"This matter must be told to you, it is about the changes that have taken place in the three of you."

"But I think the three of you should have some understanding of this matter."

Hearing this, Yun Tian remained silent, but his tacit meaning was obvious.

And Stella is the same.

Both of them knew what Moon Shadow was referring to.

About the devil, Yuntian probably knows more than Yueying, and Stella also learned the basic information from Yuntian.



Ikki looked left and right, first at Yuntian, then at Stella.

Finally, he turned his gaze back to Yueying, and then asked with a tired expression:

"Excuse me... that, am I excluded???"

Looking at Ikki's expression and listening to the sad question, the few people present all fell into silence for an instant.

For a while, the atmosphere became extremely awkward.

Sensing everyone's reaction, Ikki's eyes became very resentful.

He silently picked up a snack, turned around, walked to a corner not far away and squatted down.



"...In other words, we are now the so-called 'devil'?"

The strong Ikki boy didn't shut himself up for too long.

Under the explanation and comfort of Yun Tian and others, he quickly recovered his normal mind.

"That's right." Tsukikage nodded in agreement with Ikki's statement.

"At the last moment of the match between you and Yuntian, the existence named 'Kurotek Ikki' surpassed the limit, causing a miracle of increasing the upper limit of mana."

"From that point on, there has been a qualitative change between you and ordinary knife cutters."

"The first thing I did when I found you today is to officially convey this fact to you who have stepped into the 'devil realm' in accordance with international practice."

"From now on, you are existences beyond the fate of this planet."

Chapter 491 Stella's questioning and necessary concealment

Majin, this brand new concept shocked Ikki.

He wanted to open his mouth and continue to ask something.

However, Yun Tian stopped him.

Yun Tian patted Yihui on the shoulder, motioned him to take two steps back like himself, and then said:

"If you have any questions, wait a while and ask again. Then it's time for another performance."

Yuntian's words made Yihui nodded silently as if he remembered something.

While the two took a few steps back, Kurono also seemed to understand the situation, and silently walked towards Yuntian and Ikki.

The three of them left space for a certain princess who was about to go crazy.

And the moment Yuntian and the others retreated, Stella's voice sounded.

"Mr. Ning Yin... As the third place in the league, you should have a certain right to explain international disputes, right?"

"Well, the concubine's authority in the alliance is much greater than you imagined. I know what you want to ask. With Teacher Yueying and I here, I have enough qualifications and authority to answer your questions."

"That's good." Stella let out a long breath of relief after hearing Ning Yin's answer.

The girl who had been carefree all this time took three deep breaths in a row as if she was adjusting her state.



The golden two-handed sword and the spiritual outfit 'Feilongsin Sword' pierced the ground viciously at the same time as it was summoned.

A little bit of phosphorescence floated on the girl's body, the gradually rising temperature distorted the surrounding air, and the long red hair fluttered in the air, giving her a feeling of calmness and prestige.

At this moment, Stella changed her usual image and looked extremely serious.

"Teacher Ningyin... No, 'Yasha Ji' Xijing Ningyin, a member of the International Magic Knight Alliance!"

"I, Stella Vermilion, now challenge the Alliance as the second princess of the Kingdom of Vermilion, a member of the Alliance!"

"About the concealment of the 'devil man' from our country, I ask the alliance to give a reasonable explanation!"

As soon as Stella's words came out, it meant that there was nothing wrong with Yuntian, Ikki, and Kurono for the time being.

Because the next thing to be done is a dialogue between the spokesperson of the alliance and the two countries in the Far East and Familia.

Seeing Stella like this, Ning Yin scratched her head in distress.

She knew that the red-haired girl was for real now.

And from the looks of it, I'm afraid he's still quite angry.

In fact, there is nothing to do about it. Judging from Yueying's words just now, the alliance is aware of the existence of demons.

This kind of understanding is not superficial information, but has a considerable understanding of all aspects of the devil, and even has a complete set of rules.

This was unacceptable to Stella, or should be said to the Kingdom of Vermilion.

As a member country, Vermilion knew nothing about such important intelligence and possible military power that could be called a strategic background.

How can this not make Stella feel angry.

Being able to increase the upper limit of magic power, this kind of technology is only owned by some countries, is equivalent to fundamentally destroying the cornerstone of the alliance contract.

What this will bring is the distrust of the alliance itself among the participating countries.

Extremely fatal serious problem!

To be honest, Ning Yin really didn't know how to explain this question to Stella.

Although her status in the alliance is not low, and she has a great voice, but Ning Yin is really not interested in such matters involving 'politics'.

As long as it doesn't conflict with her interests, she can do whatever the alliance says.

To put it bluntly, Ning Yin is actually a reckless man.

The reason why she can have such great power in the alliance has a lot to do with her own disinterest in power.

So of course, it was Yueying's turn to explain.

And Stella has no objection to this, after all, she also understands that Ning Yin is a tool for dialogue.

With her here, this private negotiation will be established, and no matter what the result is, it will not lead to a deterioration of the relationship between the alliance and Vermilion.

Because it is now a dialogue between countries, Moon Shadow's tone has become very formal.

"It is very reasonable for Her Royal Highness Princess Stella to be angry."

"However, it is a misunderstanding to say that the alliance deceived your country and allowed some countries to monopolize the 'devil' technology."

"The reason why the alliance hides the existence of the 'devil' is entirely because once it is made public, it will cause huge turmoil."


"That's right, the first condition to reach the 'Devil' is that you have unparalleled possibilities."

"The second thing is to have a strong willpower to climb up to a higher level."

"These two points are the necessary conditions for awakening... However, Her Royal Highness can think about it, how many people in this world can meet these two conditions?"

"Among those who are satisfied, how many of you will be as strict with yourself as you are?"


"Her Royal Highness Princess Stella's words should be understandable. Powerhouses of your level cannot be copied just by imitating them."

"However, as a member of the royal family, you should also be able to imagine that once the method of becoming a devil is understood by the 'greedy guide', once those powerful people with absolute right to speak know the existence of this field, what will happen? What a tragedy that happened..."

Stella was silent.

As a princess, Stella certainly understood what Moon Shadow meant.

The devil is like a super weapon. If it is announced, some small countries will forcefully cultivate one regardless of the cost.

At that time, there will inevitably be forced swordsmen, who will force human beings to exhaust their possibilities of killing training.

But the devil is so easy to cultivate.

Awakening cannot be achieved by coercion from a third party.

The final result will only be the sacrifice of countless people in exchange for a failure.

And the more it fails, the more likely some countries will step up their efforts.

Stella knew that the alliance must have selfish motives.

But she also had to admit that the strategy of concealing the existence of the devil was indeed correct.

At least, she couldn't think of a better solution.

"That's why the Alliance will only reveal its existence to a small number of people in countries where devils are naturally born."

"It's not a malicious concealment against the Vermilion Kingdom. I hope Her Royal Highness can understand."

The anger subsided, and Stella also recovered her composure.

In the end, he could only express his understanding to Yue Ying and Ning Yin.

After all, once there is a 'forced to do dangerous things', it will make the cutter's magic power exceed the upper limit and become stronger. 'Such public opinion may cause extremely serious social unrest.

After the confrontation ended, the atmosphere returned to a relatively peaceful state.

And at this time, Ikki followed up on the topic just now and raised his own question.

"Since the alliance will only inform the country where the devil was born, then Minister Moon Shadow's knowledge of this means... Has there been a devil in the Far East before me?"

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