"How long has it been! I haven't left the single yet! The good friends will go together for the rest of their lives, whoever leaves the single first will be the dog!"

"Traitor! Absolute traitor! Yun Tian, ​​you traitor!"


It was another savage blow from the wand, and Roberts' face turned black with anger.

The always prudent deputy head said in a very rare tone:

"Shut up from now on!"

"I'm such an idiot for expecting you to be serious... Huh... Forget it, let me do the talking."

Yun Tian, ​​who just sat down, looked at the scene in front of him with a dazed expression. After his brain was racing, he couldn't understand what happened.

So he could only stare dumbfounded at Roberts using his staff to hammer his head.

And Edelweiss, who was sitting next to Yuntian, also looked at his boyfriend in a daze at this time, and after hesitating for a while, he asked in a low voice:

"I, is it my fault?"

Chapter 501 The thinking mode that must be changed?

"any drinks?"

"...Water and beverages are fine, but wine is fine. After all, I still have something to ask."

"Well...you haven't changed much on this point."

After ordering two drinks, Roberts handed the cups to Yun Tian and Edelweiss, then put his own glass aside, then ordered a drink for sobering up and took it in his hand.

This bar was not opened by the representative, but one of the original facilities of the main god's space.

Therefore, there are no waiters or the like. They use the same void panel as other facilities. After ordering, the drinks will be generated directly in front of them.

However, although the facilities are native to the main god's space, except for the most basic items, the commodities in it are all added by agents.

The formula is provided, and once approved, it will be included in the list of the bar, and then the agent will be rewarded with some exchange points.

The reward is one-time, and the amount is not large, but it is an easy way for ordinary agents to earn some extra money.

There are not no agents who specialize in business in the main god's space. Over a long period of time, the types of facilities and commodities similar to the bar mechanism have become quite rich.

Of course, if it is a formula with enough quality to attract the attention of the main god space, there will be other reward plans.

But that's pretty rare.

The Lord God Space has a very complete social mechanism, but Yuntian has just entered here not long ago, so he doesn't know much about many things and doesn't care much.

And this is a common problem of newcomers, and it is what Roberts will say next.

The first threshold for the transition from a new agent to a senior agent is a mentality problem!

"Yun Tian, ​​have you heard of 'Longevity Species'?"

"No, it's not appropriate to ask this question. It should be said that you have seen the 'Longevity Species' or have any understanding of the living habits of the 'Longevity Species'?"

Roberts' question made Yuntian somewhat puzzled.

But seeing his very serious expression, Yun Tian still resisted the idea of ​​asking about the activation of the agent's identity, and followed his topic.

"I haven't encountered the mission this time, but I have seen it in the last upgrade mission. As for the living habits, I know more or less."

Yuntian refers to some races in the dungeon world. If you want to know more about them, they are probably the elves headed by Riveria.

Speaking of longevity species, this race was the first that Yun Tian thought of.

As for the demons in the world of fallen knights, although their life spans are longer than ordinary people, they cannot be called longevity species.

Compared with the elves whose lifespan is hundreds of thousands of years at every turn, it is far behind.

By the way, maybe the group of gods whose age is calculated by billions should also be counted.

"Is there an upgrade mission... I see. No wonder you have changed so much. What you have experienced is a long-term mission."

Although it was a question, Roberts used an affirmative tone.

At the same time, he also understood why Yuntian began to change so much earlier than he and Yas expected.

"That's right, it's a long-term mission. I've been in that world for more than nine years." Yun Tian nodded, approving Roberts' words.

During the conversation between the two, no one around them interrupted.

One of the reasons why these cadres didn't interrupt was that their deputy head was talking about business, and they were not qualified to intervene. The other was Yuntian's situation. They had all experienced it and knew that this was a process that almost every agent had to go through.

As for the person who is qualified to intervene, Captain Yas has already been hammered to the ground, and Edelweiss is very interested in Yuntian's experience and the content of their conversation.

After all, she is now an agent, and it is very likely that this matter has something to do with her, so she sat beside Yun Tian obediently, drinking a drink and listening silently.


"Nine years...it should be considered quite a long time for you."

Roberts' tone was somewhat emotional, and he fell into a short thought as if he was recalling something.

However, what he said made Yun Tian agree with it very much.

When he was in Xuezhan City, he was still a boy of about 15 years old.

The time of nearly ten years is far more than a long time. Leaving aside the age of ignorance and ignorance, it is almost as long as his previous life.

For human beings, it is not an exaggeration to use the word "transformation" to describe ten years of life experience.

How many people have not seen each other for ten years, and when they meet again, they are completely different people.

This time is too long.

However, that is for 'human beings'!

Or rather, this is the case for 'ephemera'.

"Not so for us agents."

Roberts took a sip of the drink in the cup, and asked Yuntian in a complicated tone:

"Yun Tian, ​​how old do you think I am?"

This question stunned Yun Tian.

Because Roberts has always been dressed as a middle-aged mage, and his tone of voice and style of doing things are quite in line with the situation of a middle-aged man.

So Yuntian really didn't think too much about it.

Even though he knew that the agent's lifespan was unlimited, he didn't think too deeply about it.

After all, it doesn't really make sense.

Suddenly tell you that life is infinite, and this matter is true and credible.

How would you react?

ecstatic?Excited?Feeling lost?Dazed and confused?

And after these mood swings have passed?

After you understand and accept this, will you change in any way?

will not!

Because of how much life expectancy, you can't feel it!

You will live as always, and will continue to move forward towards the life or ideal you expect.

Maybe it will be a little more lazy because of this, but that's all.

But is this a good thing?

Not necessarily.

"If you're born immortal, that might actually be a good thing."

"But for short-lived species, becoming a long-lived species is not necessarily a good thing."

Roberts' tone contains complex emotions, reminiscence, regret, relief and so on.

He was the earliest companion to follow Yas, and was one of the first few people in the team.

However, look at today's large legions of tens of thousands of people.

The exchange points consumed by an invitation letter are fixed at [-] points. How long has it been since this amount and this team developed?

Roberts couldn't remember.

But there is one thing he remembers very clearly, that is the only time the deputy head of the Yas team was downsized.

It wasn't murder, it wasn't an accident, and it wasn't a natural or man-made disaster.

Rather, suicide.

The reason is, crazy.

"Yuntian, I can see that you are the type who pursues the path of the strong, and I won't talk too much about your pursuit."

"However, there is one thing I must remind you."

"Slow down a bit, and find some other things to do."

"If you can't change your thinking mode from short-lived to long-lived, one day, you will be driven crazy by yourself."

"Now nine years can make your personality change drastically, it can make you grow and become stable."

"What about 90 years, 900 years, 9000 years, or even more than 9 years?"

"At that time, what will you become?"

Chapter 502 Hidden Options

What Roberts said made Yun Tian silent.

Even Edelweiss, who was listening silently, felt a little uneasy at this moment.

In fact, compared to Yuntian, Edelweiss could understand Roberts' words better.

Because Edelweiss is a veteran demon, a demon who has completed super awakening and stands at the pinnacle of the world.

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