Occasionally, the interest comes, and the crushing horror displayed, I am afraid it is just a "slightly concentrated mind".

To be honest, when Yun Tian came back this time, it would be impossible for you to say that he didn't have the slightest swell.

After all, it has been so long, he has fought countless battles, and his strength has grown tremendously.

Some thoughts kept in my mind to challenge Master again.

What's more, there is Edelweiss, the pinnacle of this world, by his side.

Also the strongest in the world, Yun Tian originally thought that even if Edelweiss was weaker than Fan Xinglu, he would not be too weak.

After all, it should be at the same level, right?

However, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar Huang Chendian in front of him, Yun Tian completely dismissed this idea.

Edelweiss is indeed strong and talented, but compared to Fan Xinglu, the gap is obvious at a glance.

That's not a gap that talent can bridge.

A thousand-year-old fairy, what is a thousand-year-old?

When there is no qualitative difference in the power system, how can the time of a thousand years be surpassed casually?

What's more, who can guarantee that Fan Xinglu's qualifications will be worse than Edelweiss?

Fan Xinglu's terrifying strength is likely to far exceed the perception of her by ordinary people in this world.

This can be seen from the Huangchen Hall in front of him, which gives Yuntian a completely different feeling.

The realm is different, and what you see will naturally be different.

Without really reaching this level, no one can imagine what the scenery is like.

In fact, if you think about it in another place, you will understand.

If Edelweiss hadn't entered the space of the main god and allowed her to live immortality for thousands of years with her aptitude, what kind of terrifying state would she have grown into?

This is the reference of Fan Xinglu's true strength.

Even if there is really no qualitative change, the amount accumulated over a thousand years is still at a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

"Yuntian...what is your master..."

Edelweiss looked at Huang Chendian, at this moment, she really had a real feeling of coming to another world.

Facing Edelweiss' subconscious question, Yun Tian sighed silently.

"To be honest, this is probably the first time I have clearly realized how powerful Master is."

Just when the two of them were shocked, the gate of Huang Chendian was opened.

"Junior Brother Yun, welcome back."

"Master asked me to take you and this guest in to meet her."

A soft voice came into his ears, and a petite man with handsome features and long orange-yellow shawl hair came out.

That appearance like a beautiful girl told Yun Tian his identity.

It was Fan Xinglu's third personal disciple, Yun Tian's third senior brother, 'Tian Ke Wu Burial' Zhao Hufeng.

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a man.

Chapter 513 Confused Edelweiss

"Brother Zhao, long time no see."

The figure coming out of the door of Huangchen Hall woke Yuntian from the shock, looking at Zhao Hufeng's delicate and pretty face, Yuntian felt a little bit of time gap.

It has been a full ten years since the two met last time, which is really too long.

However, his emotion made Zhao Hufeng very puzzled.

"It's only been less than a week, so there's no need to be so exaggerated, it's been a while..."

"Huh? Junior Brother Yun, you seem to be different?"

Halfway through the speech, Zhao Hufeng looked Yun Tian carefully up and down as if he had discovered something.

"Feeling... calmer?"

As one of the core disciples who resident in Huang Chendian, Zhao Hufeng and Yun Tian had been together day and night for about three years.

It can't be said that he knows the basics, but Zhao Hufeng knows his junior brother very well.

Cultivation maniac and battle maniac are easy to talk to, but their vicious personality is exactly the same as Fan Xinglu's, and it is not an exaggeration to call him lawless.

That unscrupulous appearance can be said to be the most true inheritance of Fan Xinglu among the four core disciples, and Fan Xinglu's favorite disciple is also Yuntian like this.

Zhao Hufeng was often worried about the behavior of these two people, but he also received help from Yuntian many times.

Whether it was openly supporting Mu Pai in the academy, or intentionally matching him and Cecily, Zhao Hufeng kept these things in mind.

Therefore, even though it was a headache for Yun Tian, ​​Zhao Hufeng was still more grateful and fond of him.

However, after only five days, his feeling about this junior has completely changed.

It was as if he had matured all of a sudden, as if he had gained more than ten years of life experience out of thin air.

