Among the few people present, Kurono, Ning Yin, Yueying, and Yihui are all from Jidong, and they are also the core figures of Jidong in the future.

On the bright side, Yun Tian and Stella, who can only be regarded as students or friends at best, are really not qualified to inquire about other people's state secrets.

Stella can barely be said to be the royal family of the allies within the alliance, which can be said to some extent, but Yuntian has nothing to do with it at all.

Therefore, after hearing Stella's question, Ikki, Kurono and Ning Yin were all stunned.

They are strong, but when it comes to politics, they are far behind Stella.

After all, he is from a serious royal family, and he looks farther than them in this kind of matter.

"If it's a simple explanation or reason, then I think it's enough for Ikki to listen to it."

"After all, Ikki is a native of the Far East, and if Minister Moon Shadow can persuade Ikki, based on our relationship, Yuntian and I will basically not pursue this matter too much."

Regarding Stella's suggestion, Yun Tian nodded in agreement after thinking for a while.

He and Stella don't need to know now, if it's something that can be said later, then Ikki will naturally tell them.

If they cannot speak, then of course they are not fit to listen.

If you don't want to get into trouble, this is the best option.

It has to be said that Stella's thinking in this regard is indeed quite meticulous.

However, this suggestion was rejected by Yueying shaking his head.

"There's no need for that."

"This matter has something to do with the Vermilion Kingdom. If we can take the opportunity to become an ally, then we will be more confident."

"It is too difficult to establish trust between countries, but if the friendship between Princess Stella and Ikki is used as a bond, an alliance with the most basic guarantee can be established."

"So, of course Princess Stella doesn't have to avoid it... No, or it should be said that I really need your presence."

Stella nodded at Yueying's words, and the girl expressed that she understood the necessity of her presence.

"As for Yuntian..."

"For me, he's basically his own, so it's okay."

Yueying smiled, and said something that made several people puzzled.

Yihui and the others looked suspiciously at Yuntian, and then at Yueying, as if they were judging what kind of PY transaction the two had made.

Only Heono looked at Yun Tian thoughtfully as if he remembered something.

Without letting this topic continue to waste time, Yue Ying directly activated her spiritual outfit.

"I'll explain the details later, please read this first."

I flicked the 'Moon Sky Orb' that was stuck in the air with my fingers, and the surface of the crystal ball seemed to become rippled like a lake.

Immediately afterwards, a drop of water fell from the crystal ball, arousing a wide range of ripples of light on the ground.

After that, the image came into everyone's eyes.

"This, this is?!?!"

After seeing the contents of the video clearly, everyone's expressions changed.

Because what Moon Shadow's spiritual outfit projected was...hell!

The city engulfed by flames, the shattered streets, all kinds of people who died tragically, the blood, corpses, screams, and the visual and sensory impact as if they were personally experienced!

There are no words to describe this scene other than hell.

"What, what, this kind of...uh...!"

After watching for a few seconds, Stella covered her mouth, squatted on the ground and almost vomited out.

Not only her, but Ikki beside him also had a livid face, and even Kurono felt his stomach churn.

If it was one or two dead people, even the scenes of dismembered corpses or flying blood would not make them like this.

But now this picture is not as simple as death.

As far as the eye can see, countless corpses are scattered on the street, the teenager who was crushed by the gravel and rubble and half of his body is still struggling and crawling, the child who finally found a place to hide but was swallowed by the collapsed house or the soaring flames.

This painting represents struggle and despair!

More importantly, the heat of the flames, the screams and wailing of the crowd, the smell of flesh and blood and the smell of roasting are intertwined and mixed together.

Everyone present really felt it.

This scene is not fake!

Only Yun Tian and Ning Yin were able to maintain normal conditions.

Even the creator of the scene called Moon Shadow had an ugly expression on his face.

Therefore, Yun Tian and Ning Yin were the first to notice something was wrong.

The two of them frowned and looked around, and after confirming several landmark buildings, they glanced at each other.

Both sides got the answer from each other's eyes, and then Yun Tian asked Yue Ying:

"This is Tokyo, right?"

