Although the name of the treasure chest in the main god space is very simple, the mechanism is quite terrifying.

Basically, there is a high probability that they will be of the same level, and even one level higher can be shipped. Only in extremely rare cases will a lower level be shipped.

Most importantly, Yuntian has the bonus of 'authorized person'!

It will automatically get what he can use. If it hits a higher-level shipment, then it is likely to be an S-level that he can use...

Thinking of this, even Yun Tian couldn't hold back his excitement.

Chapter 505 Definite Choice

The excitement only lasted for a moment, and soon Yuntian adjusted his mentality.

Indeed, if you choose the team mode, as long as he and Edelweiss can complete the task in the current situation, the benefits will definitely be much higher than the independent mode.

But the problem is the task method.

You know, Edelweiss really doesn't like fighting.

Although she didn't mind fighting, nor carnage, Edelweiss didn't want to do it if she could.

Yuntian is also very clear about this, so in fact, the two people's plan at the beginning was that Edelweiss would not do anything, and Yuntian would take over the task of the two.

With Yuntian's current strength, it is not impossible to separate and complete a B+ and A- level task independently.

But if it is a task whose difficulty increases after the two are superimposed, then it is not necessarily the case.

Confidence is not arrogance, no matter how confident Yun Tian is in his own strength, he still doesn't think he can easily complete A-level tasks, let alone after the difficulty has increased.

Therefore, as Yas reminded at the beginning, one must choose carefully.

After pondering for a while, Yun Tiancai, who had cleared his mind, opened his mouth and asked:

"Then what about the latter two modes? Since Senior Yas suggested that I choose the team mode, that means the latter two modes are not suitable for my current situation?"

"Well, that's pretty much what it means." Yas nodded.

"You can't choose the legion mode at all now, and if you are in the slave mode, you probably won't choose it given your personality, so I suggest you choose the team mode."

"The legion mode requires a certain number of people to be able to choose... By the way, you just click and try it out. With your current situation, you cannot activate this mode."

Hearing what Yas said, Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, and then his eyes drifted to other directions, and he knew it in his heart.

Yas's team, no accident, uses the legion mode.

Turning his head to look at Edelweiss, Edelweiss also understood the panel and called it out.

The agent's personal panel cannot be viewed by anyone after being summoned. Without the person's permission, other people can only see an empty layout.

So Yuntian and Edelweiss didn't do anything to avoid it.

Otherwise, no matter how good the relationship is, things like the personal panel will not be summoned casually in front of people.

However, Edelweiss doesn't have any information at the moment, and there is only one personal panel with an activation interface. In fact, it doesn't matter if it is exposed.

Yun Tian reached out and clicked on the panel of Edelweiss, instead of pressing the activation button, he poked on the option as Yas said.


It is detected that there are not enough qualified people, this option cannot be selected, please select another mode to activate.

Sure enough, there was no response after clicking on the independent mode and the team mode, but a prompt popped up in the legion mode.

Yas has been observing Yuntian's expression, and after discovering this change, he continued with what he just said:

"Legion mode is the same as team mode, and has a completely different operating mechanism."

"Generally, if you want to activate the legion, you need to pass specific props. However, this information is of little use to you."

"At least 50 people, usually only after a hundred people are eligible to initially activate the legion."

"With your personality... Well, let's think about whether to choose the team mode, so as to save time wasted."

Yas's teasing tone made Edweiss laugh.

Because she knew that Yasi was right.

Yun Tian is definitely not lonely, but there are very few people who can be recognized by him.

You can chat peacefully with anyone, but it is very difficult to make him value you.

This point, Yuntian himself is also self-aware, so he just rubbed his forehead helplessly, not paying attention to Yas' teasing and Edelweiss' chuckle.

"Since the Legion mode has nothing to do with me, what about the last subordinate mode?"

"Slave mode... In fact, if you change the term, it should be easy to understand, that is 'slave contract'."

As soon as this word appeared, Yun Tian and Edelweiss were all stunned.

