"To be honest, I personally recommend that you choose this, but there are certain risks, so you still have to think carefully before making a decision."

"First of all, make it clear that after the team mode is activated, Miss Edelweiss' identity as an agent is still the same as that of an ordinary agent."

"And the latter legion mode is slightly different from the subordinate mode."

"The team mode is just like the name, it is a mode for agents to form a team."

"However, this kind of team cannot be formed casually. Generally, it can only be formed through special methods or by consuming corresponding props."

"The biggest advantages of this kind of team are unity, reliability, stability, and additional team buff bonuses."

As he said that, Yas took out a piece of paper from somewhere, and handed it to Yun Tian for him to have a look.

'Wild Guard'

C-level team props

Duration: Permanent

Special members: 1 guard captain, 2 elite members

Effect: The agents can form a team, and the whole team can enjoy the 'wild' buff bonus.

"Team formation props are divided into two types: time-limited and permanent. I don't need to say more about the specific differences."

"It should be noted that once the agents form a formal team, everyone's main task will be canceled and it will become a team main task."

"That is to say, the whole team completes the same task, and everyone can get the same reward after completion. At the same time, the difficulty of the task will increase, and the reward will also increase."

"Because the interests are the same, and this formal team formation is protected by the main god's space, it can effectively avoid conflicts between agents."

"Retiring from the team is not allowed in the mission world. Every time a team member dies, the whole team will be punished."

"If you want to quit the team, you have to go back to the main god's space to operate. After quitting the team, you will become an independent agent."

"So, once you choose this mode to activate the identity of Miss Edelweiss, it is tantamount to saving a team item, and you can use this team mode to carry out missions in advance."

"You know, team building props are not common in the main god space, and they are quite rare and sought-after items."

"As for the buff issue, you don't need to worry about it. Each team can obtain the corresponding team buff bonus by consuming other team building props."

"Just use it after you get the props in the future."

Speaking of this, Yas paused for a moment, allowing Yuntian and Edelweiss time to digest the information they got.

In fact, at first glance, the team mode is not much better than the independent mode.

Because of its advantages, unity and trust issues are not very necessary for Yuntian and Edelweiss, and the team buff, another important factor, does not exist at present.

So what Yuntian has to consider is whether it is better for two people to complete different tasks and get different rewards, or it is better for two people to complete a task together and get double rewards.

If the task difficulty is the same, then it must be better to form a team.

Completing one less task is equal to one less variable.

However, the premise is that the difficulty of the task is the same as the reward.

"Senior just reminded me that there is a certain risk in the team mode. Does it mean that the team mode improves the task difficulty and rewards far more than the normal cooperation mode?"

Yun Tian thought for a while, and then asked aloud.

But Yas shook his head, denying his guess.

"The task difficulty and rewards of the team mode are indeed greater than those of the general cooperation mode, but the word 'far surpasses' cannot be said."

"The team mode is better than the cooperation mode. This is a fact recognized among agents, so generally there is no so-called 'risk'."

"There is only one case that is a special case, and you just fit into this case."

"If I'm not mistaken, Miss Edelweiss should be an A-level powerhouse... Well, it should be A-level, right?"

Chapter 504 Choice and Temptation

"If I'm not mistaken, Miss Edelweiss should be an A-level powerhouse... Well, it should be A-level, right?"

Facing Yass' question, Yuntian and Edelweiss looked at each other, and then Yuntian replied:

"do not know!"



The atmosphere became a little awkward.

The few people stared and stared for a few seconds before the awkward atmosphere was broken by Yas.

"Ahem, um, it's my fault. I forgot that I can't see the agent's evaluation before activation."

"However, if nothing else, it should be an A-."

Yun Tian still trusts Ya Si's evaluation, after all, this senior is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Yun Tian once asked him about the current distribution of forces in the main god's space.

The free adventure group that can be called the four major forces, its leader Yas must be an agent of A+ level.

But it should be noted that this A+ level refers to the level of the agent, that is, the level of authority in the space of the main god.

As I said before, once the agent's strength breaks through from A+ to S level, he will receive a call from the main god's space.

If you accept it, the authority level will be raised to S. If you don't accept it, although the growth of strength will not be restricted, the authority will not be raised again.

