This can't be done, it can't be done~ If it keeps going like this, all kinds of diseases will break out in one go when you reach middle age. But don't worry about it now~ Sister Wuzi, I'm currently researching an epoch-making treatment that transforms fat into muscle~ You are my first experimenter. Hmm~ Wuzi-chan will be very gentle~~~"

"Who, who will save me!"

"I lick~"


Seeing the messy and entangled appearance of the two of them, the smile on Arisuin's face became a little forced.

"Totally drunk, Wuzi-senpai...and it doesn't look like the wine is very good."

Shizuku nodded at Arisuin's words.

"That way there is no way to discuss it properly."

"And I think that once you get close, you may be involved, and I definitely don't want to go there..."

"Well, I can only visit Hiroshima directly during the summer vacation."

"Oh? Aren't you planning to go to Vermilion Kingdom with Stella and the others?" Arisuin asked in surprise.

Stella did invite Yuntian and Ikki, but after all, Shizuku and Arisuin are also very good friends she made in Hakun Academy, so of course they invited them together.

"Of course I want to go... But if this continues, I won't be able to keep up with your progress."

"One day, not only standing by your side, but even standing behind you will lose the qualification..."

"So, I can't go."

Shizuku's words made Arisuin silent. Although he expected that losing to Toka for the second time would stimulate Shizuku to a certain extent, he didn't expect the stimulation to be so serious.

"I'm afraid the two matches between Yuntian and Yihui and Stella will further stimulate her..."

However, judging from Shizuku's reaction, at least this is not a bad thing.


The banquet went on for a while.

Around topics such as wine, food, photos, etc., people who usually get along with each other gradually formed groups and started chatting.

And at this time, Yun Tian finally seized the opportunity and escaped from the crowd.

As the protagonist of the banquet, it can be said that he is always in a state of being stared at during the banquet.

As the blue starlight fragments flickered, under the effect of the Star Immortal Technique, Yuntian's sense of existence gradually decreased.

After looking around and finding that no one noticed him, he walked towards a corner of the store.

There is a separate table here, on which drinks and food are also placed, and the entire corner including this table is also covered by the Star Immortal Art, and the sense of existence is extremely weak.

Walking to the table and sitting down, Yun Tian looked at Edelweiss, smiled and said:

"Sorry for leaving you here alone."

"It's okay, it was originally my suggestion, you don't need to apologize." Edelweiss shook his head lightly.

"So, why bother?" Yun Tian asked suspiciously while pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

"If you want to attend the banquet, just do it openly, and there is nothing shady about our relationship."

"Just in time to introduce you to Ikki and Stella."

Listening to Yun Tian's question, Edelweiss glanced at the people not far away, then smiled and said:

"Forget it anyway, I don't want to cause you trouble."

"My identity is too sensitive. There are too many people here, so it's not convenient for me to show up."

"Also, I didn't come here just to attend the banquet."

Chapter 488 Are you willing to walk with me?

"The Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival is over."


"...Are you leaving?" Edweiss' tone concealed loneliness.

She didn't know about the main god's space, but she could see Yuntian's plan to leave.

In fact, Yuntian hid it very well, like Yihui and Stella, even Kurono and Ning Yin didn't notice his intention to leave.

However, as a person who has been with Yuntian day and night during this period of time, Edelweiss' experience can still see some clues.

She didn't choose to ask more, since Yun Tian didn't open his mouth, then Edelweiss didn't intend to ask.

She really wanted to be with Yuntian all the time, but if it was inconvenient for Yuntian, Edelweiss would not make trouble unreasonably.

'...If Yuntian doesn't ask me, that means it's not convenient for him to take me with him. '

Thoughts swirled in his heart, and Edelweiss' mood was obviously depressed.

She didn't want Yuntian to see what she was thinking, and she didn't want to cause trouble for Yuntian, but the feelings of loss and loneliness lingered in her heart, and she couldn't hold back her expression.

In fact, at this time, if Yun Tian's attention is here, then he can easily see through Edelweiss' thoughts.

However, it is a pity that Yuntian failed to see through.

Because his attention is not here at all at the moment.

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