Combining with Yuntian's expression lamenting the passing of time just now, Zhao Hufeng subconsciously pressed the school badge, and confirmed the date on the pop-up interface.

Looking at the suspicious Zhao Hufeng, Yuntian thought for a while and knew that he was wondering if he was being punished again.

After all, Yun Tian and Fan Xinglu, who were once young and frivolous, often caused trouble for the de facto chief executive of Jielong.

Reminiscing about the stupid things I did when I was young is sometimes very interesting, but that is not the most important thing now.

"Brother Zhao, you should take us in first."

"Don't keep Master waiting too long, or we'll be in bad luck together."

The Huangchen Palace doesn't look that big from the outside, but the interior space is boundless, vast and complex.

Having lived here for three years, Yun Tian dare not say that he has completely figured out the location of all the rooms.

What's more, except for a few rooms with fixed functions, where Fan Xinglu will appear is purely based on her mood.

Therefore, without Zhao Hufeng leading the way, Yun Tian would probably spend a lot of time on the road.

Yun Tian's words made Zhao Hufeng pause, and the cold sweat dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oops...you're right, let's go in quickly."

However, it was too late.

Huge star power gathered around Zhao Hufeng, Yuntian and Edelweiss, and the Wanyingsu scattered in the air became active in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding scenery suddenly became distorted, and the next moment, Yuntian and Edelweiss had already appeared in a strange wooden room.

Knowing what happened, Yun Tian scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and after confirming that he didn't see Zhao Hufeng's figure, he silently mourned for this senior brother in his heart.

At this time, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came over.

"Really, everyone is so ink-stained, and I have to let the old man do it himself."

A loli with hair knotted into butterfly wings jumped out from behind a pillar not far away, and looked up and down Yuntian with strange eyes.

But Yuntian sighed helplessly, and then solemnly performed a disciple salute to the visitor before he said:

"Master, if you do this for a while, you will be nagged by Senior Brother Zhao again."

"Hmph, I don't care about him, but your current state is a bit strange. In just five days, you have changed a lot."


Yun Tian and Fan Xinglu entered into a chatting state almost immediately.

Of course, it wasn't that the two ignored Edelweiss at the side, but that they noticed Edelweiss' state and gave her a buffer time.

Edelweiss was completely stunned at this time.

Wasn't that a girl just now?

Why did Yuntian call her Senior Brother? ?

The previous method of movement, space transfer?magic?

Was that huge energy fluctuation actually used by the loli in front of her?

She looks like she did it casually, without any consumption... Wait, Luo, Luoli? ?

Yuntian's master is actually a little lolita? ? ?

For Edelweiss, he has never stopped being surprised since seeing Huang Chendian.

But other things are easy to say, what really made her fall into a sluggish state was the fact that Yun Tian's master turned out to be a little lolita.

For a long time, Edelweiss had a considerable degree of admiration for Fan Xinglu, who was able to cultivate such a little monster as Yuntian.

In her opinion, Yuntian's master must be a master of martial arts, and his swordsmanship is obviously at its peak.

This can be seen from Yuntian's swordsmanship foundation, the swordsmanship concept that has been precipitated like a long time is definitely not the inheritance of ordinary people!

It is likely to be an old man with a sense of immortality, a senior who has studied the way of swordsmanship for decades or even hundreds of years.

However, what did she see?

A fairy-tale old...loli? !

who I am?where am I?Where am I going? ? ?

For a while, Edelweiss fell into deep thinking, she really couldn't accept the fact that Yun Tian's master was a loli for a while.


To be honest, Fan Xinglu was used to this kind of reaction from Edelweiss.

Not to mention Edelweiss from another world, even the local people, knowing Fan Xinglu's current physical age in advance, many people would fall into a sluggish state.

Therefore, she didn't care about Edelweiss, and turned around Yuntian very curiously and excitedly.

It's not because of anything else, it's just the breath of time emanating from Yuntian.

This subtle breath of time comes from the inconsistency between physical age and spiritual age.

Many longevity species in the world, with the increase of age and experience, will have a very faint similar aura while maintaining a young body.

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