At this time, Edelweiss had just recovered from a series of shocks. The reappearance of the falling star rain not only shocked Yun Tian, ​​but she also received a lot of shock.

It can be said that at this time, Edelweiss has countless questions to ask.

However, she understood the meaning of her lover immediately.

With a helpless sigh, Edelweiss suppressed all the doubts in her heart, and then, two platinum long swords like wings appeared in her hands.


The sword intent soaring into the sky was like a biting cold wind, making Fan Xinglu feel as if he was on the top of a [-]-meter-high mountain.

"Hmmm, ho ho ho ho, ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"What a boy! What a boy! As expected of my favorite disciple! The special product I brought back from my trip turned out to be such a delicious meal!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

A blush flashed across Fan Xinglu's face, and at the same time, his body trembled slightly.

Then, in the next instant, a ferocious and fanatical smile appeared in the eyes of Yun Tian and Edelweiss.

"Let the old man have a good taste."

"Wait, let's go together!"


The movement of the three of them fighting was not small, and it was impossible to be small.

Therefore, after a while, all the people living in the Huangchen Palace rushed over.

Not many people.

Fan Xinglu's second disciple is currently the fifth in the Jielong sequence, the leader of the water faction 'Thunderbolt Thousand Flowers' Seri Li Wang.

She is a beautiful woman with light brown wavy hair, Yuntian's senior sister, and also has an ambiguous relationship with Zhao Hufeng.

Because she was the closest, she was the first to arrive.

And there were two more people who arrived after her.

One is Arima Qingyang, the first in the original sequence of the Seventh Academy of Jielong's 'Awakening Heaven'.

She was the first in the sequence, and was defeated by Fan Xinglu when she joined Jielong after this reincarnation.

Her strength is quite strong, if she wants, she can easily get a not-so-low rank, and even beating Cecily to become the fifth is not impossible.

But Arima herself didn't have that kind of intention. She even refused to become Fan Xinglu's disciple, and planned to rely on her own training to challenge Fan Xinglu again in the future.

Her will was appreciated by Fan Xinglu, so she was given the right to live in Huang Chendian and the right to challenge Fan Xinglu at any time.

Usually, she often attends various events as Fan Xinglu's agent. She and Zhao Hufeng are the two main pillars of Jielong.

When Fan Xinglu was not in charge, the two of them were actually the president and vice president of the student union. In terms of power alone, even Yun Tian and the big brother Wu Xiaohui, who were deeply loved by Fan Xinglu, could not compare.

And the last person who came was Jielong's fourth in the current sequence, the 'Sorcerer Witch', Umekoji Touka.

Although she also lives in the Huangchen Hall, and she is also Fan Xinglu's disciple in name to outsiders, but in reality she is more like a guest.

Because all the core disciples knew that she had never paid homage to Fan Xinglu.

However, Fan Xinglu called him a disciple, and Mei Xiaolu Dongxiang herself often regarded herself as Fan Xinglu's disciple.

Her strength is also extremely strong. Although she is ranked fourth, she is likely to be stronger than the senior brother Wu Xiaohui who is third in the sequence.

Apart from Fan Xinglu herself, Yun Tian is the only one who can stabilize her in Jielong.

Cecily, Arima, and Meixiaolu Dongxiang, these three were the only ones who were attracted by the movement of the battle, and they were all the people currently in Huangchen Hall

The three of them were first and second, but the difference was not even a few seconds.

However, none of them who rushed to the scene made a sound, they just stared dumbfounded at the astonishing scene in front of them.

Look at that, the battle is like a catastrophe!



With a loud noise, Yun Tian flew upside down!

At this moment, the original antique wooden room has disappeared without a trace, and even the door has been blown away, leaving only a huge hole for the three people outside to see the contents inside.

Yun Tian clutched his stomach that had been kicked severely by Fan Xinglu, while feeling the overwhelming pain in his body, he struggled to stand up from the rubble.

"Hiss—, Master's strikes are still as heavy as ever."

Muttering, Yun Tian didn't care about the three stunned spectators at the door.

After picking up the Star Perishing Sword and the Black Furnace Demon Sword that fell on the ground, he stomped hard on his feet, and the whole person rushed to the battlefield again in an instant.

At this time, the fierce battle between Edelweiss and Fan Xinglu was still going on.


The pure white sword strikes are like flashes, silent but extremely fierce!

