"You're welcome... you are?!"

Edelweiss didn't say much, but just replied to Alize plainly.

But when she held Alize and touched a certain part of her body with her hands, Edelweiss was startled by the emptiness.

Edelweiss originally planned to put his arms around Alize's waist and let her lean on his body, so that he could fix her conveniently, so that he could free up one hand to swing the sword.

However, when her hand touched Alize's right abdomen, the movement to hug her suddenly stopped.

She couldn't touch her body... To be precise, she touched a big hole.

Edelweiss understood Alize's body situation hidden under the clothes almost instantly.

Completely incapable of penetrating damage, a big hole was left on her body.

Alize is Lv5, the first-level adventurer has strong self-healing ability and recovery ability, which is the boon brought by class sublimation.

Moreover, her clothes were not damaged, and there was no blood seeping out.

'It can only be an old injury, the residual injury after the fatal injury she received before Lv4 was barely healed. '

After understanding this fact, Edelweiss was speechless.

She just changed her posture silently, and hugged Alize with both hands, as carefully as if she were handling a fragile porcelain.

As if aware of the change in Edelweiss' attitude, Alize showed her a cheerful smile and said:

"it does not matter."

Seeing that smile that was no different from just now, seeing that pure and sincere smile without impurities, Edelweiss' heart trembled violently.

She was actually fighting with this kind of body that could be called useless.

Unlike ordinary injuries, damage and complete loss are two concepts.

For adventurers, there is still the possibility of recovery even if the body organs are seriously injured on a large scale. As long as there is any residue, they can be recuperated and recovered under the action of magic and elixir.

But once the organ is completely lost, unless it is an adventurer above the first level, it cannot be recovered at all.

Basically, the adventurer's career can be declared over.

The hole that Edelweiss touched was obviously a trace left over from the initial injury that could not be treated effectively in time.

Dragging this kind of body, even if it's just daily life, you have to bear great pain, let alone such a high-intensity battle.

How could she laugh in such a desperate situation?

Looking at Alize, Edelweiss felt for the first time that a smile turned out to be such an admirable thing.

As if seeing through what Edelweiss was thinking, Alize said softly:

"It's not just me, Kaguya has suffered injuries that seriously affect her life just like Laila."

"In the beginning, they all had a sad expression, and even Kaguya gave up on himself a little bit."

"That's why I'm going to laugh, for them, for them, and with their share."

"If I don't even smile anymore, how can they smile again."

Having said that, Alize paused for a moment, and her eyes passed through the crowd to the figure at the front.

"And, I believe, hope will come."

Chapter 1050 Can we return to Orario?

"Alize?! Kaguya?! Laila?!"

"Wow! Wait, wait a minute, Leon, it hurts!"

"Stop it! You stupid elf!"

"Oh, it's really... the touching goodbye you promised?"

After Yuntian and the others successfully broke through and returned to their previous positions, Liu, who had reunited with Alize and the others, couldn't help hugging them.

Then came Kaguya's stop and Laila who sighed beside her.

"Are they members of the same family as Lyu?"

Edelweiss leaned closer to Yun Tian, ​​looked at the four people making a mess, and asked in a low voice.

"Family of Astria, this is what I told you." Yun Tian pointed to his forehead as he said.

"The goddess who blessed you, speaking of it, since the family is here, is that God Astria also there?"

Edelweiss was still somewhat curious about the goddess of justice who blessed Yuntian.

"Should be together, I'll ask."

Yun Tian waited for a while, giving Liu and Alize some time to be touched by the reunion.

However, they have just gotten rid of the scorpion swarm. This is really not a good place to talk, so the time can't be too long.

Hearing Edelweiss' inquiry, Yun Tian planned to interrupt their reunion conversation.

"Okay, we're not out of trouble yet, Alize, did you appear here because you accepted the commission to investigate the ruins?"

"That's right, a camp we share with the Hermes family."

It was not Alize who answered Yuntian, but Laila.

This little human with pink short hair has always been in charge of external communication and communication within the Astria family.

It's the same now, she completely understood what Yun Tian wanted to express, and said directly:

"Let me lead the way, let Leon and the others chat again, after all, we haven't seen each other for so many years."

"Then please."

"Tsk, why are you using words so foreign? You didn't have this kind of personality before... Forget it, after so many years, people always change."

The group packed up a bit and set off soon.

Led by Laila, they headed towards the camp.

"People always change..." Yun Tian was deeply moved when he heard Leila's words.

Compared with the beginning, he can be said to have changed a lot now.

"What about you? Have you changed too?" Yun Tian couldn't help asking Laila.

"Ghost knows... Shouldn't you be the one to judge this thing?"

Lila curled her lips and led the way while talking to Yun Tian. Her skill was so strong that she couldn't tell that she was a blind person.

"However, if you say it has changed, it probably has changed."

Suddenly, Laila sighed, and said to Yun Tian with both emotion and complaint:

"Take care of the two head and deputy head who can't take care of themselves day and night, plus a goddess. To be honest, I feel that I am more than 30 years old."

"Do you know how hard it is for a blind person? Really, I have been looking forward to the end of this day every day these years."

"That, Yuntian..."

Suddenly, in mid-sentence, Laila stopped.

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but it was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say it for a long time.

After a while, Leila changed the subject and asked Yun Tian without warning:

"Yes, yes, is the brave man of our family doing well?"

"Not long ago, I heard that you broke the records of Zeus and Hera's family, and successfully opened up unreached areas?"

"Although we often hear news from you, we are outside of Olalie after all, and many of them are just hearsay."

"Does Finn miss me? I can't write a love letter to him in this state. Will he be lonely?"

"Occasionally, did you mention me? No, he didn't think of me at all when I was gone, right?"


In the middle of speaking, Laila paused again.

Her expression was the same as before, she wanted to ask something, but she was worried and scared.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and spoke.

She was still leading the way, and her body showed no signs of turning around. She wondered if she was worried that she might be heard by Alize and the others behind the team, so Leila's voice became very quiet.

It's so small that Yuntian has to struggle to hear it.

"Can we return to Olalie? You said it, you promised it, I...we...can you..."

This time it was a chance encounter.

Laila knew it well, and I'm afraid Alize and Kaguya knew it too.

That's why they didn't mention it to anyone, and they didn't ask anyone.

But Laila couldn't bear it anymore, she was not as strong as Alize, nor as patient as Kaguya.

She is worried, she is afraid, she is afraid.

So, she asked.

Even though she knew that this was just a chance meeting, and knew very well in her heart that she would not get the answer she wanted, she still couldn't help asking.

Fear and apprehension were intertwined, which distorted the originally smooth actions. While waiting for Yuntian's answer, Laila almost tripped over the branches and stones under her feet several times.

But she didn't care, because all her attention was always on the answer she was about to get.

Then, Leila heard Yuntian's reply.

"Don't worry, there is a way."


The moment Yun Tian opened his mouth, Laila fell unsteadily to the ground, lying in the dust, unable to get up for a long time.

Seeing her fall, Aliza, Kaguya and Lyu immediately ran over and surrounded Laila with concern.

"Lila? Lila? Are you all right?"

"It's been a long time since you fell. Why did you brag before that you can listen to your voice and argue your position? What's going on now? Are you bragging?"

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