And Yas obviously expected the reaction of the two, and opened his mouth to explain further.

"As I said just now, the agent status of the Legion Mode and the Subordinate Mode are different from the general ones."

"The difference in the legion refers to the class difference. The income of the head of the legion is much higher than that of the general members, but the same agents are not equal."

"This is different from the equality of everyone in the team mode, and the captain of the team mode will not block the sky with one hand in power."

"And the subordination model maximizes that inequality."

"All proceeds are handed over, and then distributed by the leaders according to their own wishes. Even the use of skills and props requires permission."

"It is even more difficult to dissolve this relationship. It requires the leader's personal consent and must be punished."

It's a cruel pattern, but it's actually within reason.

For the main god space, the status of the agent is very high.

They are not poor creatures struggling in the cycle of reincarnation, but agents who truly cooperate with the main god space for win-win and mutual benefit.

Their existence is part of the space of the main god.

Therefore, what is taken for granted is more important than someone who is not an agent.

And the subordination mode is just the embodiment of this kind of favor originating from the master god space.

In the eyes of the Lord God Space, of course its own representative should be superior to others.

"Of course, it's actually not that cruel."

"This mode is quite special, so I will give some explanations and explanations when confirming the activation."

"Activating the identity requires the consent of the invitee. If you can't accept it, just refuse."

"After all, it's a kind of transaction between you and me, but it's not that fair."

Yun Tian was thinking while listening to Yas' explanation.

He didn't intend to choose the slave mode, even if Edelweiss himself didn't mind, Yuntian didn't intend to use this method to add obstacles to the bond between the two.

Therefore, what needs to be chosen is the team mode.

To choose or not to choose?

To be honest, this question really troubled Yuntian.

However, after careful consideration, he finally made a decision.

Obviously, the benefits of the team mode cannot be given up, and it is not in Yuntian's character to give up progress because of risks.

If it's a real deadlock, that's another story, but as long as there is a possibility of completing the task, Yuntian has nothing to back down.

The most important thing is that he already has some plans for the next mission.

If there is no accident, the normal main task will not be carried out, so there is no need to worry too much.

After all, he had agreed with Edelweiss to take her to see his master.

Chapter 506 Yuntian and Edelweiss' Home

After finishing the business, Yuntian also asked Yas a few other questions.

After sitting for a while, he got up, said goodbye and left.

After all, he is not a member of his team. It is good to have a good relationship, but after all, it is a bit inappropriate to stay there all the time.

Anyway, the goal has been achieved, and after making a decision, there is no need to hesitate to activate Edelweiss' identity.

After returning to his room, he activated his identity for Edelweiss, and it was time for shopping.

Although Edelweiss has activated the identity of the agent, she is still in a poor and white state.

Apart from the luggage in Yuntian's portable pocket, Edelweiss has nothing.

So Yuntian has to prepare some basic equipment for her.

Things like space equipment and necessary medicine props are things that every agent must have when doing tasks.

Until then, though.

"Let's open the treasure chest first this time."

In the past, he often forgot about this matter, and he only remembered to open the box at the end every time. This was also related to the fact that Yuntian didn't have much demand at the time.

After all, the privilege of the authorized person can allow him to get some things that he can use, but if he doesn't need anything, he will also get some messy things.

But this time is different, there is an extra Edelweiss, an extra team mode, and even the exchange points are not enough.

Yuntian has a lot of needs nowadays.

After opening the box, it should be the best choice to buy further supplements according to what is out.

Thinking of this, Yuntian planned to take out the treasure box.

However, before he could make a move, he was stopped by Edelweiss.

"Don't you think there's one more important thing to do before doing anything else?"

Edelweiss' words revealed deep helplessness.

She pointed to the room where the two of them are now, this is the house where Yun Tian has been living in the space of the Lord God.

Yuntian has very low requirements for the living environment. Even before he became an adventurer, he lived a relatively simple life as a swordsman and warrior.

It's not that he treats himself badly, but that it's not necessary.

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