With the appearance of these words, a creepy feeling emerged in the hearts of Ikki, Stella, and Kurono.

At this time, Yueying's voice of explanation also came over.

"The ability of the 'Moon Heaven Orb' is the power to peek into the 'past' of people and places within a certain range."

"However, there are occasional situations where the 'past' that was supposed to be peeped into is now peeking into the 'future' on the causal line of the present."

"The form of presentation is the very real 'precognitive dream' that you are seeing now."

"That is to say...according to the current trajectory of destiny, one day the situation in front of me will become a reality!"

Saying that, Moon Shadow canceled the summoning of the spiritual outfit.

With the disappearance of the 'Moon Sky Orb', the realm of hell also disappeared.

All that was left was the deadly silence.

Chapter 494 Meet the father-in-law?

"This is... the future?"

"Why is this..."

Stella's tone was a little low, obviously she hadn't recovered from the painting of hell just now.

Seeing her appearance, Yun Tian shook his head, walked over to help her up from the ground, and then said:

"Eighty percent of it is because of the war."

Yuntian is just guessing, but it is not an unfounded guess.

After all, the most likely reason why the Far East, the number one franchise country in the alliance, is in such a miserable state is the war.

In this regard, Moon Shadow first shook his head, then nodded again.

"I can't confirm the cause of the tragedy, my ability is only to 'see'."

"However, judging from the current world situation, war is probably the greatest possibility."

"Impossible! As long as the three demons of the three major forces exist for a day, there will be no such level of war!" Stella objected immediately after Yun Tian helped her up.

What she was talking about was a real problem in today's world structure.

It is composed of small countries, including the "International Union of Magic Knights" such as the Far East, the French Empire, Familia, and so on.

Treaties concluded by major powers, including the "Great Power Alliance" such as the White Eagle, the Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and so on.

The "Rebel Army" formed by the collusion of dark forces, underground society, and criminal organizations.

As long as these three major forces exist, as long as the pillars of these three major forces, the three demons Bai Hugong, Superman, and Tyrant, are still alive, there will be no large-scale wars that will spread to the world.

And as one of the important member countries of the alliance, as long as the extreme east does not encounter such a large-scale war, it is unlikely that the tragedy just happened.

It's ironic to say that it is the existence of the criminal force of the 'Rebel Army' that barely suppresses the conflict between the 'Alliance' and the 'Alliance'.

There is such a common enemy, and this fragile peace can be maintained through the mutual restraint of the three parties.

Edelweiss chose to name himself in the Rebel Army back then, and this reason probably played a large part in it.


"This delicate balance is almost untenable."

"The pillar of the rebel army, the tyrant, one of the three major demons, is too old now."

"The 'tyrant' who has been famous all over the world long before the Second World War, it is not surprising when he will die now."

The lifespan of demons is much longer than that of ordinary people, but they cannot be regarded as longevity species after all.

It is okay to live for decades, and it is possible for the best of them to live for hundreds of years, but it is impossible to live any longer.

"Actually, the alliance has already started to deal with and incorporate the rebels."

"The White Eagle, the Russian Empire, and even the neutral Celestial Empire have already started their own actions, and some well-informed countries on the Alliance side have begun to contact the rebels."

"This time Xiao Xueyuan's plan also includes Jidong's attempt to participate in this competition for inclusion."

"However, compared with the alliance, the progress of the alliance can be said to be far behind."

"This can be seen from the fact that Princess Stella has not received any news at all."

"At that time, when the tyrant dies, most of the combat power of the rebel army will flow into neutral countries like the Alliance or the Celestial Dynasty."

"The growth of the enemy is equal to the weakening of oneself. Therefore, after losing the balance, the alliance has gained a lot of combat power..."

"A third world war will inevitably occur."

"In other words, you don't just want to leave the alliance, but also hope to contact the alliance through the line of the rebel army, so that the extreme east can join the alliance?"

Yun Tian looked at Yue Ying and asked with some interest.

And Yueying nodded, affirming Yuntian's guess.

"Staying in the league may not avoid that future."

"With the geographical location in the far east, there is more than one big country in the alliance around. This disadvantage in the alliance will become an advantage if you join the alliance."

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