"How are you, Laila? Is it because of an injury? Or is it that your eyes are uncomfortable...Why are you laughing?"

The three of them ran over, and although they had different attitudes, they all expressed concern for Laila.

However, after lifting Laila up from the ground, they found that Laila was smiling.

"Laila, are you...?"

"Finally crazy?"

Alize and Kaguya noticed a little bit, but they couldn't be sure.

Lyu, on the other hand, looked at the laughing Laila with a blank expression, a little at a loss.

"Hahahaha, it's nothing, I'm fine, I'm just a little happy, let's go, let's go back to the camp first."

After speaking, Laila stood up by herself and ran to the front to lead the way.


After advancing for a while, under the guidance of Laila, Yuntian and others arrived at the camp shared by the Hermes family and the Astoria family.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the camp, I saw Hermes' leader Yasifei running out, and asked anxiously:

"What's going on, why have you been here for so long, what happened to you... Lord Hermes???"

Chapter 1051 The Tired Asfi

"Master Hermes! You idiot!!!"

The moment she saw Hermes, Asfi lost her temper.

"If God's grace hadn't disappeared, I would have thought you were dead!!!"

"Whose fault do you think I sent a team to explore everywhere! You even ran back to Orari without even notifying me, you are really...really!!!"

Hearing Yasifei's exasperated shout, Yuntian understood the whole story.

He glanced at Alize, who gave him a helpless look back.

Apparently, Hermes left suddenly at that time, probably only remembered to inform Asfi after returning to Orari.

Willful gods, no, it should be said that most gods are willful.

After venting her grievances, Yasifei finally saw the others.

She first greeted Artemis respectfully, then nodded to Lyu and Edelweiss, and finally set her sights on Yuntian.

"'Sword Master' Yuntian, I am really relieved that the agreed reinforcements are you."

What Yasifei said was sincere.

As the current commander of the exploration team in the camp, Yasifei was under quite serious pressure.

No matter how resounding the title of 'Almighty' is, she is only a Lv4 second-level adventurer at best.

The only high-end combat power that can be used is the 'remnant soldiers' of the Astria family.

If it hadn't been for Hermes' disappearance and the news that reinforcements had been found, Yasifei would have given up the request to retreat in the face of the scorpion group.

"Yun Tian, ​​can I leave the next action to your command?"

Hearing Ya Sifei's words, Yun Tian always felt that she was a little impatient, afraid that she was exhausted during this period of time.

"I see, then I will take over the entire commission and the operation of the camp."

Yun Tian nodded, then pointed to the people behind him, and said to Ya Sifei:

"Arrange to rest first, we came all the way here, Alize and the others also need treatment."

"Okay, I'll send someone to arrange the tent."


The Hermes Familia's camp was not placed in the Black Forest, but in an ordinary forest outside the Black Forest.

"Although there is nothing abnormal in this area, it will be eroded sooner or later."

Everyone else has been arranged, rest should be rested, treatment should be treated, reminiscing about the old days.

The only ones who came to the main tent with Yasifei were Yuntian, Hermes and Artemis.

"In other words, won't you be attacked by scorpions in ordinary forests?"

"No, they will be attacked as well."

Ya Sifei denied Yun Tian's statement, and then made a supplement.

"After this period of exploration, we have roughly figured out the movement of the scorpion group."

"The closer you get to the ruins, the stronger the scorpion monster will be. A lot of Lv4 monsters have begun to appear around the ruins."

"They erode the forest and devour all kinds of life to grow, but the stronger the individual is, the less willing he is to leave the ruins. I'm afraid it has something to do with Andaris among them."

"It sounds a bit like the army protecting the king of the tribe." Yun Tian nodded after listening to Ya Sifei's explanation.

"It is indeed somewhat similar, that's why we set up camp here, and use this as the center to try to attack the ruins."

The further outside, the weaker the group of scorpions to face.

After choosing the attack to withstand and the distance from the ruins, the location of the camp that Yasifei chose was very good.

