At this time, Yun Tian was worrying about how to explain the space of the Lord God to Edelweiss.

To be honest, he was quite nervous.

He really hasn't experienced this kind of tension outside of fighting for too long.

As a result, the air in this small corner gradually became a little heavy under the two people's thoughts.

Under the rendering of the atmosphere, Edelweiss felt a little like crying.

After waiting for so long, she finally met a lover who was willing and capable enough to accept her, and she really didn't want to be separated.

If it was a temporary separation, Edelweiss certainly wouldn't be so sentimental, but she always felt that Yuntian's departure this time was not ordinary.

It was a strong sense of loss, as if he was about to leave this world.

Loss gradually turned into sadness, loneliness gradually turned into heartbreak, and tears began to spin in the eyes.

Just when Edelweiss was holding back tears and not letting herself cry out, Yun Tian's voice came into her ears.

"Would you like to come with me?"

As if hearing the sound of a miracle, Edelweiss was stunned.

With tears in the corners of her eyes, she stared at Yun Tian in a daze for a few seconds.

Then, as if he hadn't reacted, he said something like this:

"Eh? Can I follow?"

"???" Yun Tian looked at Edelweiss in a daze.

When he asked this sentence, because of the long-lost tension, Yun Tianxia consciously looked away from Edelweiss.

He knew that Edelweiss could see that he planned to leave, so Yun Tian thought that he would get a reply whether he was willing or not.

Who knows, waiting for an answer amid anxiety is a pitiful rhetorical question with a crying voice.

Yun Tian, ​​who had no idea what happened, immediately turned his gaze back, and then, seeing Edelweiss with tears in the corner of his eyes, he was even more confused.

Edelweiss is not stupid, on the contrary she is very smart.

The reason for this kind of misunderstanding is because she didn't expect Yun Tian to be nervous about this matter.

You know, in the process of getting along during this period of time, she really never saw Yun Tian look nervous, so she didn't think about it at all.

Coupled with the strong premonition from the devil, that kind of real sense of loss caused Edelweiss, who had finally obtained this love of his own, to panic in an instant.

So, after she noticed Yun Tian's astonishment, she reacted almost immediately.

The moment he realized that he was just thinking wildly, Edweis's pretty face was blushed.

In less than a second, her whole body, even her neck, became red.

Of course, this extremely obvious change cannot escape Yun Tian's gaze.

Different from the absent-minded state just now, Yun Tian, ​​who is now focusing all his attention on Edelweiss, also instantly understood the cause and effect.

Then, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hmm↗huh↘, did someone think that he was going to be abandoned just now~"

"Who, who are you talking about!"

"Huh? Why are you blushing?"

"That's, that's not the case! You're wrong about blushing!"

"Oh, someone should wipe the tears from the corners of their eyes first, otherwise they will flow~"


Yun Tian looked at Edelweiss who hurriedly wiped away his tears with a tissue, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Now think back to the state of the two of them just now, one was thinking wildly, the other was nervous and bewildered.

It's like a pair of young and stupid couples.

Thinking about it, Yun Tian couldn't help laughing.

It was the first time he had experienced this feeling, and it was amazing, but it wasn't a bad feeling.

And Edelweiss heard Yun Tian's laughter, holding a tissue soaked in tears in his hand, and slowly laughed too.


Yun Tian and Edelweiss laughed for a while, although the voice was not too loud, they did not hide it too much.

Fortunately, with the cover of the Star Immortal Technique, otherwise, I'm afraid it would have been discovered by others at this time.

"Speaking of which, it's a pity."

After laughing, Yun Tian sighed:

"I forgot to take a picture of you, Ed, with tears in the corners of your eyes just now."

"In the future, it will be very interesting to make a big photo frame and hang it on the head of the bed."

"...Damn you!" Edelweiss kicked Yun Tian with his long legs under the table to express his dissatisfaction.

"Aren't you nervous too!"

"Otherwise, you should have noticed my changes immediately. It's all your fault for causing me to worry so much!"

Facing Edelweiss' complaint, Yun Tian didn't refute her any more, but accepted it with a bit of a smile.

Don't worry about this question anymore, because Edelweiss' attitude has already told Yuntian the answer.

So, he brought the topic back to the business.

"You came here today because you want to check the status of Ikki and Stella?"

"Well, after all, I learned about that kind of thing last night. The two of them are still young and don't have too much experience. I am a little worried that it will cause unnecessary pressure on them. It will be bad if it affects their mentality."

"However, they are a little better than I imagined."

last night.

Originally, this celebration banquet should have been held after yesterday's closing ceremony.

The reason why it was postponed until today was because the three of Yun Tian, ​​who were the protagonists of the banquet, had something to do temporarily.

Yuntian, Yihui, Stella, the three of them were called away by Minister Moon Shadow after the closing ceremony yesterday.

Chapter 489 Huh?Do you want to eat too?

At that time, the three were conveyed by Chairman Kurono.

Minister Moon Shadow has something very important to tell them.

Because Kurono and Ningyin will be present, Ikki and Stella agreed to the invitation from the director of the once hostile academy.

As for Yun Tian, ​​because of Edelweiss, he knew that Moon Shadow Tapir was not a bad person, so he didn't take too much precaution.

The venue of the invitation was not in some common cafes or restaurants, but the venue of the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival that the three of Yuntian were very familiar with.

"What could it be? You actually asked us to come to the venue at this time."

"Who knows."

"Perhaps persuading us to join the Resistance or something?"

"...Then I promise to beat him up!"

"The chairman and Mr. Xijing are also here, so it won't develop like that."

The three of Yuntian walked and chatted, walked through the gate and finally came to the agreed place.

However, there was no one there.

There was only an unsettling silence in the empty hall.

"Did we remember the wrong time?"

"I don't think there should be..."

Stella and Ikki looked around suspiciously, but the result was still the same.

No matter whether it was on the commentary stand or the auditorium, there was no one in sight.

Even the garbage was cleaned up, leaving only this empty venue like a ghost town.

But, at the next moment!


Yun Tian waved the Star Death Sword, blocking the huge battle ax that attacked Stella and Ikki from behind!


The shock waves and roars sweeping all around broke the silence of the venue!

"You bastard!"

Stella was the first to react. The girl roared and called out the spiritual outfit 'Feilongsin Sword', aimed the golden two-handed sword at the attacker and charged directly.

And even though Ikki summoned the spiritual outfit as well, he didn't attack it impulsively like Stella.

'That armor...could it be? ! '

He observed the attacker's jet-black full-body armor that melted into the darkness, and at the same time walked around from the side, intending to support Stella.

As for Yun Tian, ​​after receiving that blow, he didn't act anymore.

Recalling the feeling of the hand just now, Yun Tian sighed a little bored, then glanced in a certain direction, stood still and entered the mode of watching a movie.

That's right, just watching a play.

Although there was only one blow, and it was a powerful blow full of strength and fighting spirit, Yun Tian could feel the temptation hidden in it.

Probably not the enemy, this can be seen from the indifference of Edelweiss, Ning Yin, Heono and Yueying who are hiding beside the situation.

So Yuntian didn't plan to do anything.

Because the opponent's target was not him, or in other words, the temptation to Yuntian was over after the initial blow.

The process of the battle is quite intense, it can be said that there are back and forth wins and losses.

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