Temporary skills can be solidified by consuming exchange points. It is clear that the consumption of swordsmanship that can be called the world's strongest level is not low.

But Yuntian is different. With Yuntian's sensitivity to swordsmanship, if he is given a temporary swordsmanship skill, he may even have the opportunity to directly transform into his own swordsmanship without solidifying it.

However, envy is envy, and Yun Tian also knows that envy is useless.

The title that comes with the agent when he generates the panel is related to the experience before becoming an agent, especially the exclusive title like Edelweiss, and its effect is the manifestation of his own experience.

Even if someone else has a title with a similar effect, the name and experience will not be exactly the same.

As for obtaining a new title or upgrading an existing title in the future, there must be a way, but I don't know how to operate Yuntian specifically.

Moreover, the role of the title is more of a symbol of identity and experience, and the addition to Yuntian's current level is almost the limit.

Even if the title of Swordsman is upgraded, it may just add some additional effects related to identity, just like Edelweiss' third legendary title.

Unless the title can be upgraded to an exclusive title, the change will not be too great.

Sighing a little, Yun Tian didn't care anymore after being melancholy for a while.

Anyway, when Edelweiss really acquires temporary sword skills, he can also learn, and his family will not be so stingy.

Although it is not as fast as the direct comprehension, it is not bad, and it is a harvest after all.

However, although the title of Edelweiss looks gorgeous, there is a problem that must be solved.

That is the sentence of 'if there is an identity implant when performing the task'.

Don't forget, the main god space does not provide the agent identity implantation for free.

Yuntian's identity implantation has always been due to the privileges of those with authority, but Edelweiss obviously does not have this preferential treatment.

The privilege of the authority is only for individuals, even if the two are in a team state, they cannot be shared.

Therefore, in order to trigger the effect of the title of Edelweiss, Yun Tian had to prepare a prop that she had used before.

It is the 'identity implantation card'.

Chapter 508 European Dog VS Authority Dog!

"Do you want to open one?"

After receiving the two C-level treasure chests, Yun Tian handed one of them to Edelweiss.

However, Edelweiss did not answer, but instead asked suspiciously:

"Didn't you say that there is some 'permission dog' bonus?"

"If you come to open it, you can produce useful things for yourself. I don't have any urgent needs right now, so it's more cost-effective for you to open it."

"..." Yun Tian paused after listening to Edelweiss' words.

After a while, he quietly explained:

"It's a person with authority, not a dog with authority..."

"Anyway, the meaning is similar, and the permission dog reads it more smoothly."

"...You just want to be happy." Yun Tian took a deep breath and suppressed his entangled mood.

Although what Edelweiss said is reasonable, it is indeed more appropriate for the treasure chest to be opened by Yuntian with the privilege of the authorized person, but it also depends on the level of the treasure chest.

To be honest, with Yuntian's current strength, he really doesn't care much about C-level equipment or props except for a few.

Even the skill book is hard to attract his attention.

After all, the price of C-level items is only a few thousand exchange points. Although Yuntian does not have many exchange points, it is not enough to afford C-level items.

Therefore, it is not impossible to have a C-level treasure chest to make your lover happy. As for the two B-level treasure boxes in the back, I will definitely not let it go.

In the end, he failed to spoil his wife, but was ridiculed instead. This made Yuntian glance at Edelweiss angrily, and then put the second C-level treasure chest on the table.

I can't open it!snort!

Ignoring Edelweiss who was giggling next to him, Yun Tian directly opened the treasure chest in his hand.


You have opened the C-level treasure chest

Special permission bonus detected.

You got 'Space Ring (D+ Grade)' x1

'Space Ring'

Level: D+ level space equipment

Effect: Contains a small amount of storage space, the passage of time inside is still, and only dead objects can be stored.

Additional effect: The size and style of the ring can be customized and modified.



Yun Tian looked at the ring he took out from the treasure chest, and fell into deep thought.

