But this does not prevent the two of them from thinking and understanding the meaning. Yuntian and Edelweiss are not fools, and neither of them wants to wait until something really happens to solve it.

Therefore, both of them more or less intend to slowly change their thinking towards the longevity species in their own way.

If there is no opportunity for this process, it will probably be long, but it is enough for Edelweiss to use it as a reason to persuade Yuntian.

Therefore, under these two reasons, Yuntian finally accepted the suggestion of appropriately reducing the amount of training.

With Edelweiss' expression of "planning through", he accompanied her to spend the comfortable eleven-day rest time in the main god's space.


With the flickering white light, Yun Tian and Edelweiss came to this small blank room.

According to the previous normal situation, a prompt panel should pop up at this time to show Yuntian the next mission world.

However, before that, Yun Tian took the lead and said:

"Authorized person Yuntian, apply for an exploration mission."


It is detected that the agent has special authority, and the application is approved.

Please select the mode of the exploration mission.

"Mode: Return, choose to explore the mission world: Asterisk in the Learning Battle City."

Without hesitation, Yun Tian, ​​who had been prepared for a long time, directly gave his choice.

Exploration missions, this is a new type of mission mode that is different from mainline missions and upgrade missions.

This was one of the ways Yuntian asked alone to return to the previous world after chatting with Yass about identity activation.

In the space of the main god, besides waiting for the main task to spawn the world experienced before, there are more than one way to return to the world of the task experienced.

However, most of these come at a price.

Either it is a huge exchange point, or it is a rare prop. In short, there are many ways, but not many suitable ones.

Exploration missions are just one of them, and they are also the most suitable method for Yuntian.

The application is not guaranteed to be passed. The Lord God Space has its own judgment mechanism, and it will judge whether the agent can pass the application by itself. The judgment standard is still unclear.

And even if the application is approved, a considerable amount of exchange points must be paid according to the difference in the world and the level of the agent.

Therefore, very few people choose this method.

However, Yuntian has no worries in this regard.

As a person with authority, as long as he has additional authority, he will definitely pass the application, and he does not need to pay exchange points.

It's completely white prostitution, which gives Yuntian another choice when doing tasks.

Of course, one more choice is not necessarily a good thing.

Because the completion of the exploration mission is not that simple, the resolution of the mission world must be advanced to more than 75% before the mission can be submitted.

The most important thing is that there may be more than one task, and the difficulty is not fixed, and there may even be tasks that are higher than the agent's strength evaluation.

Pure free exploration mode with no security guarantees.

World: School Battle City Asterisk

Mission mode: free exploration

Task Difficulty: D-Class - A-Class

It is detected that the agent has the identity of the world, whether to consume exchange points to interfere with the departure time.



Loading completed!

"Mission begins!"


"This is...a different world?"

After the teleportation ended, Edelweiss immediately looked around.

She was originally full of curiosity, but after observing for a few seconds, she was a little disappointed and asked Yun Tian:

"How do you feel, it's not much different from my world?"

Listening to Edelweiss' tone, Yun Tian certainly knew what she was thinking.

Sighing helplessly, he explained:

"This world has developed similarly to your world. It is basically a modern society. It is impossible to see anything from the streets."

While speaking, Yun Tian took out the school badge of Jielong Seventh Academy, which had been idle for a long time, from his portable pocket.

Under Edelweiss' curious gaze, he pinned it to his chest.

"I will explain this world to you slowly later, follow me now, and I will take you to meet my master."

"This time, it's your turn to meet your parents."

Yun Tian's words immediately made Edelweiss forget his curiosity, and his whole body became tense instantly, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Yunyun Yuntian, what kind of person is your master, master, how can you talk, will...would you not like me?"

Yun Tian looked at Edelweiss a little funny, he didn't expect the other party to be so nervous.

With a weird smile on his face, Yun Tian said:

"I don't want to talk about whether it's good or not, but I think the master should welcome you very much... Well, it's quite 'enthusiastic'."

