The relatives around her passed away, and she lived alone on the top of Jianfeng. She actually thought about how to spend her life in the future, which is far longer than ordinary people.

With the wisdom of Edelweiss, it is not difficult to guess what the future situation will be like.

That's why she very much hopes to have a relationship, hoping to keep herself from falling into the most miserable situation.

However, that is only the result of living decades or hundreds of years longer than ordinary people.

If this time is extended without limit.

In the long years, hobbies, ideals, pursuits, and even feelings may be obliterated by the most terrifying power in the world.

The power of time is unimaginable to ordinary people.

At least Edelweiss can't imagine that one day in the future, he will dilute his love for Yuntian because of the long years.

Anyone can say the oath on their lips.

Hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of years of persistence, she thinks she can do it.

But what about [-] million years from now?

Don't think it's a long time. For the immortal species... no, it should be said that for the immortal species, [-] million years is really nothing.

And the representative is the immortal species!

As Roberts said, even nine years can change you, let alone [-] million years?

Experiencing eternal life with the thinking mode of short-lived species may not necessarily lead to good results.

How many vows of eternal love in real life have become fragmented after the ravages of time, and finally returned to insipidity or even separation.

This is the century of mortals.

And what Edelweiss will spend with Yuntian next is not just a hundred years.

This fact had a very strong impact on her.


On the other side, although Yun Tian didn't have such deep feelings as Edelweiss, he had seen similar existences.

That is, the gods!

For a long time, he somewhat felt that those gods of Olalie were really funny and unreasonable.

But now, after listening to Roberts' words, and having a better understanding of immortality.

Yun Tian felt that he had a little, maybe a little bit of understanding of the thoughts of the gods like Loki.

In the eternal time, once one's most fundamental belief is obliterated and faded, it will inevitably perish.

Roberts meant it.

There's no guarantee how long you'll be able to hold on, so it's best to slow down a bit and find new beliefs that will keep you going after your beliefs fade.

To be honest, Yuntian didn't know how to make a choice.

He is confident that his beliefs will not fade, but at the same time, he also understands that Roberts must have thought the same way.

Presumably the deputy head who committed suicide once thought so too.

However, under the mighty power of time, how far can individual will go?

With Yuntian's current strength, he can only give an answer of 'don't know'.

Maybe in the future he will come up with the answer, but unfortunately, that's not now.


"Okay, let's stop this topic."

It was Yas who interrupted Yuntian and Edelweiss from thinking.

The head of the regiment climbed up from the ground holding the place where he was knocked just now, then picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip and said:

"It's not too urgent for you, there's no need to think too much now."

"Just keep it in your heart. Although the sooner you can get the answer, the better, but this kind of thing can't be forced."

"Let's talk about something else. Judging by your appearance, you should have something to ask me, about the invitation?"

Yun Tian looked at Yas, then scratched his head in distress.

After pausing for a few seconds, he pressed all kinds of thoughts into the bottom of his heart, and then he nodded and said:

"Beside me is the girlfriend I met in the last world, named Edelweiss."

"Because I didn't want to separate, I brought her to the main god's space with an invitation letter."

"However, I have some questions about the activation of the agent's identity."

"Activation problem? Ah, you mean the mode selection thing." Yas took a sip of his wine, then nodded in understanding.

"Indeed, for an agent who invites a plot character into the main god's space for the first time, there is too little information on the panel."

"Well... For the information fee, 500, forget it, you can just give 300 points, it's not a secret anyway."

After listening to Yass' words, Yuntian, who was already mentally prepared, traded the exchange point directly.

This is not to say that the relationship between Yass and Yuntian is still based on the exchange of benefits, but that information exchange must be paid as a rule of the main god space.

This is not a rule between agents, but one of the core rules of the main god's space.

Any information that is defined as 'intelligence' by the main god space must go through a formal transaction process if you want to tell others.

However, this kind of information is not too much. Generally, it is information related to the main god space itself that triggers this mechanism.

