"Lulune...Lulune Louis."

"Can you tell me the rank and family you belong to?"

"The third-level adventurer, Lv2, belongs to the 'Hermes Familia'."

The dog girl, Lulune answered Ais's question with her head down.

It seemed that he had regained his composure, but there was always a hint of gloom on his face.

"Why run away?" Refia also looked at Lulune.

"...because I thought I was going to be killed."

Listening to Refia's question and seeing Lulune's reaction, Aisi instantly put her eyes on the small bag tightly held in the girl's arms.

"The adventurer who was killed, the target of the entrustment is with you, right?"

Aisi's affirmative tone made Lulune reflexively hug Xiaobao even tighter, but then she paused stiffly, and nodded resignedly.

"Why are you here? Difficult, could it be stolen?!" Refiya looked at Lulune nervously.

"No! I... I have received a commission."

Hearing the word entrustment, both Aisi and Refia thought of the entrustment letter found in the deceased's luggage.

"The content of the entrustment is very simple, just bring the specified item back to the ground in Rivera, and then hand it over to the client."

"The process was also very smooth. In the designated tavern, although I didn't know who the other party was, I heard about the characteristics of the equipment beforehand."

"After seeing the adventurer in full body armor and answering the code correctly, I took the things over."

"I originally thought about taking a day off and heading back to the ground immediately. Who knew that when I woke up in the morning, I heard that an adventurer with full-body armor had been killed. Of course I realized that it was because of this commission."

"Then I was so scared that I didn't dare to go out. I planned to wait until night and sneak out in the dark, but you came here."

After sharing the tasks and hiring people from different families to transfer hands, after listening to Lulune's words, Aisi immediately had an idea of ​​the commission.

An important entrustment, but it cannot be exposed, and the client cannot do it himself, or has no way to do it, and has no choice but to make a decision.

But I have to say that it is very difficult to continue to track it after changing hands in Rivera, where many adventurers flow.

If it wasn't for the unexpected murder, if it wasn't for Yuntian and the others just arriving, Lulune might have returned to the ground with her things by this time.

Of course, it is also possible to be killed by a sniper on the way back.

"Client, who is it?"

"I don't know...it's true! I was walking on the street that night, and a strange guy suddenly appeared."

For fear that Aisi would not believe her, Lulune tried her best to recall the scene at that time.

"The whole body is wrapped in a black cloak, and I can't even tell whether it's a man or a woman. I also felt suspicious at the time, but the reward given by the other party... is, that, the advance payment is too generous, so I couldn't bear it." live…"

Listening to the other party's reason for accepting the commission, Refiya couldn't help but sighed speechlessly, but then she turned to think about it and asked suspiciously:

"But, Miss Lulune is Lv2, right? Why would you accept this commission alone? It should be dangerous for you to go back and forth to Rivera Street alone, right?"

The 18th floor of Rivera is the middle node that distinguishes the upper and lower sections of the middle area of ​​the dungeon.

According to the Adventurer's Guild's suggestion for a three-person team, to get here, the team members should be at least Lv2 with three or more people, and the ability value benchmark should be between GD and GD.

Normally, this is already an ability value that can be upgraded to Lv3.

This is still a three-person team. If it is a very important commission to go back and forth alone, how could it be possible for a Lv2 third-level adventurer to complete it?

Facing Refia's question, Lulune suddenly became flustered again, and began to falter in her speech, trying to cover it up.

But under Aisi's calm gaze, she finally confessed honestly:

"That's, it's God... Lord Hermes asked me to hide the upgrade... So, yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to deceive you, I'm actually already Lv3."

Looking at Lulune who was huddled together, looking like she was accused of doing something wrong, not only Refia, but even Ais was a little speechless.

However, at least one thing is explained.

That is, the client clearly knows Lulune's level, and even knows that her ability value tends to be good at speed.

You know, some people in the Hermes family concealed the upgrade, but even the information network of the Loki family did not receive any news.

