Chapter 492 Inherent Spiritual Clothing? Moon Sky Orb

"That's right, a total of three demons were born in Jidong before this."

Following Yue Ying's answer, Yun Tian set his sights on Ning Yin.

And Ning Yin also noticed his gaze, and returned with a smug expression.

Except for Kurono, no one else saw the small movements of the two of them.

Tsukage was explaining to Ikki, while Ikki and Stella were interested in information that they didn't know before.

"Among the three devils, the 'big hero' Kuro Tie Ryoma has now passed away."

"The two who are still alive, one is the legendary knight of the same era as Kurotsu Ryoma, the 'God of Fighting' Nango Toujiro."

"The other one is the favorite disciple of the 'God of Fighting' you are familiar with, 'Yasha Ji' Xijing Ningyin."

"By the way, although it's a rumor...the 'Black Knight' Ascaride you just fought against is said to be one of the demons belonging to the alliance."

As soon as Tsukage's voice fell, Ikki and Stella immediately exclaimed.

However, the focus of the two is not the same.

"The black iron dragon horse is actually a devil..."

"Teacher Ning Yin is actually a devil!!!"

"Hmph, unlike a guy who is afraid of awakening and retreats, the third place in the concubine's body is not for nothing."

Ning Yin smiled triumphantly at Stella who looked over in surprise, and then glanced lightly at Heino.

"..." Ignoring Ning Yin's gaze, Hei Nai just looked away a little unnaturally.

Seeing the increasingly delicate atmosphere between Hei Nao and Ning Yin, Yun Tian sighed helplessly.

He interjected in a heartbroken tone:

"That's about it for the first thing."

"Ikki and Stella, Minister Moon Shadow called us here to explain the purpose of the first thing, mainly to warn us not to disclose information about the 'Majin' at will."

"If someone asks about the increase in magic power, it will be said that it is a reserve of magic power in advance, or it will be confused by other words."

"It's really great that you can understand." Yueying nodded to Yuntian, showing a very satisfied smile.

This satisfaction is not only satisfied with Yuntian's understanding ability, but also satisfied with him himself.

To put it simply, it is the kind of eyes that look at the son-in-law very satisfied.

Yue Ying really wants to have a private talk with Yun Tian now, but before that, he has other things to do.

Both Yuntian and Stella are 'outsiders', but Ikki is different. Ikki is an out-and-out local newborn devil in the Far East.

Therefore, as the head of the Far East, it is necessary for Moon Shadow to explain to him the rights of the devil in the country.

"The devil is an existence that has broken through the upper limit of magic power, and as long as he exercises, he can increase his magic power."

"It can even influence and control the power of destiny to a certain extent, and it is the most important high-end combat power of the country."

"So, as the highest authority in the Far East, I will do my best to satisfy all your requirements. You can understand that the country in the Far East will do its best to support and help you grow."

"If you need, I can find you an excellent master to teach you martial arts."

"Thank you very much...Although I wanted to say that." Ikki frowned, not accepting Tsukage's proposal immediately.

Indeed, all of the above are good things.

In this conversation, Moon Shadow has also been releasing her kindness.


"I can't trust you."

"Whether you colluded with the rebels to establish Xiao Academy, or you ordered the attack on our school, I haven't settled these two accounts with you yet."

"If there is no reason enough to convince me, then emotionally I cannot accept your help."

Ikki's words were supported by almost everyone.

"As a princess of the Vermilion Kingdom, it is difficult to have a sense of trust in those who collaborate with terrorists."

"Well said, I am on your side this time!"

"Teacher Yueying, can you please explain the reason for doing these things?"

Not only Stella, but even Ning Yin and Kurono nodded in agreement.

Although the two of them used to be Moon Shadow's students and had a very good relationship, it didn't mean they could accept everything Moon Shadow had done before.

To be honest, being able to talk to him peacefully here is already based on our previous affection.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Heono and Ning Yin as teachers to forgive him for the attack on Pojun Academy.

Tsukikage looked at Ikki and the others with obvious distrust. Although he knew this would happen, he still felt a little disappointed after seeing it with his own eyes.

