It's okay if you don't know, once you know, the god named 'Loki' will definitely not sit back and watch the development of the situation.

She had this kind of personality when she was in the heaven, no matter what, as long as she knew about it, she would definitely take part in it.

Whether the result is good or bad, Loki will definitely participate in it, and the joy or sorrow or anger in the process is the spiritual food of this mischievous god.

Dionysus saw through this, so he threw the matter out to let Loki know.

Moreover, this matter has already affected the members of the Loki family, and it is impossible for her to let it go.

"You guy, did you plan to get me involved from the beginning?"

"How come, it's just a coincidence."

The smile on Dionysus's face is annoying, but what's even more annoying is that he hasn't lied by chance.

This means that Loki really crashed in by himself.

The topic ended here, and Dionysus looked at Loki who ignored him, and stood up from his seat contentedly as if he had completed a job.

"Of course I will continue to investigate. If you are willing to help, please consider it."

After speaking, he turned around and left with Mayfair Weiss.

After Dionysus left, Loki sat on the chair for a long time, as if he had forgotten the time.

Until Burt finally couldn't help but called her.

"Hey, what's next?"

Called by Bert, Loki returned to his usual form as if he had made a decision.

"The guild, Uranus, and...private soldiers?"

"Let's go, let's go to the guild."


"The murderer is a woman who can silently kill Lv4 adventurers!"

"However, if you make good use of women's special weapons, you may be able to ignore the difference in level!"

Standing on the temporary platform in the central square of the town, Borus shouted to the adventurers gathered below:


"All women must have a physical examination!"

"Get off—!"


As soon as Borus finished speaking, all the male adventurers on the scene immediately welcomed warm cheers.

Of course, to the contrary, there are also the boos and protests of all the female adventurers.

Seeing Borus with a smirk on his face and the cheering male adventurers below, Riveria couldn't help but sighed, closed one eye and said as if having a headache:

"Don't be stupid, we will check the women, and you have to check the men too."

Refiya on the side also nodded in agreement, and then greeted the female adventurers below.

"Then, please come here...huh?"

Before Refia could finish her words, countless female adventurers rushed up to the stage and directly surrounded Finn.

"Finn, please."

"Come and check me! Check carefully."

"I came first, I first!"

The head of the Loki family, Finn the Brave, has unparalleled popularity among female adventurers in Orario because of his cute face, powerful strength and charisma.

Of course, there are some people who can't understand this scene.

"That group of shameless guys!!!"

"Hey, calm down, Tione?!"

"Get out of the way! The leader is being targeted by perverts!"

Ignoring her sister's obstruction, Tione rushed directly to scuffle with many female adventurers.

"Finn got pushed!"

"Okay! Take it away!"

"I'm taking him home!"

"Stop for my old lady! Go to hell with me!!!"

Seeing his team leader who was taken away by the crowd, Yun Tian helplessly spread his hands, and said with emotion to Riveria and others beside him:

"Finn is as popular as ever."

The answer to his emotion was the subtle gaze of Riveria and Refia.

Because, not far from them, Edelweiss stood on a high platform, awe-inspiring countless female adventurers who wanted to rush to Yuntian's side.

Of course, the female adventurers are also unyielding and under the terrifying pressure, they are advancing step by step towards the stage.

Yuntian naturally noticed the eyes of Riveria and the others, and his expression became a little unnatural.

But following the warning of his survival instinct, he still didn't look back, subconsciously blocked certain cognitions, pulled Borus past him, and said with a dry smile:

"Let's go, let's check the male adventurer side, this is a business, we can't delay."

Chapter 904 Chase

Yuntian and Borus are in charge of checking the male side.

Riveria, Tiona, Refia, and Ais were supposed to be responsible for testing women, but because Finn took away a group, and another group was in a stalemate with Edelweiss, so it was Not so many people.

Yuntian and Borus lost Finn, but the female side couldn't go to help. In the end, Ai Si, who had nothing to do, began to stroll around bored.

Refia, who had been following Aisi all the time, looked at Riveria and Tiona who were not busy, and then followed.

The two simply strolled around the central square for a while, and suddenly, Ai Si's vision caught a person.

A dog-human girl with a small medium-sized bag, with a panicked look on her healthy wheat-colored face.

"Miss Ace, she..."

Following Ais' line of sight, Refia also noticed the dog-human girl.

She was trembling, looking for a gap in panic, trying to find an opportunity to slip out of the square from the chaos caused by Finn and Yuntian.

And when Aisi and Refia found her, she had succeeded and was running outside.

"Chasing!" Aisi quickly made a judgment.

"Okay!" Refiya also nodded and followed.


As time passed, the crystal light above the zenith on the 18th floor also began to dim, gradually changing from day to night.

"Ha... ho... ha..."

The dog-human girl was running with all her strength, panting out of breath, her speed was very fast, and she was not affected by the intricate terrain at all.

But there was no sense of peace in her heart, because she had already noticed that a swordsman with shining blond hair and a mage with long orange hair were catching up.

Because of the existence of the pursuer, she did not dare to stop at all, and could only keep running forward.

Going northwest from the central square, crossing the corner of the street, and climbing up the slopes and steps in one breath, the dog-man girl kicked over the wall with her excellent body of the orcs, intending to run away from Rivera.

By the way, she took time out of the air to look behind her, looking for the figures of the pursuers.

But behind her was only the elf mage who was about to be thrown away by her, and before she knew it, the other person had disappeared.

She looked surprised, but the dog-man girl had no time to think, and ran forward again the moment she landed.

'In short, let's get rid of them completely first. '

Just as she was thinking this, after turning into the path and running for a while, the blond swordsman, Ais, appeared in front of her.


Ais calmly looked at the panicked dog girl in front of her, and walked towards her slowly.

Lefiya was given the task of chasing from behind, and Ais went around to block the opponent at an astonishing speed.

And after this delay, Refiya also managed to catch up behind her.

Ai Si's position was chosen very well, there were cliffs on the left and right, and the dog-man girl who was blocked at the front and back had no way to escape, and she sat on the ground slumped as if she had been drained of strength.

"Ha, ha... Finally caught up, as expected of Miss Ais."

The pursuit all the way exhausted Refia, and she was not good at anything except magic, and she was able to follow until now thanks to the blessing of Lv3.

Nodding to Refia, Ais looked down at the dog-man girl who was slumped on the ground.

Under the short black hair is a pair of animal earlobes, healthy wheat-colored skin, and slender hands and feet that are not fragile.

After looking at the style of shoes on her feet and the thin combat clothing, and confirming that the opponent is not equipped with armor, Aisi has a judgment in her heart.

'A speed type, unlike a swordsman, Bert's type, or an adventurer of the detection and assassination type, probably Lv3 based on speed. '

"Take it back to Yuntian and Finn first."

"Good, good!"

After confirming that she could handle it, Ais gave Refia some instructions, and then planned to escort her back to the central square.

However, the moment they heard that they planned to take her back, the dog girl who seemed to give up struggling suddenly said to them in a panic:

"Please! Don't, don't take me back! If I go back, this time it will definitely... this time it will definitely be my turn!"

Seeing the dog-man girl flustered as if she was about to cry, Ais and Refia looked at each other in blank dismay.


Walking into the gate of the guild headquarters, Loki waved casually to the staff who knew her well, and then walked through the wide hall smoothly and naturally, and came to the non-staff forbidden area behind.

Stepping briskly past the guild staff, Loki even greeted them as before.

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