That's right, it exploded.

The whole person turned into a puff of green smoke, which was blown away by Fan Xinglu.

Then, Yun Tian's laughter sounded from Fan Xinglu's left side.

"Master's teachings, of course the disciples will keep them in mind!"

Kongguan Sword·Six clean cuts!

Yuntian just now was a physical clone!

Looking at the approaching blade, Fan Xinglu smiled.

That smile seemed to be happy for the disciple's growth, and also seemed to disdain Yuntian's current strength.

"Hmph, you dare to get carried away with your petty skills."

As the voice fell, Fan Xinglu's body slowly disappeared in place.

Then, a small hand suddenly protruded from Yun Tian's back, pressed directly on the back of his head, and slammed down hard!


Yun Tian was pushed into the ground face-first!

"Come out with something more interesting next time...?!" Just as Fan Xinglu was about to mock Yun Tian triumphantly, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Beside her, two pure white sword lights blocked her way of retreat, one on the left and the other on the right, and the sharp platinum sword was close at hand!

At the critical moment, Fan Xinglu came to his senses.

But just when she was about to get out and retreat violently, she found that her hand was held down by Yun Tian, ​​tightly restraining her in place.

This momentary delay, in front of Edelweiss, means that the chance to dodge is lost.

This blow can only be carried hard!

However, Fan Xinglu did not worry too much.

She has long noticed that Edelweiss is using a power that she has never seen before. Although it is magical, it cannot counteract the defensive effect to a certain extent like the power of stars.

Therefore, the opponent cannot break through her basic star power barrier.

However, the next moment.

The familiar energy fluctuation made Fan Xinglu's face change.

On top of the incoming white sword light, a layer of blue starlight fragments was quietly covered.

Exactly, Star Power!

Star power (temporary)

Effect: Obtain a certain degree of star power and corresponding manipulation skills.

Note: It is only available in this world. After the task is over, the agent can solidify the temporary skills he has by consuming exchange points.

That's right, as an agent, after coming here, Edelweiss acquired temporary skills just like Yuntian did.

Although the same amount is not very sufficient, it is enough to break Fan Xinglu's defense under carelessness.


The sword light crossed!

This blow was avoided after all.

The moment the blade came close to him, Fan Xinglu's movements suddenly more than doubled.

Obviously, she didn't use all her strength just now.

Of course, the same is true for Yuntian and Edelweiss, after all, neither of them has entered the devil state.

The series of battles just now were more of a competition of physical skills and skills.

However, the final blow carefully prepared by Yuntian and Edelweiss did not completely miss the goal.

At least, on the platinum long sword in Edelweiss' hands, a bright red bloodstain was particularly conspicuous.

Fan Xinglu is injured!

Chapter 517 Fan Xinglu's Power

Looking at the bloodstains on the blade, neither Yuntian nor Edelweiss relaxed in the slightest.

Fan Xinglu's strength was fully reflected in the previous match.

Facing that desperate situation, he only suffered a slight injury in the end, which surprised Edelweiss quite a bit.

From the moment they fought, Edelweiss noticed Fan Xinglu's weakness.

The young body is an unavoidable burden for the opponent. Under the same conditions, as an adult, Edelweiss is much stronger than Fan Xinglu.

Not only that, but Fan Xinglu has obvious weaknesses in the endurance of high-level martial arts, the unity and coordination of the body, and even in terms of speed, body and bone strength.

Therefore, if the two confront each other under the same conditions, then Edelweiss is quite sure of defeating the opponent.

However, the premise must be 'the same conditions'.

Fan Xinglu's star power is too huge, and Edelweiss is not a strong man known for her magic power. Even with the gradual increase in her demon realm, her magic power is not of that extremely huge type.

When seeing Stella once, Edelweiss once felt that his magic power was completely incomparable to her.

Therefore, during the fight, Fan Xinglu can completely compensate for her physical weakness by relying on excessive energy output.

After the weakness is made up, what the two compete for is skill.

This is also the point that shocked Edelweiss the most.