Of course, if there is a 'relationship' between the two agents, then this rule can be ignored.

There are many types of relationships, the simplest one being information sharing in the same team.

However, this team is not the kind that can be formed casually, but a team that needs to be linked together by a formal contract or props.


After receiving the exchange points, Yas did not explain to Yuntian immediately, but asked a strange question first.

"Before I explain, I need to confirm."

"The mode options you can see should be five, right?"

Yuntian and Edelweiss looked at each other, and confirmed with some confusion: "There are five, that's right, the first independent mode and the fifth repatriation option have explanations, and the other three options are just names. .”

"That's good." Hearing what Yuntian said, Yas nodded in relief, and then started to explain the meaning of the other three options.

However, before that, Yun Tian continued to ask:

"Since senior Yas will ask this question, is there any other uncommon options?"

"...There is, but it's not a good thing."

Yasuo paused, and then sighed helplessly.

"Hidden options, I don't know if there are better options among them, but the hidden options I know are all negative options."

"Yuntian, you should know the screening mechanism of the main god's space for the agents."

"Then you must be able to understand that even if the invitation letter is used, the Lord God Space will not approve those who are not qualified to become agents."

"Hidden options are made for that."

When he said this, Ya Si's expression was not very good-looking.

This made Yuntian immediately understand that this senior might have personally experienced the so-called hidden options.

Chapter 503 Team Mode and Team Items

"Hostiles, deceit, concealment, betrayal, malicious intentions, non-acceptance of mutual benefit and symbiosis, etc., there are many possibilities to be rejected by the main god space."

"Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, it is difficult for you to guarantee that the person you invite is sincere to you."

"So within the invitation letter, there will be a detection mechanism. Although it is not as strict as the screening mechanism for the original agent, it does isolate many people with evil intentions to a certain extent."

"Just keep this in mind, and once you actually see different options on the invitee's panel one day in the future, then be careful."

Listening to Ya Si's warning, Yun Tian silently nodded.

The main god's space does not restrict its basic information from being disclosed to the characters in the plot by the agent. It is a very high-level space, and there is no need to hide it.

Therefore, not all agents will be vigilant in this regard.

And if it is used by some villains with high IQ, it is not impossible to use tricks to enter the space of the main god or even intend to replace it.

Looking at Ya Si's ugly face, Yun Tian knew that this senior had probably encountered such a situation.

It's not a good thing to expose people's scars, and it's not the right time to joke around, so Yun Tian didn't talk too much, just nodded and continued to listen quietly.

Yas also seemed to be aware of his gaffe, scratched his nose in embarrassment, and took a sip of his wine before bluntly bringing the topic back.

"I won't say much about the independent mode. After activation, it is no different from a normal agent."

"But there is one thing you need to pay attention to."

"Listen to your introduction just now, this, uh...Miss Edelweiss, right? Since she is your girlfriend, then the two of you will definitely do missions together next, right?"

Although Yas asked this question, he didn't wait for Yuntian or Edelweiss' reply, and continued talking without pausing.

"If it's an independent mode, if the two of you want to complete the task together, you have to form a team like a general agent. No, to be precise, you should carry out the task in a cooperative manner."

"One person initiates the invitation, and then others join in, entering the mission world in the form of one master and multiple slaves independent of each other."

"The advantage of this method is that the agents do not interfere with each other, and the same is true for the disadvantages. Without any restrictions and constraints, it is difficult to ensure stability through trust and cooperation."

"That's why most agents will sign additional contracts in advance before using this method, or use items such as deposits to guarantee trust."

"Entering the quest world in this way, everyone will get a main quest. Although it is unrelated in principle, the difficulty will increase and the rewards will be richer."

This first option is the most common team formation mode in the main god space.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with choosing this one. After all, Yuntian and Edelweiss don’t need to worry about trust issues. It can be said that it effectively avoids the shortcomings of this model.

However, Yuntian wanted to know if there were any other options that were more suitable than this one.

Yas also understood what he meant, and continued without wasting time.

"Then it's team mode."

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