It's mainly about talent.

Unlike Yuntian, because mind manipulation has nothing to do with swords, Yuntian may not be able to master this skill quickly, and spending a lot of time learning it is not worth the candle.

The talent of the lovely Dwight is all-rounder. If you learn this skill, you will probably be able to master it enough to be useful in a short period of time.

No matter how you say it is an A-level skill, it would be a pity not to learn it.

If it is traded, with the trading methods of Yuntian and Edelweiss, it may not be possible to exchange for useful skills that are desirable.

So, in the end, the two decided to go to the trading area first, and if they really couldn't deal with it in the end, then let Edelweiss learn it, and then use the remaining time to master it and transform it into combat power as soon as possible.

Chapter 510 Girl Edelweiss

Supplies such as food and clothing, common medicines and sundries, some unique medicines and props in the Lord God's space, these are all things to be prepared for Edelweiss.

Although there is Yuntian's portable pocket, no one can guarantee that Edelweiss will not be separated from Yuntian.

In case of any emergency, it would be too embarrassing if the space ring was empty.

For this reason, Yuntian also gave Edelweiss a part of the special medicines in the dungeon world, panaceas, some healing medicines and magical medicines.

After this trip, I spent a lot of money on exchange points inside and out.

Although the unit price is not high, it is not a small expense when added together.

Yun Tian originally had more than 4000 points in his body, but after exchanging information with Yass and purchasing these things, it has dropped to just over [-] points.

And the 1 points obtained from the treasure chest on Edelweiss are only more than 5000 points left, not even half of it.

Well, these small items are of course not that expensive, so Edelweiss' exchange points are actually used elsewhere.

Yun Tian looked at the extremely happy pure white girl walking beside him, and didn't know how to complain for a while.

That's right, you read that right, a girl.

Edelweiss Girl Version.JPG

The Lord God Space has special facilities to provide services for the performers to adjust their body age.

After all, from the moment of becoming a proxy, the age of the body is fixed.

Not aging is a good thing, but it also means not being able to grow.

The ages of the substitutes when they joined the main god space are different, so not all of them are satisfied with their physical age.

So the Lord God Space provides this service.

As long as you are willing to spend exchange points, you can choose the appearance of any age group.

In fact, it is not expensive, simply adjusting it for a year or two will not cost too many points, and it is not an exaggeration to call it free.

However, Edelweiss didn't adjust for one or two years, she adjusted frantically for more than eight years.

Lively stuck his age in the final period of the 19-year-old girl.

The more years of adjustment, the more exchange points will be spent. This operation directly deducted more than 6000 points from her.

If it were Yuntian, they would definitely not use the exchange points in this kind of place, but Edelweiss did not hesitate to take the lead in choosing age adjustment.

It can only be said that the concerns of men and women are indeed different.

However, Yuntian has no objection to this. With Edelweiss' strength, earning a few thousand exchange points is just a trivial matter.

And the 1 points were originally created by her, so she can use them however she wants.

In Yuntian's eyes, exchange points are actually the same as money, although the things that can be bought are very different, but if you don't have them, you can earn more.

With the strength of him and Edelweiss, it is not necessary to worry about thousands of exchange points.

This trip to the trading area was not just a day of shopping, but a full three days.

The main reason is to get rid of the skill book of 'mind operation'.

However, the result was as Yun Tian expected, and he couldn't deal with it in the end.

It's not that no one wants to buy it. On the contrary, when Yuntian and Edelweiss took this skill book to the trading area, they attracted a large number of agents almost instantly.

However, no one can come up with a price that satisfies Yuntian.

He doesn't plan to exchange points, only barter.

If you want to exchange points, then Yuntian can just throw it to Senior Yas. I believe that the relationship between the two will definitely not treat Yuntian badly.

But the exchange points are useless to Yuntian.

He and Edelweiss, one with more than 1 points and the other with more than 5000 points, add up to over [-] points.

Of course, this point is not enough to buy good things, but it is more than enough for daily expenses.

Needing more points is also for buying things, so it's better to exchange them directly.

Release the news and wait for someone to change it, but it also saves the two of them the effort to find it by themselves.

So, after asking Yasi's team again, and knowing that the other party didn't have anything suitable for him and Edelweiss, Yuntian squatted in the trading area for three days.

