After the analysis is completed, the settlement begins.

Mission World: Tale of Heroes of the Fallen Knight

Final resolution level: 76%

Settlement rewards: 24640 redemption points, 2 C-level treasure chests, and 2 B-level treasure chests.


An invitation was detected from the proxy.

Object: Quest world 'Heroes of the Failed Knight', plot character 'Bizwing' Edwiss.

Result: Subject accepted invitation.

A fixed deduction of [-] exchange points will be made.


It is detected that the agent carries temporary skills, whether to consume exchange points to solidify them.

"Confirm consumption."

Confirm the consumption of 6000 exchange points to solidify the 'magic power'.

Settlement rewards are recalculated: 8640 redemption points, 2 C-level treasure boxes, and 2 B-level treasure boxes.


The reminder sounded again made Yuntian rub his forehead helplessly. This was the third official mission he had experienced, and it was also the longest settlement time.

Ding ding ding ding sounded several times.

However, Yuntian also felt some doubts. After all, according to the experience of the previous two settlements, the settlement should stop here after the rewards are finally obtained.

His thoughts flowed instantly, and Yun Tian directly locked his eyes on a certain position on the settlement panel.

Final resolution level: 76%

If nothing else, this is why.

After the first official mission was over, the 'senior' in the main god's space once told Yuntian.

Once the resolution of a mission world reaches more than 75%, the agent will receive an additional reward.

What exactly was the 'senior' did not tell Yuntian.

Because generally speaking, agents usually need to complete tasks in the same world three or more times to push the resolution level to more than 75%.

Good agents usually need to do it twice.

As for Yuntian, he only completed three official missions in total.

No one would have thought that in the third mission, he would push the resolution of the world to more than 75% through a single mission.

This kind of situation is extremely rare in the entire main god space, even Yuntian himself was very surprised.

You should know that although the first mission often analyzes the world a little more, it is usually about 40%.

When Yuntian did the mission for the first time, the analysis level of Xuezhan City's world only reached 24% for the first time.

Compared with the fallen knight this time, the gap is really too big.


"It's a good thing to have rewards."

"This kind of extra reward that is quite difficult to achieve the conditions should not be too bad, but I don't know if it is an exchange point or a treasure box or an item."

"It may also be some rewards that I haven't seen, such as permissions or new functions?"

While staring at the panel, Yun Tian was thinking in his mind.

For a long time, there will be no lag in the settlement of the main god space, and the information of the next step will be displayed in at most one second.

This time, however, it was different.

The settlement panel seemed to be stuck. After the prompt sound just now, Yuntian had to wait for ten seconds before the following prompt popped up.

It is detected that the analysis level of the mission world "Tale of Heroes of the Failed Knight" has reached more than 75%, and the Lord God Space will conduct an in-depth analysis of the world.

The mission world cannot be entered until the in-depth analysis is completed.

After the in-depth analysis is completed, the agent will receive an additional reward.

This settlement ends here.

"Welcome back to the space of the main god, Yuntian the authority, Edelweiss the agent."

Chapter 499 Identity Activation and Mode Selection

"Welcome back to the space of the main god, Yuntian the authority, Edelweiss the agent."

Following a mechanical voice, Yun Tian appeared in his room.

If it was before, he would naturally pull out a chair now, sit down and start checking his personal panel.

Right now, though, there's one more important thing to do than check your personal dashboard.

Yun Tian looked at Edelweiss beside him, and said with a strange smile on his face:

"Think about it carefully, it should have implanted all this in your mind."

Edelweiss glanced at Yuntian strangely, the two had been together for a while, so Edelweiss could somewhat understand the meaning of Yuntian's various expressions.

Obviously, there was something hidden behind this strange smile, but no problem could be heard from Yun Tian's words.

So, in the end, Edelweiss could only immerse his mind in his memory in a daze according to what Yuntian said.

Indeed, a lot of information has been added.

Those are the most basic information about the main god's space, and they are the benefits that the main god's space will distribute to every agent.

Having said that, although there is a lot of information, there is not much useful information.

Basically, it is the map of the main god's space, the infrastructure of each area and how to use the infrastructure, as well as the location of your own room and other simple information.

Speaking of rooms, Edelweiss, who has now become a proxy, of course has a room of his own.

However, slightly different from the original agent, the room of an invitee like Edelweiss requires an additional activation step.

This is also the reason why she will appear in Yuntian's room.

Because from the identity, Yun Tian is her inviter.

Before formally choosing a mode, Edelweiss is still Yuntian's subordinate for the time being.

This point is very clearly described on her personal panel.

Proxy: Edwards

Inviter: Yuntian

Identity status: inactive

Find the inviter to activate the identity and select the mode.

Countdown: [-] days (the execution cycle of general agents)

Note: If the identity activation and mode selection are not performed after the countdown ends, the identity of the agent will be frozen and repatriated to the original world, and half of the inviter's invitation letter will be refunded to consume the exchange points.

"Activation, will it be troublesome?"

Look at the personal panel that Edelweiss showed to himself, and hear Edelweiss' questions.

Yun Tian scratched his head, then said helplessly:

"I do not know either."

"It's also the first time I've invited someone to enter the main god's space, and the main god's space has not provided any information in this regard."

As he said that, Yun Tian looked at the activation button on Edelweiss' personal panel and several mode options next to it, hesitating a bit.

These options and activation buttons are for Yuntian, and Edelweiss cannot operate them himself.

This is a necessary process for entering the main god's space through the invitation letter, and it is also a protective measure to prevent some accidents from happening.

Identity activation and mode selection must be done by the inviter, but the invitee has the right to refuse activation.

Of course, there is nothing to say about the success of the activation, and Edelweiss will officially become an agent.

But if the invitee refuses and insists not to activate before the countdown, the repatriation mechanism will be triggered.

The possible reason for this is the choice of mode.

If the inviter and the invitee cannot finally reach an agreement on the activation mode, then it is likely to lead to the result of repatriation.

What makes Yuntian hesitate is precisely the choice of these modes.

Ask the inviter to choose the mode to activate:

1. Independent mode: activate as a normal agent.

2. Team mode

3. Army mode

4. Slave mode

5. Repatriation: To repatriate the invitee, half of the inviter's invitation letter will be returned to consume exchange points.

A total of five options appeared in front of Yuntian and Edelweiss.

Yes, you read that right.

Among these five options, only the first and fifth options give corresponding explanations, and the other three options have nothing but names.

That's why Yun Tian felt a headache.

"I don't know the difference between the modes at all, should I choose the first one?"

Edelweiss looked at the panel and asked Yun Tian softly.

In fact, she doesn't care, as long as it is not repatriation, she can accept any model.

After all, Edelweiss accepted Yuntian's invitation just to be by his side.

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