Yun Tian had already paid attention to it when he came, and it would be impossible for him to do better.

"So, regarding your commission this time, how is your exploration of the ruins and understanding of the surrounding situation going?"

"The understanding of the surrounding situation has been completed. To be honest, it is not optimistic." Ya Sifei's expression was a little serious.

"The erosion of the forest has been expanding. If you are two days late, the black forest will border the camp."

"We have been cleaning up the monsters for a while, but the speed of cleaning up is far behind the speed of their proliferation. Not only have they not decreased, but they have continued to increase."

"There are no towns in the surrounding area, but there are quite a few villages. Unfortunately, all of them have been destroyed."

"Most of the villagers were killed, and the rest were rescued because we arrived in time, and now they have all been transferred to the nearest small town."

"Let's say that the battlefield has been freed up. With the strength of you and Miss Edelweiss, you shouldn't have to worry that the aftermath of the battle will affect the civilians."

Ya Sifei, a Lv4 who often travels with Hermes in the outside world, has a deep understanding of how terrifying the destructive power of Olali's powerhouse can erupt in the outside world.

Without the environmental suppression of the dungeon, he left Orari, a city made of special materials.

On ordinary land, a Lv4 of her non-main combat type can easily cause large-scale damage, let alone a powerhouse like Yuntian.

Therefore, the preliminary preparations are quite complete, at least Yun Tian will not be tied up during the battle.

However, compared to this matter, the progress of another matter was not so smooth.

"As for the ruins, thanks to the help of Alize and the others, we have identified a few correct paths leading to the ruins, and the structures around the ruins have also been explored clearly."

"It's just that the interior of the ruins is blocked by a door, so we can't investigate."

"Door?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows and asked:

"What about brute force?"

"I've tried it." Yasifei shook her head.

"Whether it's my magic tools or the attacks of the Astria Familia, they are useless. Because of the existence of that door, we have never been able to enter the ruins, and we have no way to approach Andaris."

"In other words, the interior of the ruins is completely unknown?"


"I see." Yun Tian nodded.

Then he turned to Hermes next to him and asked:

"Do you have a way to open the gate of the ruins?"

"...Why did you ask me the first time?"

"What do you say?"

Seeing the half-smile expression on Yun Tian's face, Hermes raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Well, I do know the method. Artemis originally sealed Andaris in the ruins, so the power of Artemis is needed to open the gate."

"Master Hermes!?"

After hearing what Hermes said, it was not Yuntian but Yasifei who reacted first.

"I have never heard of such a thing!!!"

"Uh... this, this, maybe I forgot?" Hermes dealt with Ya Sifei with sweat profusely.

Yun Tian didn't intend to rescue this heartless god, anyway, he asked what he wanted to ask, and he knew what he should know.

So Yun Tian cautiously exited the main tent, not disturbing Yasifei's interest in beating Hermes violently.

Chapter 1052 Healing the Astoria Family


Leaving the main tent, Yun Tian saw Edelweiss waiting for him at the door.

"Aren't you going to take a break?"

"However, I have also upgraded to Lv3. With my current physique, this little bit of fatigue can already be ignored."

Edelweiss first explained seriously, and then smiled helplessly, and said:

"Besides, Liu is chatting with those members of the Astria family, so it's somewhat inappropriate for me to stay there."

Edelweiss is not a good communicator, she is not familiar with the three of them, even with Lyu present, she still feels quite embarrassed.

He simply found an excuse and ran out to find Yuntian.

"What should we do next? Do you want to rest, I'll take you to the tent?" Edweiss asked Yun Tian's plan.

Apparently, Lyu, who was the only acquaintance in this camp, didn't plan to wander around anymore, and Edelweiss decided to stick to Yuntian's side honestly.

"God Astria is here too, I want to visit her." Yun Tian thought for a while, and then answered Edelweiss.

Looking at the whole of Olalie, Yuntian has the most basic respect for all the gods, of course, such funny comparisons as Hermes and Loki are exceptions.

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