"Even if I accept some unfavorable conditions, this is the only way I can think of."

"So I established Akatsuki Academy, and I want to rely on it to increase the chances of leaving the alliance. After all, to implement this policy, more than half of the national vote needs to be approved."

It has been more than ten years.

Ever since seeing this nightmare, Moon Shadow has tried her best to avoid this future and live.

From a teacher with nothing, to now the highest authority in the Far East, who has almost half of the voice in the sky.

For a non-combat knife cutter with no combat effectiveness, he really did his best.


"I still failed after all."

Yueying sighed, but there was not much loss in his tone.

"The defeat of Xiao Xueyuan, the support rate of the alliance in public opinion has once again increased, and my rights have also been somewhat restrained because of this incident."

"Half of the yes votes is now impossible to win."

"But you look quite happy instead?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, looking at the smile that couldn't be concealed on the corner of Yue Ying's mouth.

"Haha, it's true... It's been more than ten years, just believing in this only salvation and fighting, it's really exhausting."

"And now, a new generation of young power has emerged, a brand new possibility that can break destiny!"


After that, the topic is over.

Ikki, Stella, Kurono, Ning Yin, the four left with their own thoughts.

They still couldn't accept the attack on Pojun Academy, but their hostility towards Tsukage disappeared unconsciously.

They don't know what the future holds yet, but the only thing they know is that they must never let that tragic future become a reality.

On the other side, Yun Tian stayed behind.

Edelweiss, who had been hiding by the side, also came out.

"Speaking of which, this is probably the first formal meeting."

Moon Shadow carefully looked at Yuntian, then looked at Edelweiss who walked over and leaned together naturally, showed a kind smile, and then said:

"Let me re-introduce, my name is Moon Shadow Tapir, and I'm Ed's half-teacher."

Hearing Yue Ying's words, Yun Tian paused for a moment, and then introduced himself very formally.

"Hi, my name is Yun Tian, ​​from the Celestial Dynasty, Ed's boyfriend."

Edelweiss, who had just leaned over, was a little dazed listening to the very formal conversation between the two men, one older and one younger.

Feeling the atmosphere gradually turning serious, she was a little confused for a while.

However, at this time, neither Yuntian nor Yueying paid any attention to Edelweiss.

The two looked at each other very seriously, and just stared at each other for a long time without saying a word.

Chapter 495 Seeing the Parents

The banquet is still going on.

At this time, Yun Tian and Edelweiss also woke up from their memories.

"At that time, you and Teacher Yueying really scared me. They suddenly looked at each other without saying a word. I thought something happened."

Edelweiss chuckled, as if he was interested in the state of Yuntian and Yueying at that time.

Regarding this, Yun Tian just rubbed his forehead in embarrassment, and then said:

"At that time... well, I actually didn't know why we had to look at each other, but I always felt that if I didn't do it, I would lose."

"Losing what?"

"Well... I don't know either."

Looking at Yun Tian with some amusement, Edelweiss really didn't expect that his boyfriend and teacher who has always been very stable would have such a childish side.

Then he thought that the state of the two of them was because of himself, and Edelweiss was a little happy besides being shy.

However, the harmony between Yuntian and Yueying made her breathe a sigh of relief.

No matter what kind of relationship it is, the fact that Moon Shadow sent people to attack Pojun Academy where Yuntian is located cannot be changed.

No matter how good the reasons are, they cannot distort the facts.

Therefore, Edelweiss was really worried that Yuntian would conflict with Moon Shadow.

Yueying is the only elder she has left in this world, and Yuntian is the other half she waited so hard for.

If there was a conflict, Edelweiss really didn't know how to solve it.

Fortunately, neither of them meant to embarrass her.

Edelweiss's small changes in mentality naturally couldn't escape Yun Tian's eyes, he smiled in his heart, and then he said:

"By the way, do I already meet my parents?"

"Eh?!...Well, yes, it should be considered." Edelweiss was both shy and hesitant.

Although Yueying is her teacher and her elder, she is not a real relative after all.