"So that's it, I understand everything."

Just when the conversation between the three girls came to an end and they fell into a brief moment of silence, a voice came from not far away, which startled Refia and Lulune.


Ai Si immediately trotted over in the direction of the sound, and stood beside the person who came.

Yun Tian nodded to Ai Si, then walked up to Lu Lune who was staring at him vigilantly, stretched out a hand and said:

"Leave the things to me."


Looking at the dazed dog-human girl, Yun Tian said again:

"You just have to give it to me."

In fact, Yuntian had already followed, but the cross-examination of Aisi and Refia seemed to be progressing well, so he hid aside and listened silently, and did not come out to disturb them.

After understanding everything, Yun Tian naturally walked out.

"Aren't you worried about being killed, and you do have the idea of ​​giving up the commission, right?"

"You, a Lv4, who can silently kill a senior Lv3 are not something you, a Lv[-], can deal with. Leave it to me, and I will take over the rest."

Lulune, who was not aware of who Yuntian was and had been on high alert, opened her eyes wide after hearing his words.

Then, without thinking for too long, she handed over the small bag in her arms.

Obviously, between money and her own safety, Lulune still chose her precious life.

The moment she handed over the item to Yun Tian, ​​she breathed a sigh of relief. This feeling of peace of mind from the huge pressure and the shadow of death was really comfortable.

On the other side, Aisi and Refia came over and expressed curiosity about the items in Yuntian's hands.

Theoretically, this kind of entrustment generally does not allow adventurers to peek at the contents of the delivery, but Yuntian didn't take the things out of the small bag directly for the entrustment, and threw the small bag back to Lulune casually.

It was a sphere tightly wrapped by three inner and outer layers of cloth strips.

Chapter 907 Sudden Attack!

In the darkness, a pair of pupils stared at the target firmly.

On a mountain peak in the distance, she looked down and finally found her goal.

To the northwest of the town, humans, elves, and orcs are talking.

Holding his breath, restraining his breath, the figure that merged with the night observed the people below.

Weak orcs and elves are not worth mentioning.

There are some strange male humans who seem to have a little strength.

Afterwards, her gaze rested on the human female swordsman.

sense of threat.

She is strong.

But it can be handled.

Squinting her eyes, she made a judgment call.

With the saber hanging on his waist, there is no extra movement between action and standing, which is a trouble, and should not be dealt with immediately.

She made a judgment in her heart, and then, watching the male human being's movements, she confirmed the appearance of the orb.

Then, he turned around and glanced at the center of the town where adventurers gathered, and reached out and took out a grass flute from his pocket.

Need to buy some time.

and so.

"Come out."

The strange sound of the flute was played by her, like a signal, echoing in the night sky.

After finishing all this, she jumped and fell from the mountain peak.

However, at the last moment, it seemed to be a warning from somewhere, which made her subconsciously take another look at that strange human male.

It seems that there is still not much sense of danger?

However, instinct seemed to warn her that the other party was not weak.

It's just that the goal is the top priority!

Without thinking about it, she had already jumped off the mountain.


"what is this?!"

Looking at the green orb exposed by Yuntian after untying the cloth strip, Aisi and Refiya were shocked.

Inside the orb, encased in some kind of liquid, and an uncomfortable fetus.

Drop props?

Or some new kind of monster?

Or... monster hatchlings? !

In an instant, countless thoughts arose in Refiya's mind, but before she could ask any questions, Ais, who was also staring at the orb, had an abnormality.

'This feeling…? ! '

A strange resonance surged into her heart instantly, as if an unknown force connected her to the orb in Yuntian's hand.

At the same time, the fetus in the orb seemed to feel something, and suddenly opened its eyes to look at Aisi!

The moment they looked at each other, Ai Si only felt her heart beating rapidly, and the blood in her body seemed to be boiling.

She knew how it felt, she remembered how it felt.

Such a cry of the heart, such a restlessness of the blood!

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