But she chose to stay in Olalie at that time. Although Alize also persuaded her in the same way, it was still Lyu who made the decision.

Not only that, but she was almost addicted to revenge. If it wasn't for Yuntian's help, she would definitely turn into a vengeful ghost, beheading all related people indiscriminately.

Not only that, she also received Loki's ability value update.

All of this, in Lyu's view, is a betrayal of the family.

She felt that she had no face to see Astoria again, and she was worried that Astoria would be extremely disappointed in herself.

At this moment, a gentle voice came from the tent.

"Come on in, I've been waiting for you for a long time... And, welcome home, Leon."

"Ah, Lord Astoria...me!"

The words "Welcome home" instantly pierced the girl's heart, and tears flowed down her face uncontrollably.

Looking at the crying elf girl, Yun Tian sighed silently in his heart, then took her hand and led her into the tent.

After entering the tent, seeing the beautiful goddess with a gentle smile on her face, Lyu couldn't help but rushed over and hugged Astoria in tears.

"Master Astoria...I...I...Wow!"

"I know, I know, Leon, it's all over, everything is over, it's okay."

Looking at the scene in front of them, both Yuntian and Edelweiss felt a little emotional, they didn't make a sound, they waited quietly for Lyu's crying to end.

Chapter 1055 In the Name of the God of Justice

Gradually, Lyu's crying sound disappeared.

But she always buried her head in Astoria's arms, unwilling to lift it up.

Looking at the red pointed ears, Yun Tian naturally knew what was going on.

Obviously, the thin-skinned elf girl couldn't accept the fact that she was crying, and chose to escape from reality.

Looking at Edelweiss in a funny way, Yun Tian spread his hands to Astoria, expressing that he had nothing to do.

Seeing this, Astoria just smiled softly, reached out and patted Lyu's back, and said to her:

"Okay, get up, no one will laugh at you."

After a few words of persuasion, Liu got up from Astria's arms with a flushed face, but she still didn't dare to look in the direction of Yuntian and Edelweiss, her eyes kept wandering, as if she was looking for a crack in the ground Like going to get in.

Although it was indeed very interesting, Yun Tian still held back his laughter. After all, if he really laughed out loud at this time, the thin-skinned elf girl would explode in place.


"Elder Weiss sister!!!"

Edwyth, who couldn't help laughing out loud, was immediately pinned to the ground by Lyu rushing over with his fangs and claws.


"Long time no see, God Astria."

Not caring about the fight between them, Yun Tian stepped forward and said hello to the gentle and beautiful goddess.

Astoria brushed her long walnut-colored hair hanging from her ears, and looked at the sky in front of her with those blue eyes as vast and deep as the starry sky.

"Indeed, long time no see."

Astoria smiled, and stretched out her hand to caress Yun Tian's cheek.

"The boy who could blush back then has grown into an outstanding young man now."

Feeling the touch from the side of his face, Yun Tian felt a little complicated in his heart, but he didn't avoid the movement of the goddess.

Speaking of which, the seemingly gentle goddess in front of her had indeed teased him once.

Yuntian and Astoria's slightly intimate movements made Edelweiss and Lyu on the side stop their fights. They looked at Yuntian and then at Astoria, and their hearts tensed at the same time.

'One more! ? '

"My God actually robbed me of a man... Ah no, when did Lord Astria and Yun Tian have such a good relationship? ? '

The changes in their expressions and thoughts in their hearts were seen through by Astoria, who had been paying attention all the time. She smiled gently at the two of them, and then said to Yun Tian:

"You have completely abducted Leon."

In a word, defeated the blushing elf, Yun Tian also rubbed his forehead unnaturally, and shifted his gaze slightly.

Afterwards, Astoria looked at Edelweiss and waved to her.

Seeing the goddess beckoning him to go over, Edelweiss hesitated, but he still walked to Yuntian and stood in front of Astria.

"Nice meeting, hello, Goddess Astoria."

Compared to Edelweiss' normal greeting, Astoria was a little surprised.

She can't compare to Freya's ability to see through people's souls, and she can't even see through the lies of gods like Loki.

But as the goddess of justice, Astoria also has her own unique side.

She can easily see whether a person has good thoughts in his heart and whether he has justice in his heart.

The time in the lower realms even included the long years when she watched the lower realms in the heavens. During her long career as a god, Astoria watched, sheltered, and blessed countless residents of the lower realms.

However, in the eyes of Astoria, who has witnessed justice in the hearts of countless people, Edelweiss is also unique like never before.