But for Edelweiss, who no longer has any relatives alive, it is not wrong to see Moon Shadow as seeing his parents.

Seeing Edelweiss' reaction, Yun Tian nodded thoughtfully.

In fact, his situation is similar to that of Edelweiss. He also has no relatives in the original world. If he insists on speaking of elders, only Fan Xinglu can be regarded as one.

'If that's the case...' Yun Tian thought for a while and made up his mind.

"Then it's your turn next time."

That's right, Yun Tian planned to introduce Edelweiss to Fan Xinglu in the name of meeting his parents just like this time.

As for how to go back...

In fact, there is no need to worry about this problem, as long as you return to the main god space, there are plenty of ways to return to the world of Xuezhan City.

However, Edelweiss is not as calm as Yuntian.

As soon as she heard 'meet the parents', she became flustered instantly.

"No, no, no, maybe it's too fast!"

"Is it too soon? Although we haven't known each other for a long time, we have done everything we need to do. It's just meeting a parent. According to the process, it's already a bit late."

"But, but, I, I, I, I'm not ready yet!"

"...What kind of psychological preparation is required for this? Haven't I already seen it? It's your turn."

"But, but..."

"No buts!"

"Ugh... then, that's fine."

In the end, Edelweiss, who couldn't speak to Yuntian, could only nod his head and agree.

It's strange to say, since the relationship between the two of them has already done everything, theoretically, they shouldn't feel shy about these things.

But Edelweiss still instinctively feels shy when facing these things.

It's a strange state, she doesn't resist these things, whether it's meeting her parents, holding hands on a date, or even some things in the middle of the night, she won't resist.

But I feel shy instinctively, and then finally nod in agreement while being shy.

This made Yun Tian feel puzzled and at the same time thought it was a bit amusing, so he didn't force Edelweiss to correct this problem.


Yun Tian chatted with Edelweiss for a while before returning to the banquet.

After all, he is the protagonist, and it doesn't matter if he disappears occasionally, but he will inevitably be discovered after a long time.

Edelweiss does not want to disclose her relationship with Yuntian, because she is afraid that her identity will affect and trouble Yuntian.

Although Yuntian thought it didn't matter, Edelweiss insisted, so Yuntian chose to respect her decision.

Fortunately, the banquet is almost over now.

And the end of the banquet means that everyone present will return to their respective cities.

After that, it's summer vacation!


A few days after the start of the summer vacation, Shizuku, who had taken care of everything, came to Hiroshima alone on the suspension train.

She originally hoped that Yusuin could come with her, but because she planned to go back to her hometown to pay homage to her dead friends, Yusuin couldn't come with Shizuku.

Therefore, Shizuku is the only one on this trip to visit the 'white knight' pharmacist Wuzi.

Of course, the other party was a doctor, and even during the summer vacation, Shizuku still had work to do, so Shizuku made a good greeting and made an appointment before going.

Although she was surprised by Shizuku's visit, Kiriko did not refuse, and agreed to meet her very simply.

Because she wants to be a teacher, and if she succeeds, she will live here for a while, so Shizuku's suitcase is full of daily necessities and a change of clothes.

Dragging the box, he walked all the way through the front entrance of the Pharmacist General Hospital.

Shizuku greeted the clerk sitting at the reception desk.

"Hello, sorry to bother you."

"I'm Shizuku Kurotsutsuku who came from Tokyo. I made an appointment before coming here. Ms. Kiriko said that it's enough to report my name here."

"Ms. Kurogane Shizuku, please wait a moment." The clerk picked up a notebook on the table, flipped through two pages, and confirmed the information.

Then he nodded and handed over a booklet, saying:

"It has been confirmed that you have an appointment. Here is the map of the hospital. The doctor should be on the third floor of the special ward for return visits. You can find her there."

"Thank you." After receiving the booklet and thanking her, Shizuku followed the directions on the map and came to a special place.

The reason why it is special is because it really does not look like a building in a hospital.

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