B+ level props

It is prepared by mixing the blood of a powerful swordsman with materials, and the potion contains and activates the remaining powerful sword intent of this swordsman.

Effect: Restores the user's body and energy state. After taking it, it will greatly activate and increase martial arts will and generate mental burden.

Note: Those who have reached the realm of "Yi" in non-martial arts should use it with caution.

Spirit Potion 'Blood of Energy', Seven Vials

It is prepared with blood and materials containing high-intensity energy.

B-level props

Effect: Restores the user's status substantially and comprehensively, and lasts for a period of time.

With these three potions, or precisely one of them, Yuntian has other possibilities.

The spiritual potion 'Energy Blood', that's right, it's not the first two more advanced potions, but the last B-level energy blood that has the effect of reshaping limbs.

The levels of the first two potions are boosted by additional effects, so they are not as good as energy blood in terms of pure healing.

Of course, if the blood of energy is enough to completely restore the severed limb, then Yun Tian doesn't need to hesitate, just use three bottles of potion and it's over.

But the problem is, in Alize's situation, I'm afraid that only one bottle of energy blood is not enough.

After all, the energy blood is not a potion with an additional body reshaping effect. Its main effect is to restore all aspects including energy and spirit. The reshaping of broken limbs is just a by-product of the excellent healing effect.

Fortunately, Laila said that one bottle is enough, but Alize and Kaguya probably need two bottles each.

The price comparison between 5 bottles of energy blood and the healing baptism... To be honest, Yuntian was quite hesitant.

In terms of value alone, the healing and baptism must be higher, but not too much higher. Five bottles of potions are definitely more flexible in use than one scroll.

Yun Tian was pondering, and at the same time, while the girls were fighting, he whispered his thoughts to Edelweiss, wanting to ask her opinion.

Hearing Yun Tian's question, Edelweiss was also silent.

The two pondered for a long time, and finally decided to use the potion.

However, a suggestion made by Edelweiss was adopted after Yuntian thought about it.

That is to combine panacea with Yuntian's hydrotherapy as an auxiliary treatment, try to see if you can save some energy blood potions.

Even if it's not a bottle, saving half a bottle is profitable for this level of props.

Having made the best decision, Yun Tian stopped hesitating and interrupted the girls' play by clapping his hands.

Seeing his eyes focus on himself, Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, glanced at Edelweiss beside him, and said:

"Then, Alize, take off your clothes first."

Edwards:! ! ! !

Alize:? ! ? !

other people:? ? ? ?

In an instant, the air fell into silence.

Then in the next second, Alize was the first to react.

"Wait! Why me? No, why did you take off your clothes??" Alize, who had a generous and cheerful personality, couldn't help but feel feverish at this moment.

Behind her voice was Kaguya, who had the same flustered tone but tried to remain calm.

"Master Juggernaut, isn't he going to let us go? It's too obvious that he wants to do it all in one go. Will I have to take off my concubine body later?"

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Lyu and Laila also wanted to say something, Edelweiss' vision gradually became sharper, Yun Tian hurriedly explained:

"You misunderstood! Kaguya, you and Laila are not needed."

"Laila's eyes were injured, so I'll just tie up my hair and take off the blindfold later. Kaguya, you can just change into a sleeveless top."

"The main thing is to expose the wound, so Alize's side... you know."

Unlike Kaguya and Laila, Alize's wounds accounted for almost one-third of the upper body. In order to remove the clothes that interfered with the hydrotherapy, basically no clothes can be left on the upper body.

Saying that, Yun Tian glanced at Edelweiss again.

The meaning in the eyes is self-evident.

'You came up with this idea! '

"..." Edelweiss fell into silence.

After a while, she said, "Blindfold me!"

"Uh, how can the treatment..."


"As ordered!"

Chapter 1054 Goodbye, Lady Justice? Astoria

The hydrotherapy techniques that Yuntian learned from pharmacist Wuzi actually achieved a lot, because the two did not simply teach, but discussed with each other.

Yuntian exchanged the water control skills in Shiyu Cangyanliu and Xingxianshu, and what he got was pharmacist Wuzi's unreserved teaching.

Even if time was limited at that time, Yuntian, who had a basic knowledge of water control, had learned a lot. He was worse than Wuzi in terms of medicine.

First he treated Laila's eyes, and then Kaguya's broken arm. With the help of hydrotherapy and panacea, he did save a lot of precious medicine called energy blood.

When it came to Alize's side at the end, with Edelweiss watching closely the whole time, Yun Tian wore a blindfold to complete the hydrotherapy assistance, and he didn't see a trace of spring.

It is said that water control itself is a skill where perception is greater than vision, and the influence of wearing or not wearing blindfolds is limited, and there is no possibility of mistakes.

The pharmacist Wuzi who taught Yuntian this technique can even replace the senses such as vision and touch with water flow, which is even clearer than what he can see and touch.

As for whether Yuntian has this ability... Anyway, he didn't tell anyone, even Wuzi thought he was not good.

All in all, everyone is satisfied with the result.


The treatment ended soon, because the main function was the potion, and Yun Tian only played an auxiliary role.

In the end, with hydrotherapy and panacea, Yuntian successfully saved a bottle of energy blood, and only consumed four bottles in total, leaving three bottles.

After the treatment, the three of Alize didn't shout excitedly, they just stood a little blankly.

Lila looked around, Kaguya tried to hold her hands tightly, Alize stroked her abdomen, the three of them were speechless for a long time as if they were dreaming.

Yun Tian and Edelweiss exited the tent gently, they didn't say anything, they didn't do anything, and before leaving, they dragged away the elf girl who was going to stay.

Coming outside the tent, Lyu looked at Yuntian and Edelweiss suspiciously, as if asking why they didn't let him stay.

Yun Tian just made a 'shush' gesture to her, pointed to the ear, and then pointed to the tent, motioning her to listen quietly.

Lucy did.

There was no sound at first, but it didn't take long before faint sobs reached her ears from the tent.

"Alize... Kaguya... Laila..." Lyu recognized that it was the cry of the three of them.

The sobbing gradually became louder and became an unstoppable loud cry.

That cry contained the pain, bewilderment and fear that had been suppressed over the years.

Yun Tian took her away just to leave space for Alize and the other three. No matter how strong they are, at this moment they still need to vent the grievances that have been pent up in their hearts all these years.

Naturally, he didn't want this kind of venting to be heard by others, especially the younger generation of the family, Lyu.

Listening to the crying in the tent, Lyu felt a little choked up, and her eyes seemed to become moist.

"Yuntian... thank you, really thank you."

The elf girl turned her head, and with tears in her eyes, she looked at the man to whom their Astria family owed a great favor.

Then, a familiar device came into Lyu's eyes.

She will never forget that criminal device that recorded her shameful confession!

"Record, record...Yuntian! What are you doing...!"

In the middle of speaking, Lyu seemed to be worried that Alize and the others in the tent would find out that she was eavesdropping, so she quickly shut her mouth.

But she still stared at Yun Tian with sharp eyes, as if silently condemning his shameless behavior.

'Hand over that thing! ! ! '

Lyu wanted to shout like that, but she didn't dare because she was afraid of being found inside the tent.

Edelweiss, who was watching, showed a sympathetic look at the girl, walked over and patted her on the shoulder, and whispered in a helpless tone:

"Give up, as long as you don't snatch it back at the first time, he must have made a backup."

"Back-up?!" Lyu looked at Edelweiss dumbfounded.

And Edelweiss just looked at the sky with a sad expression, as if he was recalling his innocent self.

At this time, Yun Tian, ​​who had finished the recording, walked over contentedly, looked at Edelweiss' exaggerated expression, and said helplessly:

"Okay, let's go visit God Astoria, and, Lyu, it's almost time for you to level up."


The tent where Astoria lived was very close to the tent of Alize and the others. After walking for a long time, the three of Yuntian found this place.

Feeling the breath inside the tent, Yun Tian knew that Astoria was inside.

Looking at the troubled Lyu beside him, Yuntian said angrily:

"You can't, that's your God, don't be afraid of it?"


Lyu's expression at this moment was like that of a little girl who had run away from home and was taken by the police uncle to find her parents.

The face is full of worries, fears, whether the parents are angry, whether I will be scolded and so on.

It's not her fault, just look at Alize and the others, the past few years they have lived are not bad but definitely not good either.

If Lyu was here, at least the job of taking care of Aliza and Kaguya who couldn't take care of themselves would not fall on the blind Laila.

With her complete first-level adventurer strength, it is a piece of cake to ensure that Astria's family enjoys a good life in the outside world.

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