Yun Tian just planned to reply to Edelweiss with complaints, but suddenly realized that his girlfriend is a genuine Nordic, so he changed his words in an instant.

Although Edelweiss lives alone on the top of the mountain, she is not out of touch with society.

Of course she understood what European meant.

He gave Yun Tian a funny look, as if to say 'Why are you so childish'.

But he didn't refuse any more.

Pick up the treasure chest on the table, ready to open it with Yuntian.

Next, is the European dog VS authority dog!

Chapter 509 Ou eats the 'spear'!


You have opened the B-level treasure chest

Special permission bonus detected.

You got 'Team Contract (Spiritual Protection)' x1

'Team contract (spiritual protection)'

C-level team props

Duration: Permanent

Effect: The agents can form a team, and the whole team can enjoy the buff bonus of 'spiritual protection'.


You have opened the B-level treasure chest

You got 'Skill Book·Mind Operation' x1

'Skill Book·Mind Operation'

A-level skill book

Effect: Get the skill 'Mind Operation' after use.

Skill introduction: The user obtains the corresponding level of mind manipulation skills and practice methods.



"Forget it, this was originally expected."

Yun Tian sighed, looking sadly at the piece of paper in his hand.

C-level team building props, in terms of single-round value, are actually not lower than ordinary B-level props.

However, it is still a lower level of shipment.

Although the value has not decreased, it is still a team-building item that the two of them just lack now, but...

Looking at the skill book in Edelweiss' hand, the glaring letter A on the panel made Yuntian feel so heartbroken that he could barely breathe.

Even with a minus sign, the value of this skill book has decreased, and it may even have certain defects.

However, A-level is A-level, Europe is Europe, no excuses!

Edelweiss held the skill book and stood there looking at Yuntian's sad look, feeling a little helpless.

She doesn't want that either.

The identity of the Nordic is born, but not her own decision.

Taking a sneak peek at his boyfriend, Edelweiss felt that Yuntian didn't seem too angry, thought about it, and planned to say something to comfort him.

Looking at the skill book in his hand, and then at the team contract in Yuntian's hand, he had a flash of inspiration, and Edelweiss said:

"So it really is more useful to have the privileges of those with authority."

"The team-building props are exactly what we need. With this, we can add a bonus status to our team."

"You should open the treasure chest in the future, Yuntian, otherwise it will be too wasteful."

"Look, I opened this skill book, and neither of us can use it. A B-level treasure chest was wasted."

While talking, Edelweiss nodded seriously.

At first she wanted to say something to comfort Yun Tian, ​​but the more she said it, the more she felt it made sense.

Looking down at the skill book in his hand, he could tell what type of skill the skill 'mind operation' was from its name.

Whether it's Yuntian or Edelweiss, as swordsmen, they really don't need this skill if they practice sword intent.

Although the skill level is high, it may not be able to fit the combat system of the two.

It is true that the more tricks and hole cards, the better, but it is also a wise saying that you can't eat as much as you want, and the degree of this must be grasped.

Therefore, in terms of the actual help to the two of them, this A-level skill book is really not necessarily higher than the C-level team-building props.

But well...

Just when Edelweiss felt a little happy and comforted his boyfriend, suddenly a low pressure enveloped him.

The bone-chilling feeling made Edelweiss tremble subconsciously, and then raised his head to look towards the source.

Yun Tian looked at Edelweiss indifferently.

In fact, he was really not very angry just now. After all, he was already mentally prepared. At most, he just felt sad and lost.

But, that was before Edelweiss opened his mouth!

It is not terrible to be wrong, what is terrible is the contrast.

You are wrong, he is wrong, this is the most uncomfortable thing.

But in this case, it is acceptable for people with a good mentality to prepare psychologically in advance.

After all, luck is doomed, there is nothing to do.

However, no matter how good your mentality is, you can't accept Europeans jumping in the face!

What's the worst thing about a guy who just broke up?

That's a European dog that just got European and says to you:

"Oops, this stuff I smoked didn't work."

"I'm not European at all. You don't think it's rare, but it's actually useless at all."

"The one you smoke is good. It happens to be useful. I can't use it at all."

What is it called!This is called cheap and good-looking!

show off!Jump face!I can't stand it!

So, it's fine if Edelweiss doesn't say anything, Yun Tian fell into a state of being jumped in the face as soon as he spoke.

Although her intentions are good, this kind of thing is absolutely unbearable!

Europeans eat spears... Oh no, it should be the Nordics who eat spears!

Yun Tian stood up from the chair expressionlessly, and approached Edelweiss step by step.

And Edelweiss was frightened by Yun Tian's reaction, she didn't know what she said wrong, she could only back away in a panic, and asked anxiously at the same time:

"What are you doing! Don't come here!"


"What, what's the matter, I'm right... Hey! Wait, stop first!"

"...I'll help you put the ring on."

"Woo... are you wearing a ring! You... wait... where are you going to wear it!!!"

"Oh, the Nordics eat spears!"

"Yu, forgive me... wait, you, don't..."

Therefore, the European dog VS authority dog ​​battle finally ended with the authority dog ​​winning outside the field.


the next day.

After being tormented by Yun Tianhao, Edelweiss was let go.

Of course, if it wasn't because she still needs to buy some things for Edelweiss and needs her to move herself, then Yun Tian might not let her get out of bed so easily.

There is nothing to say about the distribution of props.

After cleaning the space ring, it was given to Edelweiss, and she turned it into a pure white diamond ring and put it on the ring finger of her right hand, which means being in love.

And that team formation contract was also used by Yun Tian.

His and Edelweiss' team can be regarded as having a formal team bonus.

'Spiritual protection'

C-level team skills

Effect: The whole team gets spiritual protection, the speed of mental recovery is increased, the consumption is reduced, and a certain degree of damage is reflected when encountering spiritual attacks.

For swordsmen like Yuntian and Edelweiss with sword intent, the effect of reflecting mental attacks is actually dispensable.

But increasing recovery speed and reducing consumption is very useful.

But after all, it is C-level, which is considered useful, but it can't be said that there is much improvement.

The only thing that was discussed was the skill book.

Mind manipulation, this skill Yuntian doesn't intend to learn, if it is a skill developed through the privilege of the authorized person like the previous precision manipulation, then maybe Yuntian will think about it.

But now, having sword intent is enough, after all, Yun Tian's sword intent has not been polished to the extreme yet.

The problem is with Edelweiss.

Although he is also a swordsman, Edelweiss' situation is different from Yuntian's.

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