A-level skills are really too rare. Generally, agents of this level will use them directly after they are issued. After all, skill flow is the most mainstream choice in the main god's space.

Raising the level with pure martial arts proficiency is too much talent, and few people can have this kind of capital.

Therefore, no one can come up with equivalent things to exchange.

Let alone A-level, B-level is not common. This kind of high-level skills or props that are basically digested internally rarely enter the market.

Especially for the existence of agents who need to fight, who doesn't try to convert the resources in their hands into strength as much as possible.


"How about renting a shop and hosting the skill books here?"

Edelweiss looked at Yun Tian and made a suggestion to him.

But Yun Tian shook his head, and then said:

"Escrow can only be set to designate similar items or exchange points. According to our situation, we need to judge whether the transaction item is useful or not. Escrow is not feasible."

"Either I will save it until the next task comes back, or I will leave it to you to learn. Anyway, there are still 11 days of rest period, which is enough for you to master this skill initially."

Yun Tian looked at Edelweiss, handed over the skill book, and signaled that the final choice was up to her.

Skill learning cannot be forced, just like Yuntian does not intend to learn it, and Yuntian will not force it if Edelweiss does not intend to learn it.

As long as the skill book is saved, it will be saved. Although it is a pity that the resources at hand cannot be converted in time, things will not be lost.


"According to the situation in the past few days, I'm afraid it will take a long time to replace this skill book with something that suits my heart."

Edelweiss took the skill book and asked Yun Tian after thinking for a while:

"How do other agents deal with this kind of thing?"

"Most of the agents who travel alone will use it by themselves. After all, there are many agents of the skill level. For this type of people, the number of skills is really overwhelming." Yun Tian sighed and explained to Edelweiss.

"It is convenient to have a representative of a team or organization, directly digest it internally, and transfer it to those who need it."

"In this way, it can be directly converted into team combat power, and then recorded through methods such as points or contributions. When there are other things that you can use in the future, you can give priority to it."

"There are not many agents who are proficient in martial arts like you and me, and there are even fewer teams with such a high degree of overlap in fighting methods."

"It's an inevitable disadvantage."

After listening to the explanation, Edelweiss couldn't think of any good solution.

After looking at the skill book in his hand, he went through the effects in his mind, and made a decision after feeling that he had no resistance.

"Then let me learn."

Chapter 511 Free exploration, re-entering the battle city!

Eleven days passed quickly.

During these eleven days, Yuntian lived a completely different life in the space of the Lord God.

In the past, as long as he returned to the main god space, he would spend almost all of his time in the training ground except for the necessary information purchases and item transactions.

And now, there is one more Edelweiss.

Under her supervision, Yuntian's extreme training mode was changed to a relatively reasonable combination of work and rest.

Originally, Yuntian would not agree, after all, he has always come here like this.

For the agent, as long as the spirit can persist, the body will not collapse first with the help of the main god's space recovery facility.

Without a strong enough argument, it would be impossible for Yuntian to reduce his exercise time.

However, with Edelweiss' intelligence, he would not run into Yuntian's misfortune without being sure.

So, she found two reasons that were enough to convince Yun Tian.

One is the role of training.

Agents will not encounter bottlenecks in strength before A-level. This is the preferential treatment given to all agents by the Lord God Space, and it is also an important factor for Yuntian to grow through extreme training.

But now, Yuntian, whose strength has reached B+, will face the first bottleneck of the A-level agent.

Constantly getting stronger through exercise no longer worked for him.

More importantly, for swordsmen like Yuntian and Edelweiss, the effect of daily exercise has long been close to zero.

This point has already been reflected in the world of fallen knights. Otherwise, why did Yuntian go to Ning Yin for gravity training, and then tried every means to let Edelweiss use the ability of the contract to stimulate death.

Isn't it because ordinary exercise is useless?

Maintaining daily training is actually more of a habit for Yuntian, and it doesn't help to become stronger.

Rather than saying it is a way of growth, it is better to say it is Yuntian's wonderful way of entertainment.

It's all just killing time anyway, so what's the point of changing it in another way?

And the second reason is what the middle-aged mage Roberts, the deputy head of the Yas team, said.

To be honest, neither Yuntian nor Edelweiss has a particularly deep understanding of the so-called suffering of eternal life.

After all, they have never experienced it themselves.

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