Fan Xinglu, who had just blasted into the sky, was seized by Edelweiss, and there was no time to dodge the blow.

In the air, he turned his body violently and then fell from the sky. Fan Xinglu didn't stop, and directly used the right foot that kicked Feiyuntian to strike down at Edelweiss' Sword of Wings.



The collision between the leg and the sword made a booming sound as if a meteorite had fallen!

The violent shock wave spread instantly, and the ground was smashed to pieces under this blow.

With Fan Xinglu and Edelweiss at the center, the ground sank by an unknown number of meters.

The site that could have been called ruins can only be described as a barren flat land now.

Chapter 516 Yuntian and Edelweiss join forces!

The star power is wrapped around the legs, and the magic power is wrapped around the sword. The result of the collision between the two is a big victory for the star power!

After all, Fan Xinglu's total star power is too huge.

No matter how Edelweiss improves the output of magic power, Fan Xinglu can always be a little more than her.

In the collision between different forces, the characteristics of each force will be brought into full play.

The extraordinary defensive power of the star force is too dominant in a head-on collision, and Edelweiss is not the type known for his magic power.

However, just like this, it would not make Edelweiss helpless.


The white sword light suddenly appeared!

The benefits of the two-knife style are fully reflected at this time.

The platinum long sword in his left hand also had a lot of magic power attached, and instantly attacked Fan Xinglu with a sharp sword intent!

Because one foot was supported by Edelweiss, Fan Xinglu was in a half-suspended state, let alone dodging, it was very difficult to even borrow strength in this position.

However, it is just difficult.

She slapped her hands down, and immediately hit the air with great force. Then, with a bang, Fan Xinglu rose into the air again, and avoided Edelweiss' full blow while opening the distance.

However, don't forget, this is not a one-on-one battle!

Almost at the same time Fan Xinglu landed, Yun Tian quietly appeared behind her like a ghost.

Two jet-black sword lights that were completely opposite to Edelweiss' sword lights mercilessly cut towards Fan Xinglu.

Hei Yan's ability to slash and burn everything was pushed to the extreme by Yun Tian.

The star perishing sword, the ability to cut off was used without any reservations.

This sudden surprise attack, as long as Fan Xinglu dared to block it, then Yun Tian would be sure to injure him!

Two Swords of Life!

Heavenly Star Sword·Like the silence of Nirvana!

This is the sword skill that Yun Tian formally learned after he truly understood the Sword of Wings under the guidance of Edelweiss.

Not only is the sound disappearing silently, but even the body shape will lose its color like fading.

This is a surprise attack, an assassination sword!

When the sword edge is approaching, the sudden appearance of sword intent and sword energy will make the enemy aware of the attack.

For ordinary people, there is almost no possibility of reacting, and even if they do react, they cannot dodge at this distance.

And once accepted, the Star Perishing Sword and the Black Furnace Demon Sword will destroy everything that resists, which is a true killing move!

However, Fan Xinglu is obviously not an ordinary person.

The Black Furnace Demon Sword was given to Yuntian by her when she found the Star Guidance Hall, so she naturally knew of its power to slash and burn everything.

As for the Starfall Sword, although I don't know what's special about this magic-like weapon, seeing Yuntian's attack pattern, I found that he used the Starfall Sword for a similar purpose to the Black Furnace Demon Sword. Fan Xinglu Then he realized that the sword could not be picked up.

The incomparably terrifying combat experience and consciousness made her react in an instant.

The body on the ground didn't stop at all, and a short body directly passed through Yuntian's sword attack with a strange footwork and movement, relying on its petite body advantage.

At the same time, he sneered badly:

"Don't forget, who taught you the foundation of swordsmanship."

"No matter how many sword skills you have learned, no matter how strong sword skills you can use, as long as you can't get rid of the foundation of sword skills that Lao Shen once taught you, you will not be able to threaten Lao Shen."

"This point, you should have been reminded when you have exhausted all the sword skills you have learned!"

As he said that, a small hand was imprinted on Yuntian's abdomen, the position coincided with the previous kick.

If it hits, Yun Tian, ​​who was hit by Fan Xinglu twice in a row at the same position, will no longer have the strength to get up, and will completely withdraw from this confrontation.

However, the premise is to hit it!


Like the sound of a balloon bursting, Yun Tian in front of Fan Xinglu was directly blasted by her palm.

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