Edelweiss doesn't care about becoming stronger, the heavens and the world, and all kinds of wonderful different worlds.

Even if she understood the greatness of the main god's space because of her memory, this most fundamental idea has not wavered in the slightest.

She will be curious and longing, but the most important thing is to be with Yuntian, and the rest are at best a change.

So it doesn't matter what mode you choose.

As for whether the mode is good or bad, whether it will affect becoming stronger, etc...

Hmm... Are you talking about getting stronger with a woman who practices swords to lose weight?

Edelweiss is strong until she is strong, but she has no attachment to becoming stronger, and she doesn't even like fighting.

Being able to follow Yuntian as an ordinary girl is enough happiness for Edelweiss, she really only has this little pursuit.

If she didn't know it was impossible, she even wanted to abandon martial arts for literature... Uh, abandon martial arts for dessert?

Anyway, because of the super-awakening of the devil, Edelweiss no longer needs to lose weight, and his original intention of practicing swords is gone!


The space of the Lord God is so great, will there be any technology to make desserts to become stronger?

Start with sweetness!


Yun Tian glanced at Edelweiss distractedly, although he didn't know what was going on in her little head, but he could more or less make a good guess.

Sighing helplessly, even Yun Tian has to admit at this time that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the sky.

When facing Edelweiss, he deeply understood the strong sense of gap that other people had when facing him.

Some people are really born to be loved by the world.

Lose weight and become the strongest in the world...

Every time he thought of Edelweiss' reason for practicing sword, Yun Tian would feel a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.

With an aptitude as strong as Edelweiss, once she gets the bonus of the main god's space, Yuntian can't even imagine how far she will grow in the future.

Yun Tian is confident that he will not be surpassed in swordsmanship, but it is difficult to say in other aspects.

After all, Edelweiss is all-rounder!

Therefore, this is likely to be related to her future mode choice, and must be taken seriously.

Maybe Edelweiss didn't care about it, but Yun Tian didn't want her to be delayed.

This is not only for the future of Edelweiss, but also for Yuntian's own future.

As Edelweiss becomes stronger, it will naturally stimulate Yuntian to become stronger, and at the same time, he will be able to get more rewards when performing tasks in the future.

After making up his mind, Yuntian will not waste any more time.

Although he and Edelweiss didn't know the information about the pattern, one person definitely did.

And it is very likely that in the entire main god space, the person who knows this matter best!

Chapter 500 Edelweiss: Is it my fault? ? ?

Turning off the personal panel, Yuntian took Edweiss out of the room, ready to go to the old place to find his 'senior'.

On the way to the 'rest area', Yuntian also confirmed his remaining exchange points.

After all, it is to buy information, and some will be consumed.

"There are more than 5000 points remaining plus the 8640 points rewarded this time, so the total is just over 14000 points."

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that it should be enough, so Yun Tian felt a little relieved.

The information about invitations and activation should not be too expensive. If you want to reach tens of thousands of exchange points, you must have corresponding value.

If that's the case, it's not a loss to use props to pay off the debt.

This mission also gave Yuntian 2 C-level and 2 B-level treasure chests, so there was no way he couldn't afford a piece of information.

In the past, when the agent was at C-level, the reward standard for completing C-level tasks was:

Pass 6000 points + 1 C-level treasure chest

Good 7000 points + 2 C-level treasure chests

Excellent 8000 points + 1 B-level treasure chest

Perfect 10000 points + 1 B-level and 1 C-level treasure chest

And after Yuntian was promoted, the completed task was a B-level task.

Therefore, the standard of rewards has naturally also increased.

Pass 8000 points + 2 C-level treasure chest

Good 10000 points + 1 B-level and 1 C-level treasure chest

Excellent 12000 points + 2 B-level treasure chest

Perfect 14000 points + 2 B-level and 2 C-level treasure chest

Judging from Yuntian's perfect evaluation of this mission, if it weren't for the solidified skills and an invitation letter to Edelweiss, his income this time would be quite explosive.

