Perhaps it was because they were too upright that the staff couldn't react at all. After responding to the greeting, they watched Loki walk past him.

If I remember correctly, it's probably here... Oh, there it is.

According to memory, Loki soon saw a red velvet carpet bound with gold silk, she quickened her pace and walked over to find the road leading to the underground.

"Please, please wait a moment! God Loki!"

"Uh... still chasing after me."

Just when Loki was about to go down, there was a panting voice and several footsteps behind him.

Looking back, I saw a middle-aged elf male leading a group of guild staff chasing after him.

The headed middle-aged elf wore a more advanced uniform than ordinary staff, but the serious and upright suit only gave off a funny impression.

The fat on his stomach propped up his clothes, and he kept wiping the sweat from running with the back of his fat hands.

He is not short in height, but his overly wide body still makes him look much shorter than ordinary people.

Compared with the beautiful, handsome and slender elves in the general impression, the existence of this elf seems to be used to subvert people's fantasy.

"Hey, Royman, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Loki still greeted each other as usual, but this trick didn't work this time.

"God, Loki, the road leading to the sacred altar of the great god Uranus is ahead, please, please return!"

The highest authority of the Adventurer's Guild, Royman Madir ignored Loki's greeting out of breath, and anxiously spoke words to stop him.

As a family of immortal elves, Royman has been working in the guild for more than a century, and has been at the apex of the guild for more than ten years.

Over 150 years old, he holds the final decision on the direction of the entire Olalie business, which allows him to spend every day like water.

At the same time, as if he had forgotten his identity as an elf, his identity continued to gain weight.

Chapter 905 Loki and Uranus

It can be said that Royman Madil is hated by all the elves in Orario.

The leader of the guild brazenly forgot the pride and reserve of the race, and indulged in money and power in his depravity, so he got a recognized and contemptuous name 'the pig of the guild'.

Even Riveria called him 'a disgrace to the family'.

However, contrary to the elves, the gods still think Royman is quite cute.

After all, even the paranoid, intelligent elves can be corrupted by wealth and power, and the presence of Royman amuses the gods.

Stupid and cute, Loki felt very happy every time he saw Royman.

"God Loki, this place is forbidden to enter, the guild is an absolutely neutral area, even the gods are not allowed to go in casually."

"Don't be so rigid, I just have a little matter to ask Uranus." Loki ignored his repeated emphasis, still with a casual attitude.


If it is suspected that the guild is behind the scenes, then the current guild leader must be one of the first targets of suspicion.

But to be honest, no one could be sure that Royman would do anything to threaten O'Leary.

After all, the reason why he was able to spend every day unrestrainedly was because Olalie and the Adventurer's Guild gave him everything.

Being able to sit in this position, although Royman is greedy for enjoyment, his ability is unquestionable, and because he is greedy for this enjoyment, he maintains the city more strongly than anyone else.

Just as Loki and Royman were in a stalemate, at the end of the passage, a majestic voice came from deep underground.

"It's okay, Royman, let her in."

"Great God Uranus!"

The moment he heard the deep voice, Royman fell silent.

Afterwards, he silently lowered his head, and left the place with his men.

And Loki watched their leaving backs, then turned back and walked deep into the passage.

Pass through the passage, walk down the stairs, and in front of your sight is a stone building space that makes people feel a long time ago.

Here, is the altar.

Loki looked forward, slowly opened his squinted eyes, and revealed a slightly insolent smile.

"Yo, long time no see, Uranus."

Huge stone slabs covered the entire ground, like a quaint temple hidden underground. It was not magic stone lamps that illuminated the surroundings, but four torches flickering flames.

And in the center surrounded by a quadrangular torch, a huge stone seat stands above the altar

On the throne, a pillar of old gods looked down on Loki.

"What's up, Loki."

A solemn voice shook the air.

The cloak covered the burly body of more than 2 meters, and Uranus sat on the throne like a statue, with both hands on the armrest of the throne.

That majestic appearance is no different from the sky ruler that people imagined before seeing the gods.

However, facing the God King, Loki's attitude has not changed at all, and his casual tone is still the same.

"It's nothing important, just meeting you for a while... Well, a little bit."

After walking a few steps forward, Loki looked at Uranus, grinned, and said:

"The festival seems to be quite miserable, is it okay~"

"I have handed over the operation of the city to Royman and the others. This is not my concern."

After the foundation of Orario was laid, Uranus has always been adhering to the attitude of "king's land but not ruling", and it has never changed.

As he said, the management of the entire city is in the charge of Royman and others, while he himself stays behind closed doors in this altar all day long.

Even in order to prevent unnecessary disputes, Uranus did not bestow the 'God's Grace' on the staff of the guild, completely implementing the position that the adventurer's guild is only a manager.

They don't claim to be the Uranus family, and they have completely given up force. Unless the god himself has private soldiers, the guild is really powerless.

This is also the reason why Royman does not want other people to get in touch with Uranus.

Although they are called the Adventurer's Guild, and they are not empowered by the grace of God, they are actually the family of Uranus.

Once Uranus changes his mind, he may completely change the guild system at any time.

Royman, who didn't want to lose his current status, certainly didn't want God to be instigated by others.

"Royman and the others are really unlucky. With such an old man who doesn't care about anything, he has to ask us for help in an accident."

Loki stared at Uranus closely, and continued:

"Speaking of which, our family has put in a lot of effort, including dealing with that strange monster. By the way, where did that thing come from?"

"What do you want to say?"

Uranus still sat on the throne unchanged.

His lofty status in Orario is not without reason, except for the research and development of the original God's Grace, and the construction of Orario, which is known as the creation of God's achievements.

The most important point is that Uranus will not leave this altar.

The reason why Uranus is here is because he 'prayed' to the dungeon through the altar, and suppressed the dungeon with his powerful god-king power and divine power.

The monsters in the dungeon will not invade the ground in large numbers like in ancient times. Many monsters stop at their respective floors because Uranus is here.

At least, that's what Royman and other guild staff believe in what the outside world says.

Of course, any god knows how it could be 'prayer'.

Let the gods pray?

Only mortals who don't understand anything would think so.

"This year's Monster Festival is really lively, but I'm a little concerned about who makes it so lively."


Facing Loki's words, Uranus remained silent.

So, Loki curled his lips, and finally asked bluntly:

"Is it the guild that is operating behind the scenes?"

"Not this one."

After being silent for a while, Uranus slowly answered Loki.

The cyan pupils were facing the red pupils, and Uranus did not avoid Loki's observation.

"what about this."

Loki thought about Uranus' words in his heart, while staring into his eyes.

The majestic expression under the hood remained unchanged, and Loki peeked into the depths of those blue pupils.

Then, he murmured, "Really."

"Sorry to bother you, goodbye~"

Turning around without any hesitation, Loki turned his back on Uranus and walked towards the exit.

At least from his mouth, Loki determined that Uranus should not be the mastermind. Although the deliberate words obviously concealed some hidden meaning, at least Uranus did not lie.


'There's a guy who's been watching me since just now, could it be the private soldier that Dionysus said? '

’ Or is there something unexpected about the guild that Uranus doesn’t know about? '

Loki felt the sight that was not from Uranus behind him, and a smile of interest appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 906 Orb

It's getting late.

Ais and Refia, who did not return to the central square, brought the dog girl to the northwest wall of the town.

"Your name?" Aisi asked softly, looking at the dog-man girl.

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