The layout of the room is very simple. There are several bookshelves side by side on the wall, which are filled with books in various languages.

There is also a small table and some chairs in the corner.

As for the most conspicuous thing in the room, it was a simple operating table made up of various equipment in the center.

"This is my private laboratory, but its purpose is not much different from that of a bedroom."

While introducing Shizuku, Kiriko walked to the small freezer next to the table in the corner.

Reaching out to open the freezer, he took three canned coffees, handed Yun Tian one, and then asked Shizuku:

"Sit wherever you want, can you drink coffee?"

"Thank you, but no, I'm not thirsty."

"Well... well, then let's talk about the business. You want to ask me for something, right?"

"...Yes, I would like to ask you to teach me how to practice water magician."

Hearing what Shizuku said, Wuzi immediately looked at Yuntian.

And Yun Tian spread his hands at her, expressing that this matter has nothing to do with him.

The actions of the two of them were not covered up, so Shizuku naturally saw it.

But she didn't explain, and explaining at this time would seem like a cover-up, so the girl just threw out her own conditions and didn't say anything superfluous.

"Of course I won't be cheeky and beg you to give me advice for free."

"As long as I can do it, the conditions can be set by you."

"The Heitie family still has a lot of influence in the Far East, whether it's money, sponsorship to the hospital, or some other help."

"Even if it's a human experiment, the Heitie family can provide the corresponding materials, even..."

"Even if you plan to conduct some experiments on me."

Shizuku is serious.

The conditions she offered were quite terrifying.

Regardless of the lightness of what she said, the influence of the Black Iron family in the Far East cannot be described as "not small".

As the helm of the Far Eastern Branch of the alliance and the head of the Black Iron family, Black Iron Yan's power can be said to be comparable to that of the highest authority, Minister Moon Shadow.

Covering the sky with one hand is not counted, but it is not just so important.

If Wuzi agreed, it would basically mean that he could run amok in the Far East.

Especially now that Ikki has become a demon and has reached a settlement with the Kuroite family, and the power of Minister Tsukage has been weakened.

The Heitie family already showed signs of covering the sky with one hand.

As for why such generous conditions are offered.

It is because the inheritance of the first doctor in the alliance is so precious.

Pharmacist Wuzi's cutting ability is not special at all, it is the simplest natural operation system.

But it is precisely because of this that it means the horror of this inheritance.

Wuzi's strength is based on knowledge and technology, which means that in a sense, her strength can be learned by all water magicians.

The proportion of the natural manipulation department among the slashers is not low. With this inheritance, even if ordinary people cannot become as powerful as Wuzi, there will be a qualitative leap.

It is conceivable that the Heitie family will usher in a rapid increase in strength.

Don't say any polite words such as promise not to pass on, now that Ikki has returned to the Kurotetsu family, and Shizuku is the heir of the clan, this guarantee will not have any credibility.

Therefore, even with such a generous offer, Shizuku was still worried that Kiriko would refuse.

After all, the weight of this inheritance is enough to be called world-class.

Regarding this, Wuzi scratched her head in distress.

In fact, she doesn't mind her medical skills being rumored at all. Unlike the knife cutter, Wuzi regards herself as a doctor.

Don't say she feels displeased with spreading medical skills, but she is eager for the improvement of the medical level in the world.

However, water control technology is another story.

Not reluctant.

If it was an ordinary person, Wuzi might agree after thinking about it.

But when it comes to a wealthy family, and a family like the Heitie family, Wuzi is somewhat hesitant.

After all, she doesn't want her technology to be abused.

How deep is the water in the big family, and the well-informed Wuzi is very special.

So, she turned her head to look at Yun Tian, ​​planning to ask his opinion.

The purpose of doing this is not for other reasons, but for Edelweiss' contract ability.

That's right, Wuzi has already met Edelweiss.

Not only have I seen it, but there is still a contract signed with Edelweiss on her body.

The main purpose is to restrict Wuzi from moving any hands and feet while studying Yuntian's body.

It was precisely after seeing this ability that Wuzi immediately thought of using this ability to solve his worries.

As for why he asked Yuntian and not Edelweiss himself...

That's because after getting along with her for the past few days, she has already discovered that as long as it is what Yun Tian said, [-]% of Edelweiss will have no objection.

This made Wuzi sigh with emotion, better than "Bi wing" is a woman after all.


In the end, Shizuku successfully became Wuzi's student, and together with Yuntian, she learned the knowledge and skills of water control and medical skills.

But compared to Yuntian, Shizuku's study may last for a long time.

And Yuntian was about to leave after a few days.

Because, he plans to return to the main god space!

Chapter 498 Deep Analysis

With the flickering of white light, Yun Tian appeared in this familiar pure white small room.

But this time, he was no longer alone.

Standing beside him was none other than Edelweiss!

First he nodded to Edelweiss, signaling her to be calm, and then Yuntian set his sights on the task settlement panel in the main god space.

And Edelweiss also looked over with some curiosity.

World: Legend of Heroes of the Fallen Knight

Main task: Participate in the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, and get the top three rankings.

Task Difficulty: Grade B

Checking the completion of the main task...

Main task evaluation: perfect

Basic settlement is completed.

The evaluation of B-level tasks is the same as that of C-level tasks, consisting of five levels: unqualified, qualified, good, excellent, and perfect.

Looking at the perfect evaluation that appeared again, the corner of Yun Tian's mouth curled up in joy.

When the last mission was completed, Yuntian only had a good evaluation of the main mission due to various factors, so he didn't get too many exchange points.

This time, not only was the task difficulty level B, but the evaluation was also perfect. The exchange point that will be credited soon can be said to be a solution to Yuntian's urgent need.

You must know that before starting this mission, he only had more than 5000 exchange points left in his pocket.

In the later settlement process, Yuntian not only had to solidify the temporary skill 'Magic Power' and completely transform it into his own skill, but also paid the points for the invitation to Edelweiss.

Therefore, if the evaluation is low this time, I am afraid there will be some troubles.

However, the perfect evaluation of the world of "Heroes of the Failed Knights" this time was actually expected by Yun Tian.

After all, he has defeated Stella and Ikki, the two protagonists of the original novel. Based on the performance of the two at the Seven Stars Sword and Martial Arts Festival, this is not just a B-level task.

It may not reach A level, but the minimum task is B+ level.

(The span between each level in the main god space is very large, so the strength evaluation of Stella and Ikki is only B+, and they cannot go to A level.)

In this task, there are more than these bonus points for evaluation.

The requirement for the main task is the top three, that is to say, as long as you defeat a strong man like Daohua or Wangma, you can be regarded as completing the B-level task.

As for Yun Tian, ​​he won the championship of the Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival, which was two places higher than the requirements of the main mission.

If it wasn't for the fact that the highest evaluation of the mission was perfect, Yun Tian even felt that with his extra points for this mission, he would be able to pile up to the next level.

The settlement panel did not wait for Yuntian's thinking. After completing the basic settlement, it quickly proceeded to the next step.

Starting to analyze the mission world of this experience...

The keywords 'cutter', 'inherent spiritual equipment' and 'magic power' have been detected and recorded, and the progress of the task world analysis has increased.

Keywords detected...

After the keyword detection is completed, the next step of detection begins.

Analyze the important figures in the world of this mission...

Detection of core characters: Kazuki Kurogane, Stella Vermilion

Detect important people: Edelweiss...

Detecting secondary VIPs...

Person detection is complete.

Analyzing the impact of agents on the mission world...


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