On the other hand, Edelweiss, who knew something about the mechanism of the treasure chest, was also stunned, and stood there carefully watching Yun Tian's expression.

The quality of this space ring is definitely not bad. Although it describes a small amount of storage space, it is much larger than the previous D-level portable pocket.

And, in a range of space gear, rings are one of the most popular types.

It does not take up space, is small and exquisite, both concealed and convenient.

Coupled with the additional effect of being able to modify the shape by yourself, it can be said to be the favorite category of female agents.

It just so happens that Edelweiss doesn't have space equipment yet, and the appearance of this ring just happens to solve one of Yuntian's current needs.


However, it came from a C-rank treasure chest!

That's right, under this mechanism where the low-level yield rate is rarer than the high-level one, Yuntian took out a D+ level treasure chest from a C-level treasure chest...

The air freezes.

Edelweiss looked at the expressionless Yun Tian, ​​thinking of his behavior of teasing him just now, he hesitated and dared not speak out.

After a long time, the sky moved.

He silently pushed the other treasure box on the table in front of Edelweiss, then pulled out the chair without saying a word, sat down and supported his forehead.

As for Edelweiss, he looked at the treasure chest in front of him, and at Yun Tian who had an expression of "don't bother me if your brain hurts", and almost didn't laugh out loud.

She didn't expect Yun Tian to have such an interesting side.

'However, the low-level shipments are indeed a bit miserable. '

Edelweiss smiled silently, and then casually opened the treasure chest in front of him.


You have opened the C-level treasure chest

You got 12000 exchange points.



Edelweiss looked at the increased exchange points on his panel with some embarrassment, and looked at Yuntian cautiously again.

But this time, she clearly saw that Yun Tian's face darkened for a moment.

1 exchange points, this is not a small amount.

Only 1 points can be awarded for a C-level task with a perfect evaluation, and [-] points can only be awarded for a B-level task with an excellent evaluation.

Although it is not an item, equipment or skill, it is definitely beyond the scope of C-rank.

There is no harm without comparison, and the Yuntian was sunk in an instant.

However, Yuntian recovered quickly this time.

In fact, he has long known that his luck is not very good, and the bonus of those with authority has made this less obvious.

Whether it was the drop from killing monsters in the dungeon, or the luck item in the evaluation of the fallen knight's world slasher, they all hinted at this matter.

Yun Tian can't be regarded as a special kind, but in the crowd, I'm afraid it is also close to the bottom one.

It can barely be regarded as the type hovering at the lowest end of normal human luck.

Just now, it was also because the shipment situation of a lower level was released for the first time, so my mentality was a little out of balance.

...Anyway, Yuntian persuaded himself in this way, and Edelweiss didn't dare to say anything beside him.

In this awkward and gloomy atmosphere, Yun Tian took out the last two B-level treasure chests and put them on the table, one on the left and one on the right.

Then fell into deep thought.

Yun Tian looked at the ring in his hand, then at the treasure chest on the table, then at Edelweiss with an innocent face, and finally at the authority title on his panel.

For a while, thinking entered a state of stagnation.

It's really hard to choose.

The two treasure chests, if the person with permission is added, means two B-level items that can be used.

But once it encounters low-level shipments again, it will be a blood loss.

If it is handed over to Edelweiss to open it, if it is not something that the two of them can use, then it has to be taken out and dealt with.

Yuntian and Edelweiss are not the type who are good at trading. When dealing with items, they can default to a loss, so it is not very cost-effective.

And if it is shipped at a higher level like just now, it will be a profit.

Yun Tian thought about it, and finally gave up thinking.

Pushed one of the B-level treasure chests to Edelweiss, and then picked up another one by himself.

One by one!

"Why don't you drive Yuntian, I always feel that if I drive, it's a waste of your privilege, just now it was just a coincidence..."

"Europeans please don't...?! Nordics! Please don't talk!"

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