The higher the level, the harder it is to achieve a high rating, and the more rewards you will get.

Getting a perfect rating this time was pure luck.

If Yuntian's strength had not taken a qualitative leap by meeting Edelweiss by chance, then this mission would probably only be a qualified evaluation.


While thinking, he explained to Edelweiss the buildings and facilities passing along the road.

It can be seen that Edelweiss has a lot of curiosity about the main god's space, but she will have more time to visit in the future, so she didn't ask Yuntian to stop.

Whether it is Yuntian or Edelweiss, with the strength of the two of them, as long as they don't deliberately slow down their speed, they will move very fast.

So it didn't take long to arrive at the destination.

A well-known bar in the rest area, the 'Adventurer's Club'.

Standing at the door of the bar, Yun Tian could already hear the noise coming from inside.

Obviously, the target he was looking for was inside.

This made Yuntian heave a sigh of relief. After all, after returning from the last upgrade mission, he happened to be staggered with senior Yas, so he was somewhat worried that the time would be staggered this time.

Fortunately, luck was good this time.

Although Yuntian is not weak, his qualifications in the main god space are extremely shallow.

There are really too few agents he knows, and there is really no one who can be called a friend except Senior Yas's team.

The few who know each other stay at the stage of acquaintances at most, far from being called friends.

Therefore, if Yas is not here, Yuntian really does not know who to turn to to buy information.

At that time, I'm afraid I can only find a place that specializes in selling information.

Thinking about it, he knew that with Yun Tian's bargaining skills, he would definitely be slaughtered.

Walking into the bar, just like after the first official mission, the first person to discover Yuntian was still a middle-aged man dressed as a mage, Roberts, one of the deputy team leaders.

The first time he noticed Yun Tian, ​​Roberts glanced at Captain Yas, and then gave him a sneaky look.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yun Tian recalled the experience of cheating his predecessors.

This situation seems to be exactly the same as before.

This made Yun Tian feel somewhat amused while feeling nostalgic.

Although he hadn't seen him on two missions, to Yuntian, nearly ten years had passed.

Ten years, in any world, is enough time to make people feel that everything is different.

Yun Tian also changed from an unscrupulous young man to a calm and stable young man.

He smiled and nodded to Roberts, as a response to the other party, but he didn't plan to join forces with Roberts to cheat Yas like he did before.

After ten years, Yuntian has undergone considerable changes.

"Senior Yas, long time no see."

Hearing Yun Tian's words, Roberts was taken aback for a moment, and then revealed an unconcealable look of disappointment.

However, hidden in the disappointment, there is still a trace of clarity and solemnity.

On the other side, the burly man sitting in front of the bar with his back to the bar door, Aston turned around with surprise on his face, and greeted happily:

"Oh! Yuntian, you're back...huh?"

Halfway through the greeting, Yas felt something was wrong.

He immediately turned his head to look at Roberts beside him, and after the other party nodded silently back to him, his expression became a little more serious.

Seeing the appearance of his head and deputy head, the cadres sitting nearby obediently shut their mouths, and the cadres who originally planned to say hello to Yuntian also suppressed their words first.

Sighing a little, in order not to affect other general members, the deputy head Roberts tapped lightly on the table.

Following his movements, a transparent barrier enveloped the cadre area.

At the same time, Yasi also gestured to Yuntian, signaling him to sit down before asking:

"I said Yuntian, you kid actually..."

"You actually got out of the order?!?!?!"


A huge staff hit Yasi hard on the head!

Roberts suppressed his throbbing veins, and said angrily to his team leader word by word:

"You! Want! Ask! Of! No! Yes! This! This one!"

"Eh?! No, no, wait, wait! This is the key!" Yass rubbed his head and complained to Roberts very dissatisfied.

"Look at this beautiful woman beside him!"

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