Therefore, there are actually two types of A+-level agents, one is ordinary A+-level agents, and the other is A+-level agents who actually possess S-level strength.

As for Yas, although Yuntian is not completely sure, but looking at the huge team he pulled together, Yuntian thinks that Yas is very likely to be the latter.

In addition, the words of the deputy team leader Roberts just now vaguely revealed that this team has existed for a very long time, which made Yuntian further affirm this guess.

What's more, let alone S-rank, even if Yas is an old-fashioned A+-level agent, he will not misjudge Edelweiss' strength.

Even if there is only a gap of one to two levels, the span between each level in the main god's space is very different.

Even if they are also at the A-level, the gap in strength may be crushing.

The division of the main god space in terms of actual combat power is very general, each level is a very large interval, especially after A level, the difference between one level is likely to be the gap between gods and humans.

In the case of a huge difference in strength, the possibility of making a wrong judgment is very low.

Moreover, in fact, Yuntian also has some judgments about Edelweiss' strength.

The shortcomings of physical fitness are too obvious.

There is also magic power, in the world of fallen knights, it may be considered A-level based on the evaluation of the swordsman.

But in the main god's space, it may be at most a B+ level, after all, it is still much worse than a real monster like Stella.

The strength is not weak, but to be honest, Edelweiss' shortcomings are also very obvious, and his offensive methods are relatively simple.

The evaluation of A-, Yuntian is not surprised at all.

Don't forget, Edelweiss is not yet 30 years old after all.

To be able to achieve such an achievement at the age of 27 without reaching the bottleneck is enough to shock the world.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the world where Yuntian lived was one of the basic points, I am afraid that the qualification of the original agent may not necessarily fall on his head.

(Every original agent comes from a base world, and the world like Edelweiss is a derivative world.)

"So, the special case mentioned by Senior Yas is related to Ed's strength?"

Yun Tian shook his head, temporarily put aside his messy thoughts, and then asked:

"Or, is it because of the strength gap between me and Ed?"

"You are right. The main problem lies in the span of strength." Yas nodded first, and then shook his head.

"However, it's not because you are weaker than Miss Edelweiss, but because the A-level threshold is quite special."

"If one of you is B-level and the other is C-level, there will be no problem, it's just that the task is a little more difficult."

"But A-level is different. A-level represents a qualitative change, which is completely different from the previous level."

"C-level can also affect the battle of B-level, but it is too difficult for B-level to have an impact on the battle of A-level."

"The task of the team mode is generated after combining the difficulty of the main line of everyone in the team."

"In your case, it will be the superposition of A- and B+, and then the difficulty increase of the team mode will also be calculated."

"Of course, because the most powerful member of your team is A-, the difficulty of general tasks will also be A-, and usually it will not rise to A level."

"But Yuntian, even if your current strength has grown to B+, it will be quite difficult to complete A-level tasks."

That's right, after the end of this mission, Yuntian's strength, which has successfully reached the realm of the devil, has grown to a B+ level.

But even so, the gap with A- is still huge.

Among other things, just from Edelweiss, who can perform super awakening, one can see the level of A-level combat power.

This kind of task, involving this level of task, is not something Yuntian can easily accomplish today.

For a long time, the tasks issued by the Lord God Space have not been too difficult, as long as the agents are willing to complete them seriously, basically there will be no failures.

However, if Yuntian and Edelweiss form a team, because they happen to be stuck in the special situation of one B+ and one A-, the next task is likely to be difficult for Yuntian to intervene with his strength.

It also means that Edelweiss has to face the difficult task of two people alone.

This is no longer a simple task that can be completed in the past.

The probability of failure will be greatly increased.

The most important thing is, can Yuntian accept this way of completing the task?

"Of course, if there are disadvantages, there will be advantages."

Yas looked at Yuntian, with warnings and reminders flashing in his eyes.

"Once you do this, if the task can be completed, it means..."

"Yuntian, when you are at B-level, you will get A-level rewards."

"The most important thing is that if the evaluation of the task is high enough, you are likely to get access to the A-level treasure chest in advance!"

Ya Si's words made Yun Tian's breath stagnate.

It's not that he's not calm enough, but that the treasure chest is a bit tempting.

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