But Yun Tian knew that judging from the scene, the black armored knight should have the upper hand.

There are two reasons, one is that even Stella's slash can be easily received, and the pair of jet-black full-body armor obviously possesses extremely strong defensive power.

Facing this armor, both Stella and Ikki felt helpless under normal conditions.

And another reason is that Stella and Ikki can win and lose against the black armored knight only by working together!

Although the three of them obviously didn't use their hole cards in the battle, under normal circumstances, the black armor knight's advantage is huge.


Created by Ikki, Stella sent the black-armored knight flying with a full blow!

However, the smoke and dust cleared, and the black armored knight who came back did not have any scars on his body.

This fact made the two feel a little anxious, because if they couldn't cause damage to the enemy, it meant they had to use their hole cards.

If the one-knife Shura and the Dragon God Possession are really used, it will represent an escalation in the battle!

However, at this moment, the two who were engrossed in dealing with the enemy suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Speaking of... what about Yuntian?"

Kazi Kazi——!

"Eh? It seems that I really didn't see it... No way..."

Ton ton ton——!

"This voice... Sure enough!"

Ikki and Stella took a deep breath at the same time, suppressing the anger rising in their hearts, and then turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, Yun Tian didn't know when he had quietly sat on top of the auditorium, eating popcorn and potato chips with relish, and had two bottles of happy water at hand.

Beside him, there are Ning Yin, Hei Nao and Minister Yue Ying who are also eating snacks with relish and watching blockbuster movies.

The four of them seemed to be enjoying themselves, and Ikki and Stella who were in the middle of the battle almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

In fact, not only that, even Edelweiss, who was hiding aside and didn't plan to show up, secretly took the snacks and drinks that Yun Tian handed over.

At the moment, he is hiding his figure while eating happily.

Seeing this scene, even the black armored knight froze in place.

The three people on the field who were originally tense with swords lost all fighting spirit in an instant.

"Ahem..." Kurono and Yueying were not thick-skinned after all, and when the three of them looked over, they put down the potato chips and popcorn in a little embarrassment.

But Yun Tian and Ning Yin continued to eat without any scruples.

For a while, the atmosphere became weird.

Realizing that if this continues, today's goal may not be achieved, so Minister Moon Shadow cleared his throat, intending to break the current deadlock.

"Cough cough."

"That's the end of the battle."

"If you continue, the battle between you will escalate and become a real fight."

"So, can we put away our weapons?"

However... no one paid him any attention.

It's not that the Black Armored Knight, Stella, and Ikki have much opinion of him...Ok

, Well, in fact, the opinion is not small.

But that's not the point, the main thing is that the three of them don't know how to deal with the current situation.

After all, Ikki and Stella really thought they were being attacked, and the black armored knight was fighting them very seriously.

If it is interrupted in the middle of the fight, that's okay, just take the opportunity to end it.

But they were still fighting, and suddenly found a group of spectators, still eating snacks happily, as if wishing they could continue the fight.

Now that he was discovered, he stood up again and planned to end the fight.

If you really nodded and agreed... Ikki and the three felt as if they were performing exclusively for others.

The mood is extremely complicated.

He held his breath in his heart, and couldn't vomit quickly.

Even the black armored knight is like this.

So, after thinking about it, the three of them who had fought together just now turned their attention to Yun Tian at the same time.

Staring at the culprit.

However, Yuntian's reaction to this was...

Ton ton ton——!

"Ah~... um? Do you want to eat too?"

angry! ! ! x3

Chapter 490 The Strong Ikki

Kazi Kazi——!

"So what the hell..."

Ton ton ton——!

"What exactly is going on?"

Stella poured a whole bag of potato chips into her mouth, and then took a sip of happy water.

Looking at the way she stared at Yun Tian while eating, it was obvious that she was not relieved.

However, this upright appearance made Yuntian feel a little funny, and at the same time made Ikki a little helpless when he was asking.

"Well, it's a sideshow." It was Ning Yin who answered Yihui.

"You all know the origin of that guy, right?"

Hearing what Ning Yin said, both Yihui and Stella nodded, and even Yuntian turned his eyes around, pretending to be listening attentively.

Although he didn't think much about it during the battle because he was attacked by surprise, the appearance of the black armored knight who turned away with two bottles of happy water was still very recognizable.

"Inherent spiritual outfit 'Invincible Armor', possesses the conceptual ability 'Unyielding' that can infinitely heal the user's body."

"I logged into the KOK A-level league for the first time last year, and climbed up to a high ranking in the blink of an eye with a turbulent momentum. The A-level knight of the French Empire."

"The current alliance world ranks fourth, 'Black Knight' Ascaride."

This information from Ning Yin is not a secret, and the three of Yun Tian have heard about it.

After all, it is a rare piece of news worthy of attention in recent years, and as a knife cutter, he will understand it somewhat.

"However, why would the first-class knights from the alliance countries come to attack us?"

Swallowing the food in her mouth, Stella asked with some doubts.

"Ascaride said that he wanted to see your strength no matter what." It was Kurono who answered her this time.

"Leaving it alone, he will probably carry out the sneak attack alone, so we can only let him do it under surveillance."

After listening to Kurono's words, Yuntian put the empty bag in his hand back into his portable pocket, and took out a new pack of snacks and handed it to Stella before complaining:

"Leaving Ikki aside, Stella and I can be regarded as visitors from abroad, and Stella is also the second princess of Vermilion Kingdom, a veritable state guest."

"This kind of attack, even with your surveillance, is enough to become an international problem."

Yun Tian's complaints almost reached Minister Yueying's heart.

He quickly went on to explain the topic:

"Because of this, I stopped it as the highest authority..."

"But I agree!"

However, Yue Ying was interrupted by Ning Yin before she finished speaking.

As the alliance's current world number three, although Ning Yin is from the Far East, her words carry as much weight in the alliance as Moon Shadow, the head of state.

Especially when it comes to international issues, Ning Yin is even more powerful than Yue Ying, who is suspected of colluding with the rebels.

So her permission is really not a joke, Ning Yin really has this right now.

"It's a shame that you can get the teacher's certificate and let others sneak attack on your students..."

"There are not many opportunities to fight against strong men of this level. It should be a good experience for you who have just entered this level to experience the power of the world's top knights. This is the teacher's care and gratitude. Come down!"

"..." x3

Yuntian, Yihui, and Stella looked at each other, and then sighed in unison.

But they also had to admit that what Ning Yin said did make sense.

Leaving aside the exception of Yuntian, this is indeed a rare experience for Ikki and Stella.

Shaking his head, knowing that it would be useless to pursue further, Yun Tian changed the subject.

"The reason for the attack is already clear. Since it is not an important matter, it can be temporarily revealed."

"Compared to this, Moon Shadow...doesn't Minister Moon Shadow have something to tell us?"

When Yun Tian mentioned Yue Ying, he hesitated a little in addressing him.

Because of his relationship with Edelweiss, he actually wanted to call Moon Shadow Teacher Moon Shadow as well.

But if you think about it carefully, Heono and Ning Yin both call Yueying a teacher, and I am a student of Heono and Ning Yin, if I also call Yueying a teacher...

…No, this seniority is a bit out of date.

So in the end, Yuntian still used a more formal title.

And Yueying, who heard that the topic was finally back on track, couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that if the building was crooked, he wouldn't be able to turn back.

She showed a grateful smile to Yuntian, and then Yueying planned to formally tell the three of her goals for today.

"I called you here today for two things, one thing that must be said and one thing I hope you can listen to...Well, let's talk about the first thing first."

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