The opponent's level of skill is unimaginably advanced, and he doesn't look like a nine-year-old loli.

Fan Xinglu's experience and skills in battle almost made Edelweiss think he was fighting a thousand-year-old monster.

Regardless of the fact that she neither used the power of the devil nor entered the super awakening, Fan Xinglu didn't use all her strength.

He has kept his star power at a level higher than that of Edelweiss, and has done nothing but make up for his weakness.

Once Fan Xinglu really used his star power with all his strength, Edweiss reckoned that he would only be able to compete with her after entering the super awakened state.

After all, unlike Stella, Fan Xinglu can control this terrifyingly huge energy as she likes with her hands and feet.

This is too unbelievable, a monster of this level is actually a nine-year-old little loli?

The pressure felt by Fan Xinglu was even stronger than the three major demons he had faced before.

However, through the battle just now, Edelweiss was also convinced.

If she really plays all her cards, she is confident of defeating Fan Xinglu.

Because the opponent's weakness is too obvious, no matter how to make up for it, the weakness still exists after all.

Once entering the super awakening and gaining a lot of bonuses, Edelweiss has the confidence to compete with the opponent in close combat, and even be able to win because of his physical weakness.

Worst of all, it was just that the opponent's amazing combat experience made her unable to win and brought the battle to a stalemate.

But as long as the fighting time is prolonged, it will be the young Fan Xinglu who exhausts his physical strength first.

Therefore, if this is Fan Xinglu's full effort, then Edelweiss' chances of winning are quite high.

However, compared to Edelweiss, Yun Tian knows his master better.

It is also clearer to Fan Xinglu today, how much power this young girl's body has limited her.

If Fan Xinglu's strength in martial arts in his heyday was ten, then the strength that this body can display now is only about three to four at most.

About one-third, not even half.

(This is what the original book said, and it is precisely because of so many melee losses that Shilu Witch was able to fight Fan Xinglu back and forth. Otherwise, Fan Xinglu in his heyday would have no weakness in melee and long-distance combat.)

(It’s not that I’m bragging about Fan Xinglu, it’s just that if we simply consider short-lived species like humans, the growth and accumulation of thousands of years is really terrible. This setting itself is outrageous.)

(Ophelia's cheating in the back of the original book is even more excessive. The failure and the learning battle are really better than the unreasonable cheating.)

If Fan Xinglu's strength is all in martial arts, just like Yuntian and Edelweiss are all in swordsmanship, then Yuntian and Edelweiss, who can suppress her together, can be regarded as victory now.

Even Edelweiss alone has a high chance of winning.

In any case, it suppressed a world's top powerhouse, and it would be quite terrifying if Edelweiss shot with all his strength.

However, physical skills are only part of Fan Xinglu's strength after all.

Because of the side effect of the reincarnation technique causing the young body, it will not affect the performance of the star power and star fairy technique.

In terms of technique, Fan Xinglu today can be said to be far superior to the heyday of that year.

And in the battle just now, my master has never used any spells.

More importantly, Fan Xinglu can make fairy tools.

The meditation sword scabbard that Yuntian is hanging around his waist now was made by Fan Xinglu himself and rewarded to him at that time.

Doesn't she have any favorite weapons or equipment herself?

Obviously, this is impossible.

'Universal Tianluo', the title says it all.

Therefore, Fan Xinglu, who only used physical skills to fight, was simply playing.

Looking at the bright red on Edelweiss' blade, Yun Tian sighed silently.

Because he knew that next time, it might not be that simple.


There is no one in Jielong who can hurt Fan Xinglu, the 'Wan You Tian Luo', not even the former Yun Tian.

Therefore, this is a fact recognized by dragons all over the world.

But now, Fan Xinglu was injured.

Although the injury was not serious, it was not the kind of minor injury that scratched the skin, but a sword wound that really bled!

On the other hand, Edelweiss didn't have any injuries.

This astonishing result stunned the three people watching the battle. In fact, everyone including Yun Tian didn't know how strong Fan Xinglu was.

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