Chapter 512 The Different Huangchen Palace

The place where Yuntian and Edelweiss descended was not far from the Seventh Academy of Jielong. After a little thought, Yuntian remembered that this was the place he chose to return to.

Time has not passed too long. After synchronizing the time through the school badge network, Yun Tian found that a total of about five days had passed since he left.

Less than a week, much shorter than he expected.

At that time, when Yun Tian and Fan Xinglu asked for leave, the excuse they used was to go home and have a look, and this length of time was considered appropriate.


Passing through two streets all the way, Yun Tian took Edweiss to the Seventh Academy of Jielong soon.

"Huh? Yun, hello Senior Brother Yun!"

"Brother Yun, hello! Did you just come back?"

"Hey, look! Brother Yun is back!"

"Hello, Senior Brother Yun, huh? Senior Brother, the person next to you is..."

"Idiot! Can you get involved with Senior Brother Yun's affairs!"

Yuntian consciously avoided pedestrians on the street just now, so it wasn't very obvious, but it changed immediately after entering the academy.

Wherever Yun Tian passed, all the students, without exception, stopped their steps and saluted him respectfully.

This extremely high reputation surprised even Edelweiss.

And following Yun Tian's side, Edelweiss could also see that this academy obviously doesn't just allow anyone to enter.

As a stranger, Edelweiss attracted quite a bit of attention, but because she came in with Yun Tian, ​​she didn't receive any interrogation.

Among the six schools in Xuezhan City, not every school allows people to enter casually.

Among them, the most lenient ones are Star Guidance Hall Academy and Lewolf Black Academy.

These two academies are almost equivalent to being completely open to the outside world without review, and outsiders can visit them at will.

Of course, only a part of the outside area, the core facilities and some important places will definitely not be open to the public.

On the other hand, Jielong Seventh Academy and St. Galedoise Academy are relatively stricter. Outsiders need to register and record their reasons and identities before they are allowed to enter the school.

Edelweiss is now a black household, and it stands to reason that he cannot enter Jielong, and may even be arrested by the police.

However, it's different with Yuntian here.

The fourth disciple of Wan You Tian Luo is the first in the sequence of the current world dragon, and he is also a strong man who has just won the championship of the Wanglong Star Martial Arts Festival.

The people brought in by Yuntian, let alone students and staff, even the teachers have no right to intervene.

Apart from Fan Xinglu and the three senior brothers and sisters, there are only a very small number of special cases who are qualified for Yun Tian to explain.

Except for the four schools mentioned above, Kui Enweier Women's College does not allow anyone to enter at all, and registration is useless.

Unless someone from the inside comes out to pick it up in person, and there must be a suitable reason, no matter who it is, it will be blocked from the school gate.

After all, it is a girls' school famous all over the world for its stars, so it is normal to have strict precautions.

Especially now that the world's number one singer, Sylvia Lunaheim, is gaining popularity, Kui Enweier's defense against the outside world has reached an extreme.

As for the last Alcante Research Institute, the situation is quite special.

You can enter the school as you like, and no one stops you at all... It's not so much that no one stops you, it's better to say that you don't see anyone at all.

All the students are almost huddled in their respective research rooms, and there are not many people on campus.


Huang Chendian, the place where Yuntian lived for nearly three years, now gave Edelweiss a great shock.

It's not that the building is magnificent, the Huangchen Palace's appearance is indeed extraordinary, but for Edelweiss who stands on top of the world, what kind of magnificent building has she never seen?

What really shocked her was the majestic momentum and the long-lasting breath that spanned thousands of years.

Not only Edelweiss, but even Yuntian was shocked.

In the past, because of his lack of realm, he didn't realize the extraordinaryness of this building at all.

But now, far surpassing himself in the past, Yun Tian suddenly realized after returning here that he might have underestimated the master who taught him martial arts.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand if you think about it, there is a difference in strength like heaven and earth, how can you see the real strength of the opponent clearly?

For a long time, Fan Xinglu never showed his real strength in front of Yuntian.

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