After all, there are students he is proud of.


Moving his eyes, Yue Ying saw Yun Tian standing aside and expressing neutrality again, and immediately felt a little relief in his heart.

Although Yuntian is not his student, but with Edelweiss' status, Yuntian and Yueying are somewhat related.

To be more serious, considering Edelweiss' current unaccompanied situation in the world, if she really wants to get married in this world, then Moon Shadow may be the only person she invites.

At the moment of 'people betraying their relatives', Yuntian's neutral attitude can be said to be quite heartwarming.

However, this was not the case for Ikki and the others who were following Tsukikage's gaze.

The four showed shocked expressions almost at the same time, and then blurted out in unison:

"In, inside rape?!?!"

"Crap!" He glared at them angrily, and Yun Tian rubbed his forehead.

Throwing the happy water in his hand, Yun Tian complained:

"I'm the champion this year. If I'm really a traitor, Xiao Xueyuan will win."

Hearing what Yun Tian said, Ikki and the others also calmed down.

It's not that they really think there is something wrong with Yuntian, on the contrary, it's because both Ikki, Stella, and even Ning Yin and Kurono trust Yuntian quite a lot.

That's why I was so shocked when I found out that he didn't support my side.

After all, in their eyes, Yuntian was undoubtedly one of his own, not to mention neutral, he should be the first to question Yueying.

Yun Tian silently sighed in his heart, actually he didn't expect this to happen.

If it wasn't because of Edelweiss, because he knew in advance that Yueying had difficulties, Yuntian would definitely raise doubts to Yueying together with Yihui and the others.

But now.

Yun Tian glanced at Yue Ying and signaled that he could start performing.

Feeling amused and smiling, Yueying stretched out both hands, and then chanted under the attention of everyone:

"Illuminate all phenomena, Moon Sky Orb!"

. .

I've had a really bad day today.

Because my friend had an accident, I have been waiting for him to write back to me, and I am very worried.

Then today, the mud horse blew a force nine wind, and the screen outside the window almost blew away. Three of the four corners fell off, and the remaining one was barely hanging.

In order to prevent falling and hitting people, it took a long time to fish the screen window back from the window.

During this process, he twisted his foot and almost stepped on the air and fell downstairs. He was really shocked and scared out of his mind.

The Buddha is true, it is true that misfortunes never come singly, the ancestors sincerely did not deceive me.

Chapter 493 A Future Like Hell

Accompanied by a faint light like moonlight, what appeared in Moon Shadow's hands was a crystal ball decorated with golden metal.

The crystal ball exuded a faint golden light while floating in the air above Yueying's hands.

"This is... Teacher Yueying's inherent spiritual outfit?"

"It doesn't feel like a weapon."

"Oh! I've heard of non-combat knife cutters, but this is the first time I've seen them in a crystal ball."

"This is, a non-combat knife cutter... This is the first time I have seen this type of inherent spiritual equipment."

"Indeed, this is also the first time I have seen it. This is really a wonderful flow of power."

It was the first time for several people including Yun Tian to see Moon Shadow Tapir's inherent spiritual outfit.

Hei Nai and Ning Yin are okay, they are well-informed, and have seen some non-combat-type swordsman spiritual outfits.

So although it was the first time to see Moon Shadow's spiritual outfit, the degree of surprise was limited.

Even Stella has seen some non-combat knife cutters.

However, Yuntian and Yihui were different, it was the first time for them to see this type of spiritual outfit.

Seeing the reactions of several people, Yueying smiled, and then explained:

"Because of its special ability, my spiritual outfit 'Moon Sky Orb' has been treated as a state secret in the Far East since its discovery."

"Even the alliance didn't report for details, and I haven't used this in front of people for a long time."

Hearing this, Stella suddenly hesitated.

After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and interrupted Yueying who was about to continue speaking.

"Since it's such a state secret, is it really appropriate for me and Yuntian to hear it?"

After finishing speaking, Stella still looked at Yun Tian worriedly.

In fact, her worries were not unreasonable.

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