It was the first time she had seen such incredible kindness.

Bathed in blood and flowing with murderous aura, the horror contained in it undoubtedly shows the heavy sin she bears.

As the god of justice, Astoria can conclude that the person in front of her will definitely be chosen by destiny to bear the heinous crimes of the era.

But Astoria, who could see into the depths of Edelweiss' heart, was surprised to find that his soul, heart, and pure white color were spotless.

Like the whiteness blooming in the abyss, so beautiful, it is like the verification of the word 'miracle'.

Great goodness, justice, and pure whiteness to the extreme are born in the hearts of those who have committed the most heinous crimes.

Rao is a god, and Rao is the goddess of justice. After seeing Edelweiss, he couldn't help being amazed.

"No wonder Yuntian chose you as a partner."

Astoria's words made Edelweiss a little confused. She didn't know what was going on with this goddess, and why she turned into a surprised and admiring expression after looking at herself carefully.

However, the partner who is called Yuntian's choice still makes Edelweiss very happy, his face is a little red, and his sense of the goddess in front of him has improved a lot.

However, before Edelweiss could say anything, she was stunned by Astoria's next actions.

The goddess took two steps forward and approached Edelweiss.

One hand gently held her hand, and the other hand gently caressed Edward's cheek, and after that, a kiss was printed on Edward's forehead.

"Bless and recognize the miraculous kindness and justice in your heart in the name of the God of Justice, and may you not be entangled by sin in this life."

The sound of blessings in his ears awakened the shocked Edelweiss.

She retreated two steps back with a '咻', and shrank behind Yun Tian.

With half of his head exposed, he looked at Astoria, grabbed Yun Tian's clothes with one hand, and covered his forehead with the other hand following her unbelievable expression.


Edelweiss stared at Astoria with his face flushed, and carefully hid himself behind Yun Tian, ​​as if he was afraid that the other party would suddenly attack him again.

He stammered for a long time, but under the panic, he still couldn't coherently form a normal sentence.

Astoria's movements were very gentle, but at the same time contained kindness and sincerity, and did not trigger Edelweiss' instinctive reaction at all, so she did not intend to get out of the way.

But who knew, this goddess was full of kindness... and kissed her? ? ?

Seeing Edelweiss acting like a frightened little animal, both Yuntian and Astoria couldn't help but laugh.

I quietly took a few photos, planning to show them to Kirin when I return to Xuezhan City.

Then Yun Tian touched Edelweiss's head, and said softly to her with a smile:

"Don't be nervous, God Astria is blessing you. Didn't I tell you about the skill of God's Kiss?"

Yun Tian's head-touching killing effect was outstanding, feeling the warmth from the top of his head, and listening to the explanation in his ear, Edelweiss gradually recovered his composure.

She looked at Yuntian with a smile on her face, and then at Astoria with a gentle smile on her face. After realizing what she was doing now, she blushed and silently let go of her hand, and ran to the side to join Lyu Autistic.

Looking at the shy duo in the corner, Yun Tian scratched his head and glanced at Astoria suspiciously.

Could it be... on purpose?

Chapter 1056 The jihad has begun!

"You have just arrived after a long journey, so you should rest early today, and it will not be too late to reminisce about the old days after everything is over."

After chatting for too long, Astoria interrupted the topic.

After all, they still have quite important things to do when they come here, chatting and the like, as she said, it will not be too late after everything is over.

"After everything is over... Your attitude seems to be a little different from Hermes and Artemis."

A light flashed in Yuntian's eyes, and he keenly caught the difference in Astoria's mentality.

Compared to the heaviness of Hermes and Artemis, Astoria seems extraordinarily relaxed?

"Hehe~ Of course I am different from them. After all, you are the one I like. I believe you can solve this incident perfectly."

Astoria had a gentle smile on her face, and her words came from the heart without any falsehood.

Before Yuntian arrived, even if she knew that there were reinforcements, even if she knew about Orion's Arrow, Astoria's mood was actually similar to that of Hermes and Artemis.

However, after finding out that the reinforcements were Yuntian, and even Orion's candidate was Yuntian, Astoria felt relieved.

As she said, Yun Tian was the one she chose.

"This is really stressful trust." Yun Tian looked at Astoria with some emotion.

I have to say, compared to Hermes' state, Astria's all-round trust gave him a really good feeling.

"It's not just me, I believe that if Loki were here, she would trust you as much."

Astoria twisted a strand of hair with her fingers, not looking at Yuntian.

A few seconds later, she suddenly changed the subject and asked:

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