But that is only a negligible level. After all, although the longevity species is physically young, it does grow proportionally with age, so this kind of time breath is not strong.

However, because of the complete stagnation of Yuntian's physical growth, this breath or temperament is particularly strong.

Ordinary people can't notice it at all, and even the longevity species rarely notice it.

However, Fan Xinglu is just an exception.

She also has an extremely strong aura of this kind on her body, and she is quite sensitive to the same kind of induction.

That's why Fan Xinglu brought Yun Tian over so impatiently.

Chapter 514 The Reality of This World!

"That... Master?"

"Um umm."

"Uh...what the hell are you?"



Seeing Fan Xinglu circling around him, and smelling something from time to time, Yun Tian was quite embarrassed standing where he was.

After all, he himself can't feel that kind of breath of time, and he may gradually become aware of it after a long time in the future, but now he can only be at a loss.

He couldn't stand his master sniffing around him, so Yun Tian planned to say something to distract his attention.

"Say, let's talk, Master, you didn't use the Star Immortal Technique just now, did you?"

"Oh? Have you been able to tell the difference?"

What Yuntian said made Fan Xinglu's eyes shine, because five days ago, when Yuntian left, he couldn't distinguish the difference.

In less than a week, Yuntian's growth far exceeded her imagination.

The excitement in his eyes became more and more intense, as if intending to reward Yun Tian's growth, Fan Xinglu opened his mouth to explain to him.

"You should know the origin of the star pulse generation and star power."

"Luo Xingyu, that is... well, forget it, anyway, with your current strength, you are qualified enough, and it is rare to have guests visit..."

Speaking of which, Fan Xinglu gave Edelweiss a meaningful look, and then with a wave of her small hand, endless abyss-like star power gushed out from her petite body, instantly covering the entire room.

Yun Tian had never seen this terrifying energy fluctuation.

Even Stella, who was able to burn down the city with flames, was much worse than Fan Xinglu at the moment, and seeing Fan Xinglu's composure, it was obviously not her best effort.

"Let you see the reality of this world a little bit."

As Fan Xinglu's voice fell, darkness eroded everything around her.

That is, the universe!

The three seemed to be standing in space, and in front of them was the blue star Earth.

Holographic projection?Three-dimensional image?

of course not!

With the science and technology of this world, it is indeed possible to do similar things, but after all, it lacks the sense of reality.

But now, what Fan Xinglu did was to restore the real scene in a certain sense.

A high-level illusion that is false and real.

The reappearance of the falling star shower!

Countless meteorites appeared around the earth one after another, really pouring towards the surface like rain.

"That was the case back then, these meteorites suddenly appeared around the earth without warning."

"No one or organization in the world has detected the falling star shower... Isn't that what is taught in the current history books?"

The group of meteorites named Luo Xingyu is really too mysterious. The only thing most people know about it is that it is at least not the same concept as ordinary meteorites.

While Fan Xinglu was explaining, the screen also changed.

The line of sight moved with the meteorite, and soon changed from the universe to overlooking the earth.

And seeing the huge meteorite passing by, the moment it is about to collide with the ground.


"This is?!"

Taking the center of the meteorite group as the starting point, a huge cascading magic circle that is very similar to the magic circle created by witches and magicians in the Star Pulse Generation was unfolded.

Then, as if it had melted, the group of meteorites disappeared within a moment, and there was nothing left.

"Who released that magic circle is still unknown, but its effect is probably to use the huge all-factors contained in the meteorite to form a magic formula to transfer all substances within the range."

Looking at the scene in front of him and listening to Fan Xinglu's explanation, Yun Tian felt the shock in his heart.

At this moment, he realized that his knowledge of this world is really too little.

Trying his best to calm down, Yun Tian asked:

"A meteorite group of this size can be transferred... Where can it be transferred?"

"I don't know the specific old body, but among those of us who know it, it is called 'the other side of the world'."

Looking at Yun Tian's shocked expression, Fan Xinglu seemed to be quite happy, with a very nasty smile on his lips.

"In this way, you should also understand why ordinary meteorites leave traces and cause damage on the ground, but there are no traces after the falling star shower."

In terms of scale, the Falling Star Shower is a catastrophe enough to cause the extinction of mankind. It is impossible for mankind to usher in rapid development like it is now.

"Therefore, the falling star shower is not a natural disaster, but a phenomenon deliberately triggered by the power of someone or something."

"However, no matter who did this kind of thing for what purpose, it has nothing to do with us now."

"The important thing is the topic just now."

"Since the falling star shower is a phenomenon caused by people, it means that it probably happened more than once."

At this point, Yun Tian somewhat understood what Fan Xinglu meant.

"In other words, the future... No, do you mean that similar phenomena have occurred in the past?"

"Not bad." Fan Xinglu nodded approvingly.

"The scale of the falling star rain is unprecedented, even the old man was shocked at the time."

"After all, compared with Luo Xingyu's scale before this, it is pitifully small."

In other words, Wanyingsu and Wanying Mine existed a long time ago. Although the number is very rare, they actually existed.

"So, of course, the Star Pulse generation is the same."

"But in the past, they were called magicians, qi trainers, practitioners, etc."

"Just now, the old man used the previous technique. You can call it a spell, but in the hands of the old man, it should be called a fairy technique."

"That's not a technique like Star Immortal Technique that has been simplified and degraded to allow everyone to use it, but a technique that only a handful of people are qualified to practice."

"The power is naturally different."

"However, until now, I am afraid that there are not many people left who can still use it."

Yun Tian didn't know what to say at this time.

After experiencing the world of dungeons and fallen knights, look back at the world of Xuezhan City.

If Fan Xinglu was excluded, Xuezhan City might be weaker than the other two worlds among the worlds that Yuntian came into contact with.

But now it seems that it's not that this world is weak, but that the former Yuntian has not touched the reality of this world.

On the other side of the world, the existence of Gu Xianshu and Fan Xinglu outside the standard all proved to Yuntian how powerful this world is.

After thinking about it, Yun Tian gradually showed an excited smile on his face.

Before doing this mission, he really just planned to bring Edweiss to meet Fan Xinglu.

For the battle, or the battle other than challenging his own master, he didn't have much expectations.

However, it seems now.

It seems to be something to look forward to.

Chapter 515 Excited Fan Xinglu

Just when Yun Tian had some expectations for the future, a sense of tension rising from the bottom of his heart instantly swept through his whole body.

An extremely terrifying oppressive force enveloped the entire room in an instant.

Just feeling the sight on him, Yun Tian felt his body was pierced and his bones were crushed.

The whole person froze in place, silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Yun Tian carefully turned his head to look.

Sure enough, Fan Xinglu was staring at him intently, the excitement in his eyes seemed to overflow.

"Let's stop here for the explanation."

"You also understand, looking at you now, I can hardly bear it anymore."

"Although stealing food is not the habit of the old body, but such a tempting delicacy is in front of you, let the old body have a taste first."

Fan Xinglu's eyes flickered, as if little stars were flying out.

It's just that it's not the kind of little star that ordinary little lolis are curious and expecting, but a deadly threat posed by fierce light and fighting spirit.

"Well, when I come back this time, the disciple does have plans to challenge the master again."

After the tension passed, Yuntian regained his composure.

At the same time, the sharp sword intent began to spread outward against Fan Xinglu's oppression.

"However, to be honest, facing the master alone, even a grown-up disciple is not half sure."

"So, you don't mind if I get a helper?"

Yun Tian said so, and then looked at Edelweiss